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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / colton local 364 ca
- - By and4rik (**) Date 10-23-2008 21:27
Well, that does it for me.  Finished my 2"  XH 6g.  And was asked to leave the Colton, CA UA  local.  I want to thank those who offered me the opportunity to learn what I could teach myself.  I managed 8 of the 16 weeks. 
  I realized in the first week that it wasn't the place for me, so I grinned and beared it best I could.  So three intense verbal arguments later,  all three for people getting into my physical space, I am asked to leave for "not welding enough".   I think I realize that what they want are dope smokers that sleep in the booth all day and don't ask questions.
  Again I want to thank those in charge for offering me the opportunity, you know who you are.  I hope I have not offended any members of good character,  I just wish I would have been in contact with them.  You have what you want Colton local 364, I'm looking the other way.

Parent - By sbcmweb (****) Date 10-23-2008 21:48
Erik. I wish you the best, since it didn't work out there. You are the better individual for having a higher standard of work ethic & not letting anyone punk on you. I didn't know when you posted the lazy worker thread what your situation was & the circumstances involved. I only wanted to offer an objective viewpoint from someone with some experience with working for a real crummy place a long time & leaving there years later, not exactly on terms I would have liked, angry & bitter over the entire experience.

I wish you the best of luck with something new. You sound like a hard working, decent guy. I'm sure you won't have trouble finding what you are looking for. S.W.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / colton local 364 ca

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