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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Oil Leak on a SA200
- - By gotpipe597 (**) Date 10-29-2008 03:24
I hope that someone can help. I have a 83 SA200 that has a good leak on the governor. I put a quart in every two days. i took the mag out and put in a disruptor cap. i bolted a plate over were the mag was. What can i do to fix this leak. I don't want to spend 800 to put a new governor in. Any thought or idea would be greatly appreciated. Bryan K.
Parent - By stkwldr (**) Date 10-29-2008 12:38
you might want post this in the SA 200 discussion portion or do a search in there.  alot of information available over there.
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 10-29-2008 13:04
when you put the plate on did you use a gaskey or any high heat silicone, if it directly from the govenor try replacing the gasket on it or using silicone a quart every 2 days isnt reald bad but not good either i had a machine that would burn leak and blow by 4 quarts a day and kept on ticking away
Parent - - By sbcmweb (****) Date 10-29-2008 13:51 Ask for Kaye. As was mentioned, the SA 200 board has lots of useful stuff & Kaye posts free info all the time. She's a walking Lincoln SA 200 encyclopedia. Good luck. Steve.
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 10-29-2008 21:53
shes back in the shop now and they dont call her to the phone your best bet is to pm her or send an email an just wait
Parent - - By Robert48 (**) Date 10-30-2008 00:00
I had the same problem when I changed to electronic. I cut a thicker block off plate about 5/16 because a thiner one con easily warp, and not apply even pressure to the gasket. You will also learn that you can pinch out the timing cover gasket easily by over tightening. I found this out the hard way. This was on a new motor so I replaced the timing cover and did not replace the front seal around the crank pully. Now the only leak I have goes without saying. Can I replace this seal without taking the whole cover off? I should know but did not pay that much attention when I took it apart. The part that really pisses me off is a new seal came with the gasket set and is sitting in a drawer.
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 10-30-2008 01:11
i believe its like a wheel bearing seal and you need to pull the cover off
Parent - - By KSellon (****) Date 11-03-2008 15:30
I miss talking to your --Shad. Next time I take a break from the shop I'll call you.....
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 11-03-2008 22:34
you my friend may call anytime there have been many times i needed advice and just did the trial and error thing til i figured it out it sucks you're back in the shop and the 15697 whatever the number is diagram to hook up a pc board on a redface dont help 1 bit yes i learned the hard way as usual lol no i didnt fry the board thank goodness but 2 days of hooking stuff up and then it didnt work i messed with it for a week and finally gave in and went to my mech it took me the whole day but i got it and if anybody ask a redface will fit sideways in a dodge tub rig but you need a 4'' channel iron skid and remove the exciter cover 1/2'' on each side of the machine but it fits after a few scratches
Parent - By KSellon (****) Date 11-03-2008 15:29
parts to completely rebuild your gov run about $90-- let me know if you want the seal and bearing kit
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Oil Leak on a SA200

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