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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / What's going on here "3.1 Inspector"?
- - By Stephan (***) Date 08-21-2008 18:05
This is in particular dedicated to 3.1 Inspector.


with all due respect.

What do you intend by acting that way within the forum?

Admittedly I had no clue what the reason was for CWI555's decision to leave the forum until I read the B31.3 RT thread and unfortunately I must admit now, that I truly can even understand him!

I am no US-American but I have made some of my best colleagues, even friends here in this forum.

I am proud of being allowed to be a part of them!

And you know what?

I - as a German - venture to say this - here in a US-American forum:

"You are neither a good representative for us Europeans."

And I - even though being rather a layman in NDE - venture to say that.

"You are nor a good representative for your trade."

I have never experienced such a penetrance in both bothering and offending people as from your side.

It's unbelievable, but you really took the cake!

What's going on with you?

On the one hand you are truly asking our US-American fellows how it were to work in the United States of America and on the other hand you are truly boxing - or at least - trying to box their ears.

I can't believe this and... I can't understand this!

Though I don't know who you are nor how old you are, nor from where you come from Sir, but please let me give you these words with you to accompany you for the future:

"You should feel ashamed due to your childish behavior and you should uprightly apologize before leaving the forum with those ones who were ashamed by you!"

And this, pal, has been said to you by an adult non US-citizen taking the right of the free speech to proclaim his very own personal opinion, and by an adult who believes in upright respect and deference against others and twice against those great fellas who can be met here in the forum!

Ahh, yes. Almost forgotten...

Before you would like to start any kind of silly "counter attack" (which you are apparently specialized in), forget it rather quickly. You are not worth in my eyes to exchange any single word with you. Thus I won't have a look upon what's coming in here as a reaction of my little but very serious meant statement.

You had your chance(s), Sir.

But you failed!

Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 08-21-2008 20:34
Hello Stephan, as usual you have a really great way with your words, even though it is not your native language on this forum. I have sat on the fence on this one for quite some time watching it take all of these different turns. This is the American Welding Society Forum, however, if you look at the mission statement for AWS I don't believe you will find it to include a reference to any particular nationality or group of individuals. Instead, I believe that you will find words that express the expansion, promotion, and understanding of welding, nothing about nationality or anything else. Some of the reasons that I come to this site are it's inclusion of all different facets of HUMAN interaction, nationalities, gender, any and all differences and similarities. As an American participating on this forum I am of Danish heritage, I am proud of my heritage, but I am an American first and foremost, this does not affect my comments, questions, or anything else that I have to say on this forum. Each and everyone of all the other "Americans" who are on this forum also have various heritages that they should be proud of and not forget. I do not think of others who participate on the forum who might happen to be of different nationalities in terms of their heritage, I DO think of them as contributors, peers, colleagues, resources, and friends. I've got to cut this short for right now, but I do hope to revisit this topic a bit further when I have the opportunity. Best regards to you Stephan and to the other folks who have the same sorts of interests in welding that I do and who wish to expand their understanding and knowledge of this great field. Allan
Parent - By Stephan (***) Date 08-22-2008 15:09

thank you very much, Sir.

I greatly appreciate that you have taken your precious time to respond that way.

This is very well said and one feels that it comes from the heart.

Best regards to you,

P.S. I truly hope that you have found a little sleep finally!
Parent - By 3.1 Inspector Date 08-21-2008 20:57
Sorry to have offended you.

Parent - - By ross (***) Date 08-22-2008 00:41
Let me share with you one aspect of the American Welding Society that people are not aware of.  I work at the headquarters of AWS, along with a bit more than 100 employees who are serving various aspects of our mission.  It is a very American company, by which I mean "E pluribus unum."  Starting in my department of seven folks, one was born in Haiti of parents educated in France. One was born in China.  The others are not more than a generation or two from Europe or Africa. My four grandparents came from the Maritimes. Mentally tracing my path through the building, I have to think really hard, because I don't automatically see these people as nationalities ---- but the director of the Technical department across the hall is a Brit.  He has an Punjabi, a Newfie, a Puerto Rican, and engineers and support staff from an assortment of Caribbean and Latin countries (I'm talking all native born). I could go on and on department by department, but I'm probably violating an employment law. We had our monthly staff meeting today and it was announced that three employees had just this month received their U.S. citizenship. Let me just say that our executive director has his choice of staff members to accompany him to meetings in virtually any country and translate as native speakers. We are all very different, but what we have in common is that we are all Americans, so we are all subject to criticism of people like 3.1 Inspector in that we act like Americans. He is so right. We are all so American. Which is probably another way of saying that we act like Danes, Kenyans, and Phillippinos. Or like people whose recent forebearers were kidnapped from their homelands, or left in disgust, or just made a wrong turn somewhere. The amazing thing is that we are not an unusual case -- this is a very typical American workplace.  So I have to thank people like 3.1 who talk about typical Americans, because it reminds me that we are not as different as we look or sound, we are really just typical and do things in the American way that is so very discernible to those neighbors of our parents who were left behind.
Parent - - By johnnyh (***) Date 08-22-2008 01:37
The American woman who won the all-around gymnastics gold medal was born in Russia.  The American man who won the 100m in Athens was born in Jamaica.  The American who won 8 gold medals in Beijing is half dolphin. :)  We must be the most diverse country in the world. The past two weeks has shown that to the world. 

