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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Bail out getting worse and worse.
- - By js55 (*****) Date 09-24-2008 13:01
I don't know about you folks but this whole bail out thing is startin to stink pretty bad.
We got a democratic party desperate to regain the White House and watching with horror as the polls slip farther and farther away in the face of sexy gun totin Sarah dolls, telling us 'the sky is falling the sky is falling', and we have to do something right now!! (Does this remind anybody of the Global Warming crisis?) Don't talk about it. Its already too late. Just get something done.
And then this morning I hear that they will probably not only break for the weekend, not only perhaps have a lame duck session in November to discuss the bail out legislation (ostensibly because the issue is so big and they need time), but they may not even discuss it until after the new president is in office!!!

Oh, but it gets better. Now we hear they wanna take advantage of this hurry up offense and add all kinds of new stuff to the bail out bill. Let's see we got extended unemployment benefits, we got increased spending on food stamps, and welfare as a whole. We got some highways and bridges pork tossed in just for fun and a few others I don't even remember. And this is the party that will control the budget if elected to the presidency? You gotta be kiddin me?

Oh, but there's more. Now our friends in the world, in a not so unpredictable response to all this panic mongering in the American press are piling on the American capitalist global economic model and saying that it needs to be overthrown. It needs to be revamped and take a new direction. This model is a total failure. Ahmadinijad is one of our friends so speaking.
And what pray tell would be the new model we adopt?
The European Socialist model? I'm sure that would find great favor with American liberals. But with all due and sincere respect to our noble european friends, the very reason they had to combine themselves so to speak in Euroland was in order to compete with that failure of an American economy. A fact that seem lost on the entrenched Obama Biden establishment.
How bout the Chinese Communist model? Don't even think I need to comment on that except to say where would this model be without leeching onto that failure of American capitalist system.
How bout the Venezuelan Fascist model. Yes I'm sure we want Berneke taking Economics 101 from Hugo. No not the hurricane, not Victor, I'm talking about that Chavez fellow so endearing to Hollywood loons everywhere. Though the idea of total economic destruction or Les Miserables is not that much out of context here.
But I'm thinkin that the model Ahmadinijad is thinking specifically of is the good old fashion Iranian Islamic Republic economic model. Now there's a keeper.
Parent - - By Johnyutah (**) Date 09-25-2008 00:36
We should have seen it coming. I did my stuff is paid for and money in the bank this is not all of our problem we watched it build for years.  I know the outcome would be terrible but i'm not a loan shark and don't have a mortgage  I can't afford. These people made there own decisions as I said before I am ready to ride the wave. And if you don't think someone will get rich off this your an idiot this will only make the rich richer and raise your taxes what the hell happened to common sense. And a finale note don't borrow money for **** you can't afford cash goes a long way in times like this put your money away and hold on to your assets.
Parent - By snuffman (***) Date 09-25-2008 01:08
The president is talking about it now on tv
Parent - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 09-25-2008 01:53
If it is you house and land that is paid for and you have US dollars in the bank, you/we are $crewed. Our money will become worthless and then how will you pay the taxes on the land. While I would not rather see a socialist system, I fear with Berry it will be communist. There is a world of difference between a socialist and a communist. Sweden is socialist while Cuba is communist. Berry is not a socialist.
Socialism uses government to control capital and regulate business and society.
Communism the government owns all the capital, business and regulates society. Check out Berrys friends. Dey aint socialist!
What it looks like is we either place the capital creation system under one person with no oversight or the whole house of cards comes crashing down. Do you want to be shot with a pistol or a rifle?
I fear for our republic. This is not going to end well.
Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 09-25-2008 02:22
So now congress will work diligently to fix the crisis. Hmm.. Many of the politicians working on this benefited the most from FM/FM. #1.Dodd, #2.Obama. It's like putting crack heads in charge of fixing our drug laws. No offense to any crack heads out there.

If this is indeed the worst financial disaster since the great depression then I guess that it is necessary to bail them out. 700 BILLION dollars added to our national debt. People must be held accountable. They must do time if found guilty. We, the tax payers that pay our mortgages and taxes will be paying for Wall Street and Washington's greed, corruption and irresponsibility.

