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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Welding 410 Stainless?
- - By Zeek (**) Date 09-22-2008 14:29
Does anyone have a good recommendation on what kind of MIG wire to use for welding 410 stainless?  Most of the work we are doing is rough tooling.  We'd also like to weld out of position with it.  Any ideas?

Also, does anyone have a recommended mild steel MIG wire or flux-cored wire for welding out of position?  (mostly vertical up)

Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 09-22-2008 16:46
Your going to pay for it but Avista has awsome all position stainless FCAW wire.

Solid wire will not spray vert up unless you invest in GMAWP equipment and still its tough.
Parent - By dschlotz (***) Date 09-23-2008 12:34
Avesta is the proper spelling.
Parent - By alumtig (**) Date 09-23-2008 14:39
We did a job a few years back building storage silo's that were 410 we used a 410 wire (don't remember the manufacturer)with 98/2 Argon/0x and pushed it up into a spray mode. We also used ceramic backing tape and welded from one side only. The silos were rotated and welding was done on top in a flat position. You could not run this out of position. Some of the other suppliers qualified a procedure using 309LT. I chose the 410 w/ a spray mode for mat. cost and deposition rates.

I use a Lincoln flux cored wire here at our shop for carbon steel, 71M it runs excellent in all positions. We also use a Kobe wire that is less expensive -DW50. It doesn't run as nice as the Lincoln but for the price its a good choice. All of our shop work is done with 75/25 Argon/co2 shielding. Our field crew uses straight CO2.

Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Welding 410 Stainless?

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