I have always been impressed on how well everyone gets along in this forum.  It is a joy to log-on everyday.     
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 08-22-2008 13:45
   On a lighter note.

"The American who won 8 gold medals in Beijing is half dolphin."

Where is Dolph located? :-) Is this where Dolph Lundgren is from? :-) LOL

Anyways, just trying to releive the tension somewhat.

Take care,
Parent - - By ross (***) Date 08-22-2008 14:45
Dolph is a breakaway republic of the former Porpoistan.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 08-22-2008 19:20
  OK I did a search on the republic of the former Porpoistan, and I came up with.... well im not sure what I came up with. LOL

Lots of thumb wrestling stuff. LOL

Now I understand... I just do not understand. :-)

Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 08-22-2008 19:32
LOL...tell me you didn't google that up....????

If you look really close you will see that there was a joke innertwined within the post about the swimmer being half dolphin/porpoise.

Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 08-22-2008 19:39
Parent - - By johnnyh (***) Date 08-22-2008 19:42
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 08-22-2008 19:53
See what you started?  LOL :-)

You got me looking for the Isle of Dolph, Ross got me looking for the republic of the former Porpoistan, plus I am over here thumb wrestling Dolph Lundgren for the championship thumb ring, some chic with a tail just swam by with more bling than she knows what to do with, I don't know how she does not sink to the bottom, there is a chupacabra sneaking up from the side on us as I type, and wouldn't you know it, I heard hoof beats behind me, turned, and what did I see?  A ZEBRA. You guys gotta quit messing with my head. LOL :-)

Hope this brings a smile to everyones face, then my goal will be accomplished.

jrw159 :-)
Parent - - By Stephan (***) Date 08-23-2008 13:54

Good heavens you are truly  g r e a t !!

You have reached your goal! 100% :-):-):-) LOL

You know after so many grey clouds it appears actually that the sun may truly shine again one day! :-)

Ooooaaaahhhhh... what an instrument! Sooo functional... and just have a look upon the family, how happy they are! :-)

Hmmm... just thinking if this tool might work that good with this little monster, see below, as well? :-)

Thanks for bringing a bright smile to my face and best regards,
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 08-23-2008 14:05 Edited 08-23-2008 14:07
  Thank you for the kind words.

That is truly one mischievious looking feline. LOL

It makes me smile to know that you enjoyed it.

Take care my Good Friend,

P.S. If your kitty likes to pull all the paper off the roll, sneak a roll of this in on it. LOL
Parent - By Stephan (***) Date 08-23-2008 14:16 Edited 08-24-2008 10:03
More more!! :-)

Thank you my Texan friend...

Ohhh... wait... I hear my wife is coming!

I must take care to avoid that she'll see this!! If she would... that were my definitive last visit in the AWS forum :-)

Although we all are quivering each night when this little ogre is lurking around the flat! :-):-)

Take care as well and all the best,
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 08-22-2008 09:34
Hello Ross, thank you for including that bio of the make-up of the AWS headquarters, that is very interesting indeed. As an American and an AWS member and a member of this forum I likely do tend to be biased towards the "American" way of things, I don't mean to be derrogatory towards anyone else because of this bias, it is a perceived bias that has resulted out of my personal needs and those related to the work that I do on a daily basis. If I were more involved in jobs and work that was of an international type I would likely exhibit more need and interest in other areas that aren't considered so "American". When others come to this site to "look around" I don't doubt that they might come away thinking that we are narrow minded in our topics and interests. It is likely that if I visited some of the European welding forums or others in different parts of the world, that I would wonder why their interests were so involved with their own welding codes, certifications, and techniques and wonder why they didn't possibly have more interest similar to my own. I do look forward to the diversity of persons involved here, the range is certainly wide, I don't look forward to some of the "real" or "serious" bashing that has gone on here at times, I am not including the ribbing or poking fun that occurs when individuals have become comfortable enough with one another to have those sorts of interactions.
      Just got done working a 13 and it's 2:30 in the morning so I'm starting to ramble pretty good. Although these posts have come as a result of a situation that I don't particularly care for, I believe it has brought to light a number of good things too. Thanks ross, best regards to you and everyone else as well, Allan
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 08-23-2008 00:38
We said Allen.

