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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / slag in cap
- - By jaureweld (*) Date 09-03-2008 23:45
i just got busted for slag in my cap  does anyone have any sugg.or add. why  this may have have happend i run a 300d classic
Parent - - By OBrien (***) Date 09-04-2008 00:30
Did you move back into your puddle?  Did your rod angle go out of wack?  What position were you welding in?  Did you clean your prior pass completely?

My guess is that one of those questions could answer yours.  It also could of just been something in your technique that never caused a problem until now.
Parent - - By jaureweld (*) Date 09-04-2008 01:23
i was welding on a 20" pipeline not used to spraying on cap i like to work my metal but the inpector wanted it sprayed on. i believe thats where my problem was. the slag was at bout 4oclock.
Parent - - By K.Sexton26 (**) Date 09-04-2008 04:55
buy spraying on the cap , are you talking about holding a longer than normal arc length and turning up your heat?
Parent - - By jaureweld (*) Date 09-04-2008 05:05
Parent - - By K.Sexton26 (**) Date 09-04-2008 05:25
your travel speed could have something to do with it?
Parent - By jaureweld (*) Date 09-04-2008 13:22
yeah my uncle told me it could have been on my speed
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 09-04-2008 12:13
Was it in the cap or inbetween the fill and cap?  Was was the inclusion more to the side of the weld or right in the middle?  Was it exposed to the surface?  Were you downhilling your fill and cap?
Parent - - By jaureweld (*) Date 09-04-2008 13:21
No the inspector told me it was in the cap. it was more to the side..I was runnin a downhill cap ,welder in front was filling just need a little strip from t.o.p. to about three o'clock
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 09-04-2008 14:59
I'd say it's from the spraying and carrying the size of the puddle you were carrying.  Ya see when you carry a huge puddle that goes way outside of the arc boundary you can't really rely on being able to burn out trapped slar as consistently.  When you have a smaller puddle and you work it side to side, your arc will more then likely burn out trapped slag in the toes of the fill.  What probably happened is the molten cap washed out to the sides and was not hot enough to go deep enough to get the slag out. 
Parent - - By jaureweld (*) Date 09-04-2008 16:56
hey kix i thank you very much for your info more thing do you think  runnin a little hotter may help or worsen the prob.
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 09-04-2008 19:36
Being that you are running down hill, stating you must basically spray the weld in meaning that you are running a very fluid molten puddle, I would not go any hotter.  You need to negotiate the width of the seam after the fill to be able to decide your technique for the cap.  If the seam is fairly narrow and arc coverage (not molten puddle coverage) from side to side is minimal, I would run hot and fast.  As you get into you thicker schedules, your seam width will increase and your arc coverage with no movement will not be enough.  So basically what cha got is a really hot wide puddle and on the outer edges of the puddle your probably just barely getting fusion.  Example, when your running real hot downhill and the puddle starts to get out ahead of you and your arc has to fight through the thickness of the molten puddle to tie anything, the molten puddle is just basically sitting on top of the steel.  The same thing goes on on the sides of the puddle if it is to big for the size electrode your are useing.  So if any of this sounds farmilliar, maybe you need a bigger electrode and a hotter setting for the area your are trying to cover on your cap or you need to cool down and manipulate what you have to get the arc coverage you need.
Parent - - By jaureweld (*) Date 09-04-2008 21:06
well i was runnin a 3/16 at  80-85
Parent - By 522029 (***) Date 09-05-2008 00:08
3/16 rod at 80-85 amps?????????????????

Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 09-04-2008 20:24
maybe the inspector is the problem. If your following the WPS He or she has no say in how you weld it.
Parent - - By jaureweld (*) Date 09-04-2008 21:02
yeah thats what i thought but thats what he wanted he told me " nothing fancy just spray it on and beat the  pipe and weld weld weld "
Parent - - By TozziWelding (**) Date 09-05-2008 00:11
3/16 at 80-85 just sounds artic to me. I figgure 160-200 and burn it hot and fast.
Parent - By jaureweld (*) Date 09-05-2008 03:52
well my rack has been rolled its hotter than you think
Parent - - By parksl (*) Date 09-05-2008 03:53
Do you mean 80-85 on 200 range? I cap with a 3 on 200 range at 65 from the top to the bottom quarter then down 5 on bottom. I keep my rod close on the top then speed up and long arc -spray- a little bit on the side then slow back down and close up the rod again on bottom. Dont let the inspector tell you what to do. I have had em bird dog me but as long as you dont have pin holes or undercut and you pass x-ray you should be good to go. Hang in there man.
Parent - - By jaureweld (*) Date 09-05-2008 04:53
no i run it at 120- 190 but i have had my rack rolled so its pretty hot....well no pin holes but they called me  with slag in my cap ....yup inspec was a like a hawk......thanks for the advice........after that i just have had no luck with any work rigs or lines its been bout two weeks now .......then to top it off going to pick up money from my rent house had a blow out and ripped off my d*** fender so now i have  to get that fixed....
Parent - By Danny Lilly (*) Date 11-06-2008 02:05
I have been having problems with my cap as well. Mine is wide at the top and then narrows down about 4oclock. I use an oval type pattern. I really would like to see some photos on what its suppose to look like. Im not a pipeliner, so without actually seeing what a working line suppose to look like makes it tough. thanks
Parent - - By darren (***) Date 11-07-2008 10:08
quit thinkin and just weld.........weldin is weldin............turn it up and burn it in there, f*&k inspectors.............  just weld............ thinking is not part of our job once the blue light is on..........once your just weldin, the inspectors are just a signature on a piece of paper. (my  apologies to inspectors but even you agree when you follow a good welder your job is easier)  you can do it....... 6010 root uphill /downhill, 7018, tig, or mig. there is someone around you who will and wants to help just ask.
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 11-07-2008 15:09
Well put Darren.

Any time you start second guessing your self, that's when you're going to have problems. That is to be said with anything; sports, hobbies, love life, etc.....................

So many times I wondered what I did wrong to bust on a line. It aint worth it. As Darren said - just keep welding. Inspectors are people, just like cops. There's good ones and bad ones. The bad ones are frustrated losers with nothing better to do than bust anyone they can, so they can feel superior. The good ones have the years and experience under their belt. They know what they are talking about, and have a knack for judging before they act.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / slag in cap

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