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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / testing
- - By slade1 Date 09-04-2008 02:03
i would like to find out how to do mag particle and dye penitrant nondestuctive testing
Parent - - By fbrieden (***) Date 09-04-2008 03:31
Buy a text book, or work with an experienced NDE inspector; then learn how to properly spell.
Parent - - By K.Sexton26 (**) Date 09-04-2008 03:38
I didn't know proper spelling was required on here, are you the spell check police?
Parent - - By vagabond (***) Date 09-04-2008 03:48
I wuld like to be an inspecktor very much.  I have hurd that inspecktors make preddy gud monee and they don't haf to wurk like the weldurs do.  I think I wuld like inspeckshun wurk, I was hall monitor in reform school and I think it wuld be a lot like that!!!!  Where can I become an inspecktor at???
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 09-05-2008 14:12
If ewe want 2 git ento enspekshun werk u mite half two werk a litle. It is knot alweys eesy. And yes it is lik beeng a hall moneter to an extint.

Cant wee all jest git along? LOL

Y knot? :-)

Parent - - By K.Sexton26 (**) Date 09-05-2008 17:09
man there no sense in being rude <learn how to spell> uncalled for
Parent - - By HgTX (***) Date 09-05-2008 20:54
Well, they could have been nicer about it, but on the other hand an inspector will have to write reports.  And to become an inspector one might have to write more than one's name and address on a job application.

Parent - - By K.Sexton26 (**) Date 09-05-2008 21:07
yeah your right im sure they will give him a spelling test with his application
Parent - - By HgTX (***) Date 09-05-2008 21:58 Edited 09-05-2008 22:08
I'm not talking about a spelling test.  I'm talking about someone reading your application (not yours personally, you get my drift) and that of another guy with similar technical qualifications.  Both of you would be expected to write up reports for the client.  Only one of you can actually write.  Who's going to get the job?

This is, of course, totally a side question to where the fella should get his training, which is all he was asking.

Parent - - By K.Sexton26 (**) Date 09-05-2008 22:49
Your right just a little joke, I caught what you were saying, and proper grammar is looked at on apps. I'm from the south, i have to watch how and what i type also. I wanna use words like ain't,younder,nuttin, stuff like that.
Parent - - By HgTX (***) Date 09-08-2008 15:16
I used to have dealings with an inspector who wrote in Texan.  Nothing he wrote made any sense unless we put his voice along with it in our heads.  Then it was better.  We still had to call him and get him to explain half of it though.

Parent - By K.Sexton26 (**) Date 09-08-2008 23:13
thats a pretty good one, i can't say or laugh to much im from east Tn.
Parent - - By vagabond (***) Date 09-06-2008 00:52
I sure wish they'd give them a WELDING test with their job application. . . . . LOL
Parent - - By K.Sexton26 (**) Date 09-06-2008 03:05
You, me, and everybody else, don't get me wrong i respect a good welding insp. or Q.C. but there so many of them that are way to young to be inspecting,Q.C. that has no exp. welding or even workin consruction period. theres nothing wrong with being a young inspector thats got training or alittle exp. as long as he's working close to a level 2 or 3.
Parent - By vagabond (***) Date 09-06-2008 17:03
Well it's a problem that is pretty bad in my opinion. . . . if your going to require 5 yrs. experience doing code work then call those references and at least make an effort to determine if the 5 yr. requirement has been met.  It drives me nuts because I don't see anyone checking on peoples qualifications anymore.  Even the Union's are letting in some areas are letting in people who have no business being J-men.  I say by all means take them in, but take them in at their level and train them.  Far too often organizations are concerned about getting the check so to speak and it seems that we are left in the field to sort the bad from the good.  I would even go so far as to say I'd like to see a "general knowledge" type of test given as a pre-requisite to taking a CWI test.  I'm sure I will get it from both ends on this, but it sets a benchmark plain and simple.  FWIW I also think the CAWI should only be used as a way to gain experience toward a CWI, why should you be given a title for failing a test just because you didn't fail as badly as you could have????  Maybe it's just me but I don't get it, then your supposed to come to a job and work under a guy's stamp who did pass. . . . . I don't know.  Ever wonder if they do the same things with heart surgeons or commercial airline pilots???  LOL
Parent - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 09-06-2008 00:58
He doesn't need to learn to spell.  Click on his name and and you will see that everything is hidden. 
Parent - - By RANDER (***) Date 09-04-2008 04:27
Try this website.  You will find a company that MAY hire you depending on your qualifications.

If your present company desires you to be certified then they will have a program in place and know the proper procedures to certify you. 

A couple more links for you
Parent - By vagabond (***) Date 09-04-2008 05:04 is a site you may want to check for training. 
Parent - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 09-06-2008 01:00
Check your local Technical College.  Commercial NDT Schools are all over the country.  Try Hellier, in Niantic Ct.
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 09-06-2008 17:32
  I know you have got it from both sides on the spelling. LOL Some are a little more blunt than others, and some like myself, will try to lighten up the situation with some humor. BUT proper spelling, grammer and terminoligy are important things in this line of work. NONE of us are beyond spelling mistakes, I am daily living proof of this. :-)

As for the MT and PT you have received some good advice on this. Giving your general location may bring more advice to the surface.

Best of luck,
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / testing

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