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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Welding Filters for the Color Blind
- - By Robert_pearson Date 02-26-2003 23:45
I need to weld a chassis for a design project in school and I'm being taught how to weld. problem is I can't see through the 3.0 and 5.0 Green filters we have in the shop helmets. Is there an alternative filter material that works for TIG and MIG welding? I heard through the rumor mill that orange and blue filters are intended for oxyacetylene welding.

Thanks for your help,

Robert Pearson
Parent - By billvanderhoof (****) Date 02-27-2003 05:14
I use the gold plated ones. They seem to pass more red.
Parent - - By magodley (**) Date 02-27-2003 14:04
If you are trying to arc weld with a # 3 or 5 lense no wonder you are having a problem seeing. Try a # 10 and see what happens.
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 02-27-2003 14:26
#3 or #5 is great for Oxy/Act cutting, but for arc (TIG, MIG, Stick, etc...)welding I agree with another post and try at least a #9 or #10 shade. The more current, the darker shade you will need because the arc intensity is greater. Some of our guys that run really hot with Flux core will use as dark as a #14. Auto shade shields start out at a # 3 or #5 and then when an arc is struck they flash over to #9 thru #14, depending on the brand or whether it has a variable setting.
Save those eyes, you'll need em!
John Wright
Try this link for selecting a shade for your set up.
There are many, I just ran up on this one and put it in here for you.
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 02-27-2003 14:30
Note that these are minimum shades!
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Welding Filters for the Color Blind

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