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- - By CWI555 (*****) Date 08-21-2008 14:21

I've had enough of these snide ****** taking potshots at people who have volunteered their time and expertise to help many in the welding and inspection world. Since AWS refuses to do anything about it, I can at least do something about it on my end. As have many of you good folks, I've spent a lot of time putting together information for some very good and intelligent people here, however; since 3.1 seems to be an AWS accepted persona and calls for his removal have been put aside, I will no longer allow myself to be found in acceptance of the same by association. My respect, regrets, and best wishes to all who have had a positive input in the forum.

Take care all.
Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 08-21-2008 14:56
Gerald, PLEASE... in my opinion, you are one of the most valued Members of our Forum.  Your experience, expertise and zeal are of benefit to us all... and I most DEFINATELY include myself in that category!  Please dude... give admin and moderators a few days to get things sorted out, it would be  horrible loss to the community if you left!!!
Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 08-21-2008 14:56
I hope that you will reconsider.
You have provided many great responses to lots of members on this forum, including many of my own. Your answers are clear, technically correct and with class. I appreciate your time and efforts on this forum and your absence will be a loss to all of us; especially those with less experience in inspection and NDE like me who are on here trying to gain knowledge.
This is not a even trade if you know what I mean. But understand what's going on and respect your decision.

Thank you and take care
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 08-21-2008 15:01
Gerald, et al; I totally agree with the frustration levels and will PROMISE you this: if Adminstration does NOT resolve this issue, I will also leave with you but PLEASE, give it a few days?
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 08-21-2008 15:12
  Please see my reply to Gerald. I feel the same towards you. You two are way better people than him, he is but a SMALL ZIT on the a** of the welding community.

Please do not deprive us of your wisdom and guidance due to the innability of one person to act like an adult.

You know what they say, "Give him enough rope and he will hang himself" and rest assured there are people poised and ready to kick that rickity, three legged stool right out from under his dumb a** as soon as he gets the noose secure enough around his own neck.

Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 08-21-2008 15:05
  This forum will be losing a great deal of expertise and knowledge if you leave. Please reconsider with the knowledge that there are VERY FEW of us who do NOT know how to handle ourselves when in disagreement. If you leave us, he wins a battle. Right now he is hanging himself with the rope that he has been given.

Would a teacher quit teaching class just because one disruptive student can not control themselves? NO!! There are better ways my friend.

Do what you must, but think of all who will be denied your wisdom and helpfullness as a result of ONE who can not be taught or reached as a result of underlying issues that NONE of us can help him with.

I implore you to step back, take a deep breath or two, and reconsider.

Best regards,
Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 08-21-2008 16:25
jrw159, thanks greatly for the vote of confidence but in all honesty, I am a mear mortal with comparison of the likes of Gerald!  As I've mentioned to Admin., if this allows to continue, I have no further need.
Parent - By swnorris (****) Date 08-21-2008 16:32
I agree with the other posts.  I consider Gerald to be one of the top contributors to this forum. 
Parent - By Pipeslayer (**) Date 08-25-2008 18:18
Probably doesn't matter but I too hope Gerald will stay. I find his posts and answers very educational. I too am a inspector and can only hope to be looked at like Gerald by my peers
It is what I strive for every day. Gerald I hope you will reconsider.
Parent - - By Stephan (***) Date 08-21-2008 16:31

I admit to be totally confused.

Has this been written by even the gentleman I know as one of   THE   most knowledgeable fellows in NDE I have ever had the honor and joy to discuss with?

I can't believe it! And honestly I refuse myself to believe it!

C'mon friend!

You were the one who has shown me that many interesting facets of Non Destructive Examination that I had to stop counting them. You was the one who has shed that much light on me in various topics questions and directions, that I am still glowing! 

Gerald, please, it can't be said better as been said by jon20013.

"You are one of the most valuable members of this the world's greatest welding forum!"

In my eyes YOU are indispensable!

Where - I ask you - should I get the outstanding excellent cites from for my papers in terms of NDE, if not from you??? (I know I'm a bit egoistic here!)

Gerald, I am quite sure that you - as some others of the Great ones - can remember a particular situation concerning myself and unfortunately happened when I have started to attend this wonderful forum. I do and have regret this from the bottom of my heart, you know that! And the one who has passed away much much too early did know that as well as we have declared that ourselves at that time.

