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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Welding companies wanted
- - By wagnerjury Date 08-06-2008 11:13

my name is Wagner Joachim and i am working for a metal working industry in the east of Austria.
I am searching for companies in the proximity of Salt Lake City, to do some repair works on welding seams. The company I´m looking for should have experience in welding of stainless steel.
I would be greatful if you can give a few names, because it is difficult for me to find such companies in the internet.

Many Thanks for your answers.

Greetings from Austria,
Wagner Joachim
Parent - By heath hanson Date 08-08-2008 03:22
Hanson Welding And Fabrication Inc. 801-465-5060 plenty of experience shop and field trucks. Call or E-mail
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Welding companies wanted

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