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Up Topic Welding Industry / Welding Fundamentals / Welding helmet Help.
- - By sickytwisted (*) Date 10-31-2008 06:53 Edited 10-31-2008 06:57
I need an auto darkening helmet.  A, most bang for my dollar type of helmet.  I mostly do hobby type projects, building proffesional booths for conventions and plenty of automotive stuff.  A lot of the welding that I do is overhead.  I've looked into a few helmets but they're freaking expensive.  I know (just from my years as a craftsman)  that its not the flashy expenisive tools that get the job done.  Still.  I'd like to get a good, large viewing area helmet for versatile use.  Online, I've mostly observed that the larger thte viewing area, the more expensive the helmet.  Anybody know where I can get a deal.  Any, "my helmet is the best" stories.  Let me know guys.  I'm counting on your years of experience to help me get a few in.  I put this questio here because it made sense to.  Tools, in my opinion, are part of the "trick".
Parent - By yorkiepap (***) Date 10-31-2008 11:46
Hey sickyt,
Here is a helmet that will fit your needs quite handily. I have 2 of them and they work very well, have a large window, and work great for all processes including TIG. They are approx. $80 and can be less with a discount coupon. Hope this helps.....     Denny
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 10-31-2008 11:51
I've tried a bunch.

My favorite hood shell is still the old Vulcanized Huntsman.  It will last 20 years, You can drop it off a 10 story building and just climb down and pick the thing back up. It's not super light, but it will also never crack or melt.

I don't care about flames, or jokers, or teeth painted on hoods.. (my students love this stuff)

My few favorite design for auto dark is Optrel.  Medium light, comfortable, nice view, My cheaters fit, replacement covers aren't too spendy, and it vents good.  I don't favor the super light hoods because they don't last long with alot of overhead SMAW or FCAW.

But really, any of the other major vendors, Speedglass, Miller has a few, they are all safe and flexable.

If your going to weld high amps or aluminum than it's best to look for an auto dark with a range of shades.
Parent - - By sbcmweb (****) Date 10-31-2008 13:22 Edited 10-31-2008 13:34
Lawrence & Denny both had good options. It's really how much money you want to spend. The Huntsman helmet is relatively inexpensive & virtually indestructible. It can be had for less than $30, then just pop a lens of your choice in. I have used Huntsman Auto View lenses for over 10 years & like them a lot. They make several different models & price ranges. They are on the upper end pricewise, but I like them. Miller makes a less expensive helmet/lens combo with many features for under $200 I believe. I myself prefer Fibre Metal helmets, they are around $40 give or take. The ones Denny eluded to from Harbor Freight are a good, cheap helmet for someone without the funds to purchase a high dollar automatic helmet & they work well for the money.

I bought an 'i Vue' brand cheapie lens for my spare helmet awhile back. I thought it was junk. It wouldn't TIG all that well, it shut off a lot, even after messing with the batteries & stuff. Just my experience with it.

One thing too, to keep in mind is how you like the orientation of the window. (These would be the big window helmets) The Huntsman helmets use a vertical window, the Fibre Metal brands, a horizontal one. Automatic lenses are made for both. Like Lawrence, I prefer plain helmets without flames & stuff. I like to put my own stickers on :-)

One other thing I will mention, at least of importance for me, is that some of the high end helmets such as the Miller & Speed Glas use special curved & contoured cover plates to protect the lens. The only thing I do not like about these, is if you were on the road welding & your cover plate got a load of hot slag dropped on it, you had no extras & you had no LWS nearby to purchase a replacement last minute.... You're screwed!

The Huntsman & Fibre Metal helmets use a universal rectangular FLAT cover plate available nearly ANYWHERE that sells welding products, such as a hardware, Wal Mart, TSC, whatever. Anyone can forget an extra cover plate, I sure have before.

Just a few things to consider. You may want to purchase a better helmet in the future, you'll have a little knowledge going in anyways. After you do some research, ebay is a good place to pick up a helmet, as long as you know what you're looking for.

Good luck S.W.

EDIT: I thought the "Miller Killer" sticker was a nice touch, especially since I use a Blue machine :-)
Parent - - By sickytwisted (*) Date 10-31-2008 18:08
Thanks guys.  You know, I love the fact that Harbor freight exists but I have gotten screwed by their tools before.  I had a painting company a few years ago and when I was on a tight budget, thats where I'd go.  I don't know about them anymore.  6 out of ten tools came out good.  Well I guess that isn't that bad.
Parent - By Metarinka (****) Date 10-31-2008 18:45
A welding helmet is the one tool I'm willing to spend a little extra on because A) it's what protects my eyes and they are much more valuable to me than money and  B) it's one of the items I'll be wearing close to all day as a welder and I'd rather have something light and comfy that makes the job easier then saving a few$$ but having a headache or neck strain trying to work in real life conditions.

I personally use a miller pro which I think I netted for around 180 in flat black (although I'm thinkin of getting a hello kitty paint job)
I'm a fan of the miller pro: light, good sized viewing window, excellent auto darkening hood that never turns off due to O.O.P welding. The elite is the fancier version with a bigger screen but frankly I've never had any problem seeing with the miller.

That's my vote.
Parent - - By Jenn (***) Date 10-31-2008 18:57
Metarinka is right, the Miller pro is really good. I have a Miller Elite, but I do have a close friend who has the pro, and it's really not much difference between that and the Elite for about 100 dollars cheaper. He has been using it for quite awhile and is just as happy as I am. I bought the Elite, because I want the bigger window. The Elite's window is about 1 inch taller than the pro, and the extra sensor, and I could afford it. I also am using it all day long for sometimes 15-17 hours straight, so it's well worth the investment. The warranty is killer, and you can buy replacement parts for everything if you break something on it.

Just my opinion though, take it or leave it.... Nice to have you around by the way! :)

Parent - By sickytwisted (*) Date 10-31-2008 20:17
Thanks.  Awesome words people.
Parent - - By Metarinka (****) Date 10-31-2008 20:22
Jenn also brought to attention this very nice custom paint job on what looks like either a miller pro, or maybe a speedglas helmet.

I've been seriