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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / RIG WELDER JOBS
- - By sandra Date 08-29-2008 03:54 Edited 08-29-2008 03:57
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 08-29-2008 09:55
where are you ?
Parent - - By sandra Date 08-29-2008 14:02
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 08-29-2008 14:35 Edited 08-29-2008 14:37
cactus is running a job in brady and needs welders in a bad way he was a post in the shop talk section and the number to call is posted in there i think the post is rig welder needed or wanted something like that he has alot of work they want 2 rigs by december and then 2 more every 6 months after that he's gonna be waist deep in it for a long time they are building everything form the ground up
Parent - - By sandra Date 08-29-2008 14:37
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 08-29-2008 14:43
if you can pass the 6g sch 80 pipe test you'll be in luck he needs welders alot of guys busted the 1/2 plate test which should be done blind folded lol so he changed it to a 6g pipe cause they picked up alot of pipe work and this test qualifies for both pipe and plate good luck
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 08-29-2008 14:44
docs wont let me go to work yet so i figured i'll be your recruiter lol
Parent - - By sandra Date 08-29-2008 15:06
Parent - - By sandra Date 08-29-2008 15:07
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 08-31-2008 15:17
6 inch schedule 80 6010 root 7018 fill and cap
Parent - - By jeff parker (**) Date 09-03-2008 00:51
hey cactuse running the job in brady tx wouldnt have such a hard time manning the job if they were paying real rig pay so I dont feel for him one bit even the rig welding contractors are starting to lowball everone.
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 09-03-2008 01:17
Hey jeff parker No one here is lowballing anyone. Check with other rig yards. anywhere from 45 to 60 in Texas. I figure im in the middle. I dont know that it is such a bad deal when you figure the facts. #1 its long term. No hustle involved.#2 You know where your next check is coming from every week. Ask some of the guys working for me just how hard they work and just how many hours they REALLY work and get paid for 12. Ask them about the fact of getting paid EVERY Friday and be sure and ask them about the time they get on the weekends to spend in their boats at the local lake with their families. I think they will all tell you they have a good deal and they like it. Maybe they dont. Maybe thats why my phone ( office and cell ) rings off the F&*^%$g hook all the time from guys want to work here. Maybe thats why I have a list of 138 Qualified welders who want to come here. But, Where are my manners. Im sorry  How much would you like to make and I will see if I can accomodate you. Jeff the door is open when would you like to test ?
Parent - - By Johnyutah (**) Date 09-03-2008 02:49
Also you have to figure drive time with high fuel costs, the fact that it's probably oil road all the way to the yard. What else steady pay pretty good weather and I don't think cactus is the type that is screaming head down ^&$ up all day. I have dropped my rates for good duty like that quite a few times and hire guys for around the same pay because they know they'll get paid. I can tell by the posts cactus has placed that you would probably be money ahead to head for Brady TX asap I would if I could.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 09-03-2008 14:47
I wouldn't mind getting in on the quality side of things. It does not sound like to bad of a deal from a welders perspective either. Like he said, he is not the highest or the lowest, and it is long term. That is at times worth it's weight in gold. JMHO FWIW

Parent - - By TRC (***) Date 09-03-2008 21:28
Contractor still looking for 2 rig welders rate is up to $85-in Maryland, API1104, 100% RT
Parent - - By TRC (***) Date 09-04-2008 19:43
What dollar amount would it take to get you to come to Maryland? Ted 410-808-8353
Parent - - By showmewelder (*) Date 09-04-2008 20:41
hey man,,well whats ur test,,and what r ya workin on,,then ill tell ya what i will take
Parent - - By TRC (***) Date 09-04-2008 20:50
16" .250 wall, X42, 6010 down hill,100% RT, 40 hrs no ot, you supply all. test is DRUG TEST , 3/4" full tensile, 2" root face, 6" side bends all schd 80. 2 welders per joint might get 3 or 4 joints a day
Parent - - By Johnyutah (**) Date 09-04-2008 23:09
TRC how long will this job last.
Parent - - By TRC (***) Date 09-04-2008 23:33
Hi Johny U, it's 6400 ft along the side of a road. It's supposed to be completed by November 1.  They have a 9:00 am to 3:00 pm street restriction which means they can't be on the road before or after these times. There is also some night work which will be from 9 PM until 5AM. No weekend work - Ted 410-808-8353
Parent - - By Johnyutah (**) Date 09-04-2008 23:46
TRC thats a long drive for us let me talk to my partner I was hoping for some more time when does it start.
Parent - - By TRC (***) Date 09-05-2008 00:26
Any day now, they planned on 4 welders working 2 small crews but at this time their still missing 2 welders. I made a call after I made the last post to verfiy the completion date but won't know anything until tomorrow. I'm not the contractor I'm just trying to help out by locating some hands, fyi- ted
Parent - - By Johnyutah (**) Date 09-06-2008 16:53
Ted no ot and no weekends thats just not enough for only a months work good luck if it was more money we would do it.
Parent - - By TRC (***) Date 09-06-2008 17:49
10-4 Johnny, I'm glad I not the one responsible for meeting the completion date. I had 3 call last week and a half to go pipelining. Can you imagine what's going to happen if they start building nukes in the next couple of years! Thanks for the response- Ted
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 09-08-2008 06:08
      I was to a blacksmithing conference near Easton Md. [Eastern Shore] over the weekend, and asked a retired pipe welder if He knew of anybody for Your job. He said "All the pipe welders I knew are Dead."
Parent - By TRC (***) Date 09-08-2008 19:31
Hey Dave I can relate to that- Ted
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / RIG WELDER JOBS

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