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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / millermatic 172 aluminum
- - By bzzzzzzzzzz (**) Date 01-27-2003 01:09
Is it even worth trying al on this machine. I am talking about a few around the house/boat projects only. There would be no spoolgun involved here. The stock size would be 1/8 sheet. Welds don't need to be of equal or stronger strength, but watertight would be a plus. 5356 alloy would be used as I understand it's the easiest to feed. I would be using straight argon and cleaning the material to death before welding.
Parent - By jfolk (**) Date 01-27-2003 14:12
Go for it! Keep the gun cable as straight as possible, back off on your drive roll pressure, use an oversize contact tip, 100% Argon shielding.
I use my Millermatic 135 all of the time on 1/8" thick Al with good results.
Good luck!
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / millermatic 172 aluminum

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