That time I have played with the idea to no more attend the forums and thus, Gerald, I mean to know exactly what you feel currently.

So, here I am and this is due that there were some outstanding people at that time who have helped me with great encouragement. And you know what, this decision I have never regret since then. How else I would ever had the pleasure to talk to you my friend?

So, I don't know whether I may have the same influence on you now as even those people had on me that time, but however, I ask you imploringly to reconsider your decision.

You know who you are, you know what you can, and you know what we all are having by "having" you!

To finish - you see I am not that blessed like Dave Boyer and jon20013 who can hit the nail that exactly on the head by making just a few words :-) - I once have received a PM from one of the people I most admire!

Just want to cite this here to show you that I didn't forget. The friend I am talking about wrote me at that time:

"As my Grandfather would say "Say what you mean and mean what you say, if they don't like it, tell em to kiss your A##" !

So please... stay with us, friend Gerald!

Best regards and my greatest respect,
Parent - - By NDTIII (***) Date 08-21-2008 17:04
Hey Gerald,
Don't let one insignificant guy ruin it for all of us. We do value your expertise and would hate to lose it. Just ignore that guy. That's what I am doing. He doesn't represent anything. Don't let him win.
Parent - - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 08-21-2008 20:02
In the 8 years I'm a frequentor of this Forum, a couple of times I've posted phrases that here in Brazil would sound funny and would make people smile.
However, you Americans considered them offensive (or almost). I apologized inmediately, explaining that I hadn't the slightest intention to offend anybody, and that in different countries people think differently, behave differently, reason differently and have a different view of life.
Couldn't be this (what's happening with B.31 Inspector) the same situation? Not being American, it might be that he believes he's just joking and it's not his real intention to be offensive. Well, it's been always my attitude to put peace among the contendors.
Giovanni S. Crisi
Sao Paulo - Brazil

P.S. Although B.31 Inspector isn't an American, he speaks (writes, actually) very good English. Apart from that, he says that European standards are better than American ones. What country is he from? Great Britain? Ireland? Or perhaps South Africa, where they use British stadards? 
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 08-21-2008 20:08
I've read most of your posts and I've seen nothing that appears even remotely offensive to me.

Also, Gerald is far too much of an asset to this forum. this needs to be resolved.
Parent - - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 08-21-2008 20:36
Would Gerald accept Inspector's apologies and statement that his intention was just to make good humored comments and not to offend anybody?
Giovanni S. Crisi
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 08-21-2008 21:01
Proffessor Crisi,
  With all due respect to you, I must ask that you review some of the remarks made by 3.1 inspector leading up to this. I fully understand that at times the language barrier and the fact that typed words do not always convey accuratly what one is intending. However, I can honestly say, that is not the case here. An apology would be a very good step towards gaining respect, but a "statement that his intention was just to make good humored comments and not to offend anybody" would, in my humble opinion, be ludicris. There was no misunderstanding of his intentions when he posted these remarks in the manner that he did.

For what it is worth, I do not think for one minute that he has the nut's to apologize for his uncalled for remarks.

I have reviewed 8 pages of posts from 3.1 inspector and MANY of them contain uncalled for and unnaceptable comments towards people and nationalities, not limited to the USA.

Again, as you well know, I have the utmost respect for you and your reasoning.

John R. West
Parent - By 3.1 Inspector Date 08-21-2008 21:33 Edited 08-21-2008 22:01

For what it is worth, I do not think for one minute that he has the nut's to apologize for his uncalled for remarks......I will.

I have reviewed 8 pages of posts from 3.1 inspector and MANY of them contain uncalled for and unnaceptable comments towards people and nationalities, not limited to the USA......Yes, I remember telling a guy from Mexico that he was a dumb mother****er, when he wrote in Spanish.

Later I had to apologize, both to ross and the Spanish guy.

I also want to apologize to you John.

Parent - - By 3.1 Inspector Date 08-21-2008 21:13

You are not that far away from the truth! (as usual)
Which country am I from? sorry to say that you are far away on this one. BS (British Standard) 287 is the same as EN 287 (European Norm)

Thank you for the compliment on my english - I also find your english very good!


P.S I have a house in I love the taste of the beer in Brazil.
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 08-21-2008 22:09 Edited 08-21-2008 22:17
If we wrote in these forums like we spoke to people face to face, much of this trouble would never crop up.

