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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Made in USA fluxcore
- - By TRC (***) Date 10-02-2008 22:01
According to the October issue of the AWS Welding Journal there will be a new company in Ohio that will be making flux cored wire. The company is called "Rev Wires" The Big Dog at REV Wires used to be the BD at ESAB. He said "We're excited about what we're doing. One of our objectives is to help manufacturing stay in the United States." Their start up date isn't until after the first of the year but you can bet your sweet bippy I'll buy from them! (even if it cost a little more)- Ted

PS if you were a AWS member you would already have this valuble info- the membership is well worth the couple dollars it costs
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 10-02-2008 22:28
Who is "Ted"?????? Is this an advertisement??????
Parent - - By TRC (***) Date 10-02-2008 23:12
Joe, I was the New Membership Chairman for the now defunct Baltimore Chapter of the AWS and thought I'd throw that info about membership in there just to further the cause. I thought our non AWS members of this forum might find this interesting since they don't get the magazine each month. I've been a regular at this forum since 2002- Ted
Parent - By johnnyh (***) Date 10-03-2008 00:13
Parent - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 10-03-2008 12:40
Thanks for the clarification.  Your post sounded like an advertisement, and your personal data is all hidden.

BTW ASM has chapters. AWS has Sections.  Sorry to hear that Baltimore Section folded.   It sounds like the Spanish speaking, non-assimilating welders are not interested in English speaking AWS activities.
Parent - - By Weldrwomn (*) Date 10-03-2008 20:17
Why is that so exciting?  There is already a company in Ohio making flux cored wires in the USA!  It is called Hobart...
Parent - By zackhodge (*) Date 10-04-2008 18:52
ya and this company is going in the same town as hobart and thats troy,ohio
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Made in USA fluxcore

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