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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Hot Remote
- - By JohnJohn (**) Date 10-22-2008 00:29
I just got a Cables remote and wired it up just like she says to do and it gets fairly hot to the touch after about an hour of welding. Any thoughts?

Parent - - By cdd (**) Date 10-22-2008 01:44
CHeck your plugs on your extension cord for burn or arc marks adn check all connections to in plug and bos to make sure they arent loose. You also need to make sure your rpms arent to high. You can call cable control kits were you bought the remote and ask them for a troubleshooting guide if you dont already have one.
Parent - By 63 Max (***) Date 10-22-2008 02:00
Is it getting warm or hot to where you cant touch it. It's going to get warm on you when welding.
Parent - By JohnJohn (**) Date 10-22-2008 23:02
I did arc one cord with it when I first got it. I wish those instructions warned you about unplugging the thing while the machine is running. Other than that I guess I'll check the RPM's. It's not hot to the touch but it gets prettydarn warm. I was just curious as to how warm it should get. By the way, Shirley and her son are top notch people, can't say enough about them or their products.
Parent - By Iron Head 49 (***) Date 10-22-2008 10:53
I had the same question with mine. I called Mrs. Cable, (what a sweet lady) she said it is normal! But try to set your machine where you are working on the middle to upper part of the scale on your remote.
I took a temperature reading on mine, something like 140° or 150°, (but hadn't run it very long).
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Hot Remote

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