If all involved in this dispute went from this point forward, with the intention to type as if we were speaking to one another face to face and with our grandmother in the room listening to our conversation, I think we would be able to forget the past and still argue our technical points as vigoriously as they need.

I remember back in the year 2000 or 2001 arguing with Prof Crisi about terminology and feeling pretty foolish when I realized that I was expecting him to use American terminology and further assuming he was American.....If I diddn't apologize I should have. Nonetheless, he has been the bigger man and overlooked my lack of good judgement and has been an excellent collegue and in many ways a mentor for many years now.

It's easy to come of arrogantly... or more arrogantly than intended and then just keep going because somebody else responded rashly...

Thats all I have to say

Parent - By NDTIII (***) Date 08-22-2008 02:21
Dr. Giovanni, with all due respect, this individual is not going to apologoize for his actions, so please don't expect it from him. I myself have given up on him and will not reply to him ever again.
Parent - - By 3.1 Inspector Date 08-21-2008 22:26
I dont want to put wood on the fire her....BUT
How does you (and jon42364786) deal with problems in the real world?

I am starting to see why you are afraid of stating your own opinion (yes, I have read you and jon's posts on the forum)

You tend to be very eager to quote code paragraphs and at the same time stating that you dont have the code book next to you (imagine you were wrong) is your lucky day - I leave :)


Is Gerald a common name in the US?
It seems a little.....old fashioned.
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 08-21-2008 22:51
You add nothing to this conversation on this forum. You are a small minded ego driven person. You are the reason a lot of people hate inspectors. You have no cuth and are a abrasive unpleasant person. None has risen to your defense and your ideas and opinions will be seen by few as most have or will put you on ignore. You offer no encouragement to others nor ideas other than how great you are and what ever part of the world you live in seems to be superior to the US. Maybe it is but you have no pride in it as you hide you location. I am proud to be from the Permian Basin of Texas.
I don't know where you are from, but a person like you would not speak face to face the way you talk to people here. A knot would be jerked in your butt. It is sad someone who is quite intelligent has such minimal skills in dealing with peers. I for one would not urinate down your throat if your guts were on fire.
Parent - - By 3.1 Inspector Date 08-21-2008 22:55
I apologize for the name calling.
Parent - By vagabond (***) Date 08-22-2008 00:14
Thanks for your words of wisdom Big K.  Gerald, I've only been on here about a year or so but I've seen couple of other buttheads come and go.  I hope you don't leave this forum because those of us who are newbie inspectors really value the resource we have in the experience of you and others here.  I would gladly pay a monthly fee to have the access I get free on this forum.  I think you will find that myself and most others take the rants of certain people on here with a grain of salt.  I hope you don't leave.  If you do I intend to make a formal complaint with the AWS as to the monitoring of this site.  Heck I may just do that anyways
Parent - - By NDTIII (***) Date 08-22-2008 02:25
Gerald is far from a common name in the US. It is a household name. Goodbye and good riddance. We don't need your expertise here.
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 08-22-2008 23:55
My father told me, "If you have nothing good to say, say nothing."

It was good advise that I forget now and again.

His advice is applicable here in the Forum. This fire could have been quenched early on by ignoring some of the comments that were written. Some of the remarks we found to be offensive may have been in jest, but in any event, they were perceived as being insulting. We only added fuel to the fire by responding to the derogatory comments and everyone got burned. Trading insults only adds to the injury.

I don't like to read that anyone is going to leave the Forum. Most of us do our best to be constructive when we respond to an inquiry and most of us freely offer our opinions, be they right or wrong. I don't want to see that change and I don't want to limit this Forum to a few "selected" individuals.

If someone makes a derogatory remark, it is best to simply ignore it and move on.

Leaving the Forum because of one person's inability to carry on a civilized conversation is not going to make this Forum better. It simply weakens its effectiveness and relinquishes it to idol chitchat and a place to swap insults. Ignoring the offensive posts and refusing to participate in demeaning exchanges is the best means I know of to discourage such practices.

Gerald, I expect to hear more from you in the way of meaningful exchanges of ideas and opinions. You and I have had our share of interesting discussions on NDT. I remember one discussion dealing with performing MT through paint! I expect we will have some more great discussions in the future. That will only happen if you continue to participate.

I would expect that someone with your experience as an inspector would have grown a hide thicker than a rhinoceros by now. Surely the remarks of one individual aren't breaking through your tough hide and causing you irreparable harm.

