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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / careers??
- - By Eric385 Date 08-06-2008 00:49
im new and wish i would have found this site a year ago. im in college right now for a aas in welding and cutting and should be dun next summer. i was wondering what kind of jobs are out there. i im sure 1 or 2 different jobs befor i find the one for me but i dont know what pays good or whats fun to do. can any body shad some light??
Parent - - By brightblue (**) Date 08-06-2008 12:23
Hi Eric,
I'll be starting school soon but I already have spoken with the dean and advisor of applied sciences. The impression I get is that the colleges often hear from local employers about jobs they have coming up that would be good for us newbies ;) Have you spoken to any of your instructors about local jobs? Have you approached any of those companies? Is there a 'job board' in the area of your welding classes? Maybe you could make an appointment with your advisor to talk about it too. Just some ideas.
Parent - - By Eric385 Date 08-06-2008 23:34
i have but i live in MI so there arent many job. all i realy hear about is gas lines. when there are jobs my instructer puts them up but i dont realy have time to work 40 hours a week and school. im looking to move out of state after i get my degree so if something interests me that where im going.
Parent - - By pipe hand (*) Date 08-07-2008 05:07
I went to school in MI witch one are you at?
Parent - By Eric385 Date 08-07-2008 13:16
st. clair community college
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / careers??

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