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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Union Laber
- - By pipeliner798 Date 10-16-2008 21:38
All i want to know is witch one of the canadates would help out the union the best. Obama said that he is for union laber, but voted agenst the teachers union and i am not sure how McCain fills on the subject of union laber
Parent - - By pipeliner 798 (**) Date 10-16-2008 22:08
who is this? laymon?
Parent - By pipeliner798 Date 10-16-2008 22:17
What's up Charlie.
Parent - - By pipeliner 798 (**) Date 10-16-2008 23:02
Parent - - By vagabond (***) Date 10-17-2008 02:01
IMHO neither party has done much for the Unions in a looooong time.  Both parties let NAFTA pass,  and both parties have done little or nothing to stop hordes of illegal aliens from taking thousands of jobs from american tradesmen and women.  I've been in the UA for 18 yrs. and I cannot believe they are supporting Yobama.  I have some issues with McCain also but without a doubt he is the least of 2 evils.  Also being from Alaska originally (I still work there and live in CO) I really think having Palin in the white house is the only chance we will ever have of having ANWAR opened up and if they happens there will be a whole lotta work for everybody. 
Parent - - By pipeliner 798 (**) Date 10-17-2008 02:21
i agree 100%. im uneducated when it comes to politics, read all i can trying to learn and understand, and from what i do understand i just cant believe our people (america) have obama in the lead. and yes the u.a. is backing him also, but only a few, very few, union members that i have talked with are supporting him.
Parent - - By CAD Date 10-17-2008 02:39
Ron Paul was the only one making sense. By 2050, latinos will be the majority in USA. Met two married teachers who moved to Canada, full health care as soon as papers where signed and relocation paid. 
Parent - - By vagabond (***) Date 10-17-2008 02:59
I have said that if Obama was a latino he'd be a shoe in and I still say it.  Canada is pretty but I've worked with guys from there and they all said the socialist health care sucks.  They were bringing the very sick relatives to the US so they could get a bed in a hospital.  And ya know latinos and others on welfare get free health care here in the US when they come here too!!!  And it's 100% coverage, you never have to pay it back.  All you have to do is stay unemployed, uneducated and pregnant.  Radical welfare reform and a radical closing of our borders would do more for our healthcare than a lot of the other crap you hear about.  No care for illegals or their anchor babies, if you show up at a hospital/clinic you get a bus ride over the border.  Just an idea,  try going to Europe or Japan and getting on the welfare roles as an american and see how that works out for you. . . . . the idiotic passivity has to end somewhere.  We are giving student loans to illegal aliens in this country so they can become educated and take your job.  Of course most lack the motivation to go this route but it happens every day.  Free health care, free education, low interest business loans and subsidy programs hell if I wasn't already here I'd want to immigrate too. 
Parent - - By pipeliner798 Date 10-17-2008 03:27
That is why we need to stand up and say what is on are mine we need to keep the union strong. So that the government can't take jobs away from the U.S. citizens. not only jobs but food off are table and the shrits off are backs. it is bad anuff that there are americans that are trying to get jobs and can't and now it is easyer for someone from a nother country to come here and with in just a few weeks be given a jobs . we need to get more organized and stand together as one nation and give are home town folks the chance to get jobs frist. they don't need to make it so damn easy for outsiders to come in here and do these kinds of thing. there are plants that are shouting down in my home town and going to mexico cause the labor is cheeper the people there tried to get the union to come in and organize the plant but they were out voted by are city they said that all the union would do is cause more problems now there are alot of poeple out of jobs and on the verge of losing every thing they have. now tell me who hurt who there that is why i got out of there and i am on the road now. all the union has done is made my life style a hole lot easyer better wages,benefits,and i know when every one else is looking for work i will have work.So i say if there is work in the U.S. let the americans have the frist chace at it and not be dependent on other countrys for what we have rite here at home.
Parent - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 10-17-2008 22:28
Strong unions only work if they have someone to work for.
Parent - By ctacker (****) Date 10-18-2008 01:32
Had to run spell check to be able to read it! :)

That is why we need to stand up and say what is on are mine we need to keep the union strong. So that the government can't take jobs away from the U.S. citizens. not only jobs but food off are table and the shirts off are backs. it is bad enough that there are Americans that are trying to get jobs and can't and now it is easier for someone from  another country to come here and with in just a few weeks be given a jobs . we need to get more organized and stand together as one nation and give are home town folks the chance to get jobs first. they don't need to make it so damn easy for outsiders to come in here and do these kinds of thing. there are plants that are shouting down in my home town and going to Mexico cause the labor is cheaper the people there tried to get the union to come in and organize the plant but they were out voted by are city they said that all the union would do is cause more problems now there are alot of people out of jobs and on the verge of losing every thing they have. now tell me who hurt who there that is why i got out of there and i am on the road now. all the union has done is made my life style a hole lot easier better wages,benefits,and i know when every one else is looking for work i will have work.So i say if there is work in the U.S. let the Americans have the first Chance at it and not be dependent on other country's for what we have rite here at home.
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 10-17-2008 04:27
Are you all f ing kidding me.  "If Obama was a latino he'd be a shoe".   "Latinos and others on welfare". "Stay unemployed, uneducated and pregnant".  What we really should do maybe, is dismantle the Statue of Liberty.  You know the one, ""Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore.  Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Let's just tear that s**t down and build a statue of Larry the F'ing Cable Guy.  Or build a new island in front of the Statue of Liberty and on the island build a giant copper dog turd.  Right in front of the "Golden Door".  Maybe take down the fence along the border and build giant movie screens facing Mexico.  And on these screens we will play movies made telling the story of the creation of America and how no one wants them here.

