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Up Topic Welding Industry / Welding Fundamentals / Braiding main line cable
- - By Sourdough (****) Date 09-10-2008 20:37 Edited 09-10-2008 20:40
Who's done it? It is when you have to weld main line cable on a rig so that they can run their main line to the crown and back down to their drum.

.........done it 100 times, every time the whole crew in the dog house covering their head.........

hardened steel/mild steel cable........?
Parent - By NMWELDING (**) Date 09-14-2008 04:37
Never done it,never heard of it,but I`ll keep it in mind. I do a fair amount of work on drilling rigs.
Parent - - By SMTatham (**) Date 09-14-2008 18:23
Not on a rig but plenty in a sawmill to re-thread the cable on a carriage drive.  1 1/4" or smaller, not approved practice I am know; but pretty low strain and much simpler than re-stringing manually.  Havn't done it in awhile.
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 09-14-2008 19:33
Pretty much the same thing.
Parent - - By uphill (***) Date 09-16-2008 11:54
I used to do  cable replacements on cranes and draglines, always welded the new cable to the old one and pulled with a pick-up or loader. Only had one break, it was in the middle of the gantry on a 400 foot run. Had a hell of a time getting that 1" cable to come out of a sheilded pulley. Been 20 years, I dont miss those meat shreaders. Had a glove or two eaten off my hands.
Parent - - By scrappywelds (***) Date 09-16-2008 20:42
we do it 3 times a month on the coal unloader buckets at the power plant I work at. Nasty job every time, you might as well throw those gloves in the trash. It takes 20 mins. to clean off your stinger. I don't know what the coating they put on the cable, but it is sticky and you can't clean it to get a great weld, you got to weld till you don't get porsity anymore. I hate it!!!!!
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 09-16-2008 21:20
I could be wrong, but isn't it tar or creosote or somthing of that nature?

Your right, NASTY STICKY crap. LOL

Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 09-17-2008 04:15
    The gooey stuff is cable & open gear lube. You guessed it, it is used on gears that don't run in oil and on cables, the intention being that it doesn't wipe or rub off.

     Brake cleaner MIGHT cut it, but then You have to worry about what sort of poisonus gasses the residue will make when exposed to the arc. Some of them make phosegen [sp?] gas, similar to agent orange.
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 10-01-2008 22:50
Ahhh, crank her up, knock the flux off of some lh and feed it in as you long arc it. Grease doesnt stick around long.

If you do it right, it works just like solder on brass. It just sucks into all the cracks......................
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 10-02-2008 04:46
Sounds like "Barnyard TIG welding". Guess I have to check FC 2002.
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 10-06-2008 16:08
Yessir. I call it ranch tig, but it is the same.
Parent - - By pypLynr (***) Date 10-19-2008 21:22
I have always heard it called mexican heli-arc... but ranch tig works too. ha ha
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 10-21-2008 00:54
I was always told it was hippy heli arcin
Parent - By hojopens3 (**) Date 11-07-2008 19:31
I'm the rig welder on a offshore drilling rig, never tried to weld dill line, we use a "snake", floorhands can do it without gettin me up @ 2 am . and we call it redneck tig
Up Topic Welding Industry / Welding Fundamentals / Braiding main line cable

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