It wasn't that long ago that we had a similar situation with someone from the Far East. I believe we simply ignored his posts and eventually he stopped his nonsensical ways. I believe our actions were the correct response then and I believe it is the correct thing to do now.

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By weld39 (*) Date 08-23-2008 19:30

Said that Xray machines  created radio isotopes which could actually harm people  .  it is with great amusement that i read the post here . CWi 555 does not know what are isotopes and how they occur in nature or made by man .  n Coming to PT on castings . Generally castings have a very rough surface and PT is not advisable because of false readings . It has nothing to do with the magnetic properties. as simple as that. 
Parent - - By RANDER (***) Date 08-23-2008 21:32
Hmmm smells like 3.1/3.2 Inspector. 
Parent - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 08-23-2008 21:54
Hit the ignore on his user name and the weasel goes away.
Parent - By 3.2 Inspector (***) Date 08-24-2008 05:48

Does it?
I am pretty sure that roos is able to prove you wrong :)

Parent - - By Stephan (***) Date 08-24-2008 08:25

or rather yet "prasad"? Remember him?

Whosoever or whatsoever. I hope that this male bovine excrement will come to an end soon and Gerald will be back!

Best regards Rander,
Parent - By Ariel D C (**) Date 08-24-2008 12:37 Edited 08-24-2008 13:20
Remember "Vonash"? Why dont we invite him to come back and to pit with 3.1 Inspector.....I think that will be a good match :=).

Parent - - By weld39 (*) Date 08-24-2008 17:11
Someone gives information that is all wrong . you know it is wrong and you still encourage him why ?
Parent - By MBSims (****) Date 08-24-2008 18:26
Give it a rest.  Just because you do not agree does not mean it is wrong.
Parent - By Stephan (***) Date 08-26-2008 21:21
Mr weld39,

as you have directly replied upon my post, I mean to have the duty to reply as well.

That is common decency.

I have just had a short look into the forum since I have 17 behind me and have thought by myself: "Go to have a short view into the world's greatest welding forum to see how the great fellas do."  before you shut down for today.

And to be honest...

I'll do this quickly!

Best regards
Parent - - By RANDER (***) Date 08-24-2008 20:01
Stephan you might be correct.  I went back and read some Prasad material and it sounds very close.  Good Call!
Parent - - By weld39 (*) Date 08-25-2008 17:18 Edited 08-25-2008 17:31
MBsims ,

do xray machines create isotopes in air. I challenge anyone on this forum to prove this .
Parent - - By MBSims (****) Date 08-25-2008 21:53
I was referring to your hangup on PT of carbon steel.  No, x-ray machines create radiation waves from electricity.  Radiation does not always come from an isotope.  A professional response would be to provide the correct information and let it end there.  No need to continually harangue someone for an error in their statement.
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 08-26-2008 06:23
After lot's of careful thought, I've agreed to follow Ross' suggestion and simply place the offending party of ignore.  Don't want to leave the Forum, too many really good people here!
Parent - - By Shane Feder (****) Date 08-26-2008 11:16
I don't think it should have gotten to this stage.
I think AWS (Ross) should have stepped in long ago.
The UK Welder forum is frequented with a lot of disgruntled welders who after a few drinks get a bit personal with their postings. The moderator suspends them for a period and when they come back generally they are better behaved.
I would not like to see 3.1 banned permanently as he is a valid contributor to the forum but the majority of his recent postings have been intended to "wind up" or "**** stir" regular contributors to the forum.
When someone as valuable to the forum as Gerald gets that fed up that he is going to quit because of one person then it has gone too far.
AWS (Ross), if you are moderating the forum, please moderate before it gets to this extreme.
Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 08-26-2008 11:55
Shane, as always, I appreciate your comments.  Yeah, I guess it may have been better to intervene sooner rather than later but when one steps back from their initial anger, frustration, hurt, the AWS Forum is simply too great of tool to allow pettiness to cause one to quit.  As Ross correctly pointed out, there is no way to "permanently" ban someone, they can simply change names and join again.  Sad, but that's the way it is.

I really, REALLY hopes Gerald returns, he is one of the great ones...
Parent - By ross (***) Date 08-26-2008 13:59
He was banned, but he came back with a new account. This wasn't done lightly, because we have not had to ban anyone since 2006, since the forum users do a good job of ignoring trolls. Plus the guy was sometimes apologetic, sometimes had valuable insight, but was like Jekyll and Hyde.

