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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Thanks Kaye!
- - By knslash (*) Date 09-22-2008 03:00
While looking thru the Bill's Welder Repair site this evening, I clicked on the "Rigs" portion of the site and was surprised as well as pleased to see that a picture of my rig was displayed there! I wish to thank Kaye and all of the other fine folks at Bill's to think enough of my rig as to include it on thier site. I haven't been to OKC in five years, but on my next trip there I plan to visit Kaye and the steaks and beer are on me!!! Thanks again Kaye!

Parent - By up-ten (***) Date 09-22-2008 04:28
Yes, she's done the same for me! Thanks again Kaye! Can't say if I'll ever be down that way but if I was, I'd bring some "beaver tails"
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Thanks Kaye!

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