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By Ringo (***) Date 08-22-2008 10:58
We as Americans have the right to free speech.And that's probably why this guy comes on here and says the things that he does,is because where ever he is from it's probably forbidden.I am a former Marine and fought for the rights of people in this country,but for this guy to come on an American forum and say the things he has said is wrong.I'm going to block this guy like you said before.    
Parent - - By 3.1 Inspector Date 08-22-2008 18:13

You are not only wrong, you are also naive.
Parent - By Ringo (***) Date 08-22-2008 18:29
I'm totally right,you brought this all on yourself.
Parent - By Stephan (***) Date 08-22-2008 15:12
Thank you very much, Ross, for sharing this.

My best regards,
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 08-22-2008 12:44

with all due respect.[/quote]


this statement that I quoted from your (above)posting is what is so different between Inspector 3.1 and the majority of the forum's participants....there is a "total lack of respect" in just about every posting by this guy.

I am truly sorry that so many of the regular participants have been offended by this guy to the point that they want to leave and no longer participate here.
Parent - - By Stephan (***) Date 08-22-2008 15:54 Edited 08-22-2008 16:52

a great "Thank you" to you as well for replying!

To be honest - as always - I feel sad that it went that way.

Since as the outstanding replies from Allan, Ross and many others have shown, it was  c o m p l e t e l y  unnecessary that this did happen.

You know, by reminding a quote coming from our greatly appreciated fellow js55 (thanks Jeff) who said once:


"The strength and power of this nation has always been our immigrants. From the Albert Einsteins to the factory worker looking for something better for his family. We are a country of immigrants. A country that represents the beauty and diversity of the world."


and both the attitude of every single colleague within the forum to in general "banish"   n o b o d y  who does not come from your great nation (look at me, the best proof am I myself) and their in common attitude to be driven by what Allan and Ross have described, all this should have shown 3.1 that he was welcomed in general and invited as another important part of this the world's greatest welding forum.

I know, as I guess that we all know, yes, there can be disagreement with different opinions and there can - no - there must even be dispute when human beings are disagreeing with different matters. This - at least in my interpretation - was meant when the founders of the USA have proclaimed the right of the free speech.

And just right now - by having a look into the Off-Topic-Section of this forum one can excellently pursue how "tough" sometimes this dispute may be.

But, and this is - at least for me - the crucial point at all:

By any disagreement in regard to different viewpoints, opinions, standpoints or whatsoever, the argument runs always fair and with a high grade of respect. Even with exceptions when someone crosses the line, finally there was always - at least by now - the willing to respect the counterpart.

And this is what I admire and like here with the AWS forum. It is as Roos said by stating:


"This website is welding's face to the world."


and fortunately the overbearing amount of us fellas is aware of it.

Thus and finally, it's a pity that this has happened and I truly hope imploringly that those invaluable colleagues who have already considered to leave the forum may reconsider it again to be welcomed here again with a warm "Hello!" as soon as even possible.

That was now really finally all I had to say.

Thanks for proving your your patience with me and may God bless you all,
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 08-22-2008 16:18
I have to say that I didn't read the thread until I saw Stephan's post. I had to go see what the commotion was about after reading Stephan's post.

We all get carried away sometimes. We have to remember that what we write is around forever once it is posted on the Internet. Even I have to remind myself of this time to time with some of my replies and even I have offend a few of you on occasion though it is usually unintended. More than once I've had to follow up with a heartfelt apology for the unintended transgression. I've deleted more than one response after asking myself if I would like to read my post several days or several years later.

When an individual posts comments that I find offensive, I usually try to move past it by not responding and fueling the fire further. As my father told me, "It is hard to argue when there isn't someone to argue with." When someone posts comments such as we read in B31.3, I find it best to let the writter argue with himself by moving on and ignoring further posts from that individual.

It isn't that I disagree with any of the responses to 3.1 I've read. I just find that an angry response does little to change an opinion or thought process. It only makes me angry, which is feeding their ego. Nothing deflates the opposition like seeing no responses or comments to their post.

I hate to see anyone (CWI555) leave our community because of someone's posts. I have to believe the offender would eventually leave if we simply stop responding to his comments. This isn't the first time we've encountered situations such as this.

Best regards - Al 
Parent - - By ross (***) Date 08-22-2008 23:10
Speaking of ignoring posts, there is an "ignore" function that you can activate for any poster by going to their profile (click on their name to access). This will block their posts so you won't get aggravated.

Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 08-23-2008 00:34
Good to know!

Best regards - Al
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / What's going on here "3.1 Inspector"?

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