Next step is to block his IP address, then after that, all traffic from Denmark.

AWS Marketing
Parent - - By weld39 (*) Date 08-26-2008 17:36 Edited 08-26-2008 18:23
my friend sims ,

My point is that CWI555 does not know the basic physics . there is no hangup on Pt . When it comes to castings because of the rough surface either Pt or Mt can give false readings. Pls contact a qualified engineer or a asnt level III ( PT) for a second opinion or clarifications on this. By the way I am a metallurgist by degree
Parent - By RANDER (***) Date 08-26-2008 21:56
Mr weld39,

I believe CWI555 knows basic physics and NDE principles.  I also believe Mr Simms knows basic NDE principles.  They have been long time contributors to this forum and have proved themselves.  Until you do the same your posts will be taken with a grain of salt metallurgist or not.  NDE does not equal metallurgy does not equal welding does not equal API visual inspection does not equal AWS CWI.  As you know all are separate disciplines however they are intertwined.  Puffing up and showing your degree doesnt make you even a level 1 PT tech.  
Parent - - By bozaktwo1 (***) Date 08-26-2008 17:00
Too bad to see you go, Gerald.  I hope you'll reconsider.

I have been online pretty much continuously since 1999, and I have seen a lot of this type.  Jekyll and Hyde is an apt description, but in the tech community they're called globoholes; people who hide behind the computer and at the expense of others, and often the integrity of the forums and boards they infect, deride, demean, belittle and bemoan.  A globohole absolutely must be correct in every comment and opinion, and will seek vindication then bury the opposition with it at every opportunity.  There are only two ways of dealing with them; ban them or ignore them.  Banning is generally most effective, but rather difficult to achieve unless you are the administrator for your community's server.  Ignoring works until someone new comes into the forum and reignites old flames of war.  I've seen quite a few IP bans in my time, and more than a few ISP revocations (even one or two lawsuits).  All of them started with some globohole wanting to be right at the expense of someone else.  I would be completely happy to see anyone who causes such disruption lose the ability to do so again.  My $.02, for what it's worth.
Parent - - By johnnyh (***) Date 08-26-2008 20:22
Haha...GLOBOHOLE...I love learning new words.  Thanks!
Parent - - By vagabond (***) Date 08-26-2008 22:16
Sounds so much more politically correct than A**hole!!!
Parent - - By Shane Feder (****) Date 08-27-2008 00:33
A very good friend of mine (also my boss and mentor) was banned permanently from the UK Welder forum for naming a convicted paedophile (note convicted) on the forum who happened to be a welder. That persons name was available in every daily newspaper but the moderators decided it was not allowed to be listed on the forum.
I think it was just the last straw as he is a hugely knowledgable Welding Engineer who just happened to like lobbing "hand grenades" onto the forum in similar ways to 3.1.
He cannot access the forum from his laptop using any name (is that what you mean by blocking his ISP ?).
If someone is continually abusing, belittling or name-calling , why cannot they be temporarily suspended as a warning ? It is our forum, we shouldn't have to be worrying about individually blocking someone, surely that is the moderators role.
I received a PM the other day from a poster on this forum telling me to "Kiss my a..e".
Any more rubbish like that and I will be joining Gerald,
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 08-30-2008 16:31

I didn't reply to anything on this string because I hoped it would just die off.  However, your "Banning" suggestions bother me more than anything else!

I don't believe 3.1 / 3.2 or any other non-commercial poster should be banned.  Everyone who is offended should simply I-G-N-O-R-E the posts from any poster they don't like.   I am not defending 3.1's ideas and the validity of his statements.  I am defending the right of anyone to have their say on the forum.

I see the idea of blocking someone for "lobbing hand grenades" as a start of the "slippery slope".

Of course the rest of us loose when someone like Gerald decides that he can do without the forum altogether.  However it can also be viewed as Gerald taking his ball and going home!  He had a right to do it!  One could also argue that he could be a little more thick skinned about the whole affair.

Joe Kane
Parent - - By g32141 (**) Date 09-01-2008 00:54 Edited 09-01-2008 01:01
Well said.

If your skin is too thin you need to take your ball and go home.
You're not going to get any love from the rest of the people that stay.

I for one am staying.

He'll be back with a different name.
Parent - - By 3.2 Inspector (***) Date 09-02-2008 19:36
I have been back for a while now....

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