I don't have much confidence in our leaders anymore. Neither party. A few tried to prevent this day to no avail and many CLAIM they tried to. I'm sure there are still some decent ones left. But are they this stupid to let our energy crises and financial crises get to this point or was it more than ignorance?

I know if anyone of us go belly up we won't even get a sympathy card :(
Parent - - By Jenn (***) Date 09-25-2008 15:47

"People must be held accountable. They must do time if found guilty." - ABSOLUTELY! This is criminal! You can't just wreck (700 Billion is a wreck I think) our economy and get handed a bail out check. NUH UH.

As a side note - I found this statement hillarious in your post:
"No offense to any crack heads out there."
Parent - By swsweld (****) Date 09-26-2008 03:18
Jenn, thanks for noticing.
Sometimes you have to humor yourself or it will drive you crazy.
Plus crack heads have feelings too.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 09-25-2008 16:12
What amazes me is the ultrashort term rose colored glasses a lot of people are looking at this in.
These things don't happen overnight. Nor over a year, or a decade. A lot of people are fond of pointing at bush, but bush is just the latest in the line of idiots.

From the street level to the Halls of Congress and the white house. Every political organization has taken money from about every corporation at one time or another. The news media has made sure (by use of hatchet commentaries) that under the guise of "reporting the news" every politician cow toes to them, and those that don't.. well they get the verbal axe.

When staying in power is dependant on Kissing someone's A## for campain funds, (which btw, for those of you who haven't noticed, the media is fond of using as a sign of who's more popular/err can pay for more ads), that person cannot possibly be acting in the interest of the people that elected them. It's not about the people, it's who puts on the best dog and pony show.

Does anyone honestly believe that someone in washington is going to take action against someone who directly or indirectly was responsible for the money that got them the best dog and pony show (elected) ????

BAN the Democratic party, BAN the Republican party, BAN the electorial college, CAP election funds, ASSURE all national politicians are given equal air time who have been elected by local elections, ASSURE those local elections are only covered by local news and equally so, and REQUIRE internet based election platform. There is no reason why any of these jokers have to be in any party. The real evil here is in four parts

1 Democratic party
2 Republican party
3 News media hiding under the guise of the 1st ammendment pushing a slanted agenda
4 Unchecked banking and other wall street organizations who consider themselves above the law and ethics.

Eliminate two of them, institute checks and balances on the other two and it's problem solved.
Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 09-25-2008 16:39
exactly. nothing will change.
Parent - By michael kniolek (***) Date 09-25-2008 22:14 Edited 09-25-2008 22:18
Is this our billion or european billion?god i hope its ours lol
How many homes at an average of 350,000 is that 2 million?
Parent - By RonG (****) Date 09-26-2008 13:35
Gerald you called it as it is but I feel it may be rhetoric. I say that as gently as possible with no malice to you or any one else.

I remember back in the late 60's the first time I heard the term "Creative Financing" it struck me as ominous and I got the feeling it would catch on fire and burn a lot of people but I had no idea it turn in to an explosion of this magnitude.

The old adage "If it sounds too good to be true, it usually isn't" always comes back to haunt us.

This will always be Bushes stigma just like Hoover 80 years ago (also a Republican) (hmn...maybe something to that after all) got blamed for the "Great Depression" that was ready to happen when he took office. His problem was in how to put and end to it.

I feel it's all kinda like so many other things as time goes buy and new generations come into power. Few were good History students and so they make the same mistakes over & over again with just have enough different look and feel about it to be deceiving.

In this country we defeated may virus's, totally eradicated some so we thought. Then we dropped our guard. Some came back and some others mutated and came back.

What are you going to do? We fix a problem and it gets forgotten so no one watches the door any more. Leaving History to repeat it's self.

I am not a Bible pusher but I have read it thru & thru (heck of a good History book) and there is a passage in it "There is nothing new under the sun" that sums it up.

When I was a teen ager I thought I was really hip and cool when I got my first pair of "White Buck" shoes until an Aunt showed me an ad in a Nat Geo magazine for "White Bucks" 20 years earlier. Sure did bust my bubble but taught me a lesson.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Bail out getting worse and worse.

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