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Parent - - By 522029 (***) Date 10-13-2008 23:14 Edited 10-13-2008 23:19

You sir, are indeed  the ignorant one.

Parent - By freewelder (*) Date 10-16-2008 08:41
Hi, not that it is any of my business but all of you really need to see Aaron Russo's "America: Freedom to Fascism". You can get it here;
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 10-13-2008 23:44

>McBush supporters tend to be the less educated, lower income whites. 

LMFAO thanks for the laugh, thats the funniest thing I've heard in a LONG time!
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 10-14-2008 06:05
They are, that is if You don't count all the Obama suporters that live in the gettos, are in jail, havn't started working yet etc.
Parent - - By NEQA (**) Date 10-14-2008 12:08
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 10-14-2008 14:50

Allah bless America just does NOT SUIT ME!!!!


jrw159 :-)
Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 10-14-2008 15:18
Yes indeed. God Bless the USA. (0:57sec)

Watch this. If BHO is elected; God help the USA!!!!!!!

Air raid and kill civilians, cut 10's of billions in defense spending, no missile defense system, no space weaponry, slow development of future combat systems, a world without nuclear weapons (Hahahaha how naive?) [Russia to BHO- you give yours up first. Uh, um, ahh, um, OK.] Watch out for those deep cuts in our nuclear arsenal.

No white flag there.

Wake up America.
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 10-14-2008 15:47
With Islamic Iran and North Korea and other foreign countries contributing to the BO gotta wonder.

[quote]Until recently, the Obama Web site allowed a contributor to select the country where he resided from the entire membership of the United Nations, including such friendly places as North Korea and the Islamic Republic of Iran.[/quote]
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 10-16-2008 12:19
Doesn't make you wonder at all. Its simple. They see a future of capitulation and weakness on our part. And they're excited about it. Not quite as excited as American liberals get over the prospect of our capitulation and weakness, but almost.
Parent - By BryonLewis (****) Date 10-14-2008 15:51
Sounds like a good deal, where can I sign up? 
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 10-14-2008 14:07
NEQA (ISNT THAT A CARTOON ANIMAL ON BACKYARDIGANS) why dont we just elect every domestic terrorist, social loving, money grabbing, world hugging, guilt ridden,coke and crack head into office, clearly good judgment and love for the county is no longer required in this race.
it makes me sick to think about this hatefull man so close to office.
Parent - By NEQA (**) Date 10-14-2008 15:52
We don't need to vote a coke and crack head into office. John McCain is already married to a junkie.  And if he wins, the First Lady of the USA will be a pill-popping junkie.

I doubt any man is as hateful as you obviously are.

And I really don't mind the reference to a cartoon animal. But, what is a BACKYARDIGANS?
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 10-14-2008 13:50
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 10-14-2008 14:02
BINGO my friend!!!!  America as we know it could be in BIG trouble.

Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 10-14-2008 14:10
We are in big trouble our very way of life is being taken over , how do we know that this world stock crissis is not a set up to force us into a socilized economy (control education, housing and money ,  the rest will follow)
Parent - - By NEQA (**) Date 10-14-2008 15:58
Wake up. The federal government already intends to partially nationalize major US Banks.;_ylt=AjKNNE.b42Q8XyxPr4APfxOs0NUE
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 10-15-2008 18:19
correct me if im wrong but obamma wants to nationalize the banks
mccain wants to buy up and sit on the bad debt, very different ....i think
Parent - By BryonLewis (****) Date 10-15-2008 19:38
Nationalize banking will work much better if done right.  After money was given to AIG a didn't they blow $440,000 on a party for their people.  Apparently the deregulation of the banking industry allowed them a bit much freedom.   Nationalization would allow for much closer attention to be paid to the operations of the banks.
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