The first Irish came and they were hated by the colonial Americans.  The the second Irish came most of them Irish Catholics they were hated by the new Irish-Ameicans.  They hated them enough to make a new name for themselves, Scotch-Irish.  Most of them were transplanted Scots that were transported to Northen Ireland to "water down" the population of Ulster to be more British friendly.  Americans have always hated the Native Americans.  The Italians and Germans had their turn also in the late 1800s and early 1900s.  Let's not forget the hatred of blacks.  500 years and counting.  Many people that I talk to have a hatred for Obama just based on the fact.  Others are biggoted and make us lame and transparent BS to hide that fact.  Now we have to hate Hispanics and anyone that is Muslim.

Lets get rid of the Pledge of Allegiance and replace it with this line, "And the Lord said, "Listen to what the unjust judge says. And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off?  I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?"  Luke 18

F it. I'm done. 
Parent - By BryonLewis (****) Date 10-17-2008 04:32
One last rant.  I hope to hell that when Jesus does return.  He has his paperwork in order or this time the Romans won't crucify him it will be some rednecks.
Now I'm done.
Viva la Raza Humana.
Parent - - By vagabond (***) Date 10-17-2008 04:40
I'm descended from italian immigrants myself.  But they came here LEGALLY . . . . . . see the difference???  As did most of the irish according too the history books I read.  The difference between my ancestors and yours Bryon is our relatives BUILT this country, the railroads, highways, factories and infrastructure.  The illegals and other people who are living off of hard working americans are BILKING this country.  I don't hate hispanics and my post didn't say I did.  I dislike someone of another nationality who is here ILLEGALLY just as much as I dislike hispanics who are here ILLEGALLY.  As far as muslims go you've got me there you really do. . . . . .  I hate all of them, just because they are muslim.  Just like they hate me just because I'm Christian. . . . .  But hey I am pretty partial to the Larry the Cable Guy statue,  I don't think we should tear down the Statue of Liberty but we might as well built one of Larry.  I mean they built one of Rocky didn't they??
Parent - - By vagabond (***) Date 10-17-2008 04:44
One last rant.  Jesus already returned,  his papers aren't in order that's why he does my yard 3 times a month for 35 bucks!!!!
Parent - By BryonLewis (****) Date 10-17-2008 04:55
That WAS pretty good.  Don't tell my wife.
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 10-17-2008 04:54
The difference between MY and your ancestors?  I am boggled by that.  My earliest ancestors came here in 1769 from Glasgow.  He was a Capt. in the Continental army, farmer and tavern owner in Jersey and then Pennsylvania.  Others were a mix of English and Irish farmers and yes, even railroad men.  There is a saying, "We didn't cross the border, the border crossed us."  That sums up the majority of my wife's family.  Migrant farm workers that traveled from Texas to hell and back picking every type of fruit and vegetable for pennies on the bushel.  No Union retirement for them.  The woods you live in must not have many Muslims, I don't think their hatred is that mutual or exclusive.
Parent - - By vagabond (***) Date 10-17-2008 05:03
I got a trivia fact for you, there's only one state in the country that doesn't have a mosque and that is Wyoming.  I like what Michael Savage says. . . Not all muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are muslim.
Parent - - By Root Pass (***) Date 10-17-2008 12:01
I still haven't seen a picture of Barry Obama eating a pork sandwich and until I do I feel very nervous.
Parent - By hogan (****) Date 10-17-2008 14:25
I like that one rootpass
Parent - By vagabond (***) Date 10-17-2008 15:01
ROFLMAO . . . . that's funny I don't care who you are!!! 
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 10-17-2008 17:52
That's nice.  I was unaware that Ayers, McVey, the IRA are Muslim.  I'll have to write that one down.
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 10-18-2008 22:18
McVey was a Patriot.  He was redressing tyranical acts of the Federal Government and it's agents.  Tyrany is extra-constitutional crime.  It removes the protections of the constitution from the tyrant, including the right of Habeas Corpus, Trial By Jury, Public Trial, Appeal, The right to present evidence in defense, immunity from "Attainder" for family friends and future generations.  The crime of Tyrany is always death by slow torture for family, friends and future generations. 

He was not a terrorist.  The so-called innocent victims were unavoidable "Collateral Damage".
Parent - By BryonLewis (****) Date 10-18-2008 22:30
Joe are you serious.  Timothy McVey a patriot.  SOB.  He he is a patriot then so is Bin Laden.  All the victims of 9/11 were collateral damage and the perpetrators were also redressing the tyrannical acts of the US by America supporting Israel then, Right? 
I've read alot of BS on these posts and many would say that some of my posts were BS.  I hope to hell you have been drinking whiskey and smoking crack since Thursday, that way your ridiculous statements would have some reason for the absurdity.  If not then you should seek a good psychiatrist.  You're on Long Island go into the city.  Try Bellvue I'm sure someone could help you.
Parent - - By MDG Custom Weld (***) Date 10-17-2008 14:52
For being a welder as your profile shows, why have every one of your post been in the "off topic" section and geared to stir the political pot in favor of Obama?  It seems that you have added no real value to this welding forum.

And for the record, I'm not in favor of any candidate.
Parent - - By vagabond (***) Date 10-17-2008 15:00 Edited 10-17-2008 15:09
Let's put a welder in the White House, I think we should all start a grass roots campaign to write in Jesse James.  Or even Paul Teutel Sr.,  although I think Jesse would be a better president.  Plus we'd all get to see Sandra Bullock on TV more and I don't know about you guys but if I could have any 3 things in the world she'd be 2 of em.  Yup write in Jesse James for prez,  I can see it now.  Motorcyclists will finally get the respect they deserve on America's highways.  The border problem???  Well I think that would be dealt with by Jesse a lot quicker than either candidate we have running now.  Healthcare??  You want healthcare, get a job. . . . .  then we'll ban all the rice burners from importing cars or motorcycles and start building and buying our own,  that ought to help the economy some.  OK I'll go back to work!!!   It was just a thought that's all. . . . . . . I like Bryons posts it reflects the diversity in our group.  I really enjoy the way he makes a point,  I don't agree with a lot of it but I like it.  I do the same thing with Dennis Miller I don't agree with the guy but he is engaging enough I have to listen to what he has to say. . . . other than the fact Bryon is an open/out of the closet liberal I haven't noticed any other undesirable traits about him.  His punctuation and spelling are impeccable!!!  Just kidding with you Bryon . . . . I love a good debate/argument with anyone who's savvy.  "It's no fun having a battle of wits with an unarmed man"  Will Rogers.
Parent - By MDG Custom Weld (***) Date 10-17-2008 16:34
I'm not trying to bring to light good or bad traits, just my observations of stirring the pot.  Almost all of the members that have engaged Bryon (yourself included) are active members that contribute to this forum on many other boards almost daily.  In doing so, the rest of us get a feel for what others are all about, what fields they work in, what expertise they bring to the table, ect, ect, ect.  From rig chasers to race car builders, everyone knows one another as more than just a political activist.  While I too don't agree with everything he might say, and reading his post are often times humorous, where is the contribution to the welding forum?
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 10-17-2008 17:57
Isn't this the "place to relax and talk about non-welding activities"?  I have posted on a few other forums of the welding nature.  I one day popped onto this forum and saw some very good adversaries. Those whom are more right leaning.  Controversy is only contrversy when there is a difference in opinion. 

And for the record.  I am for one of the candidates, Can you figure which one? HAHAHA (to be said with a diabolical laugh)
Parent - - By MDG Custom Weld (***) Date 10-17-2008 18:18
Hummmm, I think I remember an earlier post that you were for...who was it???  Oh yes, Obama. :)

If all people had the passion for working like you have for your candidate, this country would be drastically different.
Parent - - By vagabond (***) Date 10-17-2008 18:24
If all the people had the passion for working he has for Yobama this country would be China!!!   ROFLMAO. . . which reminds me I've got work to do.
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 10-17-2008 18:31
I do like some Chinese food.  Xie Xie.  I wish had work to do.  Unemployment is driving me mad.
Get to work, talk down to you later.  LOL
Parent - By mountainman (***) Date 10-17-2008 19:04
be sure to get up and stretch atleast once every six hours. LOL

Parent - - By vagabond (***) Date 10-17-2008 19:56
Talk down to you later, I'm going into convulsions. . . .I'm going to use that one. 
Parent - - By SMTatham (**) Date 10-17-2008 20:02
Is it only "laber" in 798 and "labor" everywhere else?
Parent - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 10-18-2008 14:21

Maybe "Laber" is a certain type of labor that is defined as the union version of an honest day's work.

Joe Kane
Parent - By BryonLewis (****) Date 10-17-2008 18:29
How did you ever guess?
And Thanks?  I guess.
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 10-18-2008 03:41
    No You have it all wrong, that giant turd should be made from CorTen, that way it will be brown, like any good turd should be. The copper one You suggested would end up green. Who ever saw a green dog turd?
Parent - By BryonLewis (****) Date 10-18-2008 04:37
CorTen it is. 
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Union Laber

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