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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / C W I
- - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 08-07-2008 16:34
ok here goes i figure since i cant get real dirty i might as well find something that keeps me at least around it so my mom found an add for a cwi and called me and spaked an intrest in my head so what do i need to do to become a cwi so i can get off my buyy and do something to bring some money in i'm ready to pull my hair out
Parent - - By Pipeslayer (**) Date 08-07-2008 18:13
What do you know about it? This is only rewarding if you want to do it. Get a code book API 1104 and start reading. Then find someone on the forum for the other books. Study like hell. You don't have to memorize everything but you need to be able to find answers to multiple questions in a timely manner. It can be a very good and stable job.
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 08-07-2008 18:47
i know everybody hates the inspector lol thats about it i never messed with it or had to deal with an inspector well a few times when i was in encinal they had an inspector mag test our welds on the derrick lol that mag test is a joke
Parent - By Pipeslayer (**) Date 08-07-2008 18:55
Mag is just for surface indications,in laymans terms just a hair better than the eye. if you got your stuff together you could test in a few months. It does cost a little but it'll pay you back. inspectors usually make $3-5 more per hour than welders and in some cases more than that. It's also a little less strenious work.
Parent - - By teilf Date 08-08-2008 18:12
A few things to think about as an inspector (CWI or not)
1. A good inspector does get dirty.
2. Not everybody hates the inspector, you have to earn the respect of the peoples work you are inspecting, in other words know your job, and report your findings in a professional manner (with out being a A**)and you will not be hated, you will become a respected, and well used source of knowledge.
3. Don't fool yourself the CWI is a pretty tough exam, remember you are not exspected to memeorize the code book cover to cover, however you must be able to find the answers in the code book in a timely manner.
4. Being a good inspector is just as much a fram of mind as it is a base of knowledge.
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 08-08-2008 23:07
well first off i was just joking sorry if i offended anyone every inspector i delt with was 1 of the good ol boys and made the job fun as for getting dirty it dont bother me but in the condition i'm in right now i cant jump off in a cellar and set and weld out a well head just gotta watch myself for a yr or so and i figured i would try my hand at cwi
Parent - - By Brian T. Beard (**) Date 08-08-2008 04:55 Edited 08-08-2008 05:02
Hey Shad how ya holdin' up? Hope ya'all are doing fine. Under your hood and in your heart!!!! RIDE RYDER RIDE 4-EVER
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 08-08-2008 05:06
we are doing ok getting by 1 day at a time not working is driving me nuts so i figure i wont get as dirty if i go c w i so thats my next project lol gonna jump off n join and get some books and read read read is there a viedo lol or a book on cd lol money is getting low so i gotta do something
Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 08-08-2008 14:56
the welding modules are available on video, but very expensive. Start with the certification manual for welding inspectors ( by AWS ).
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 08-08-2008 23:07
i was only joking i'm getting the books just gotta sell some stuff to get the cash for all of this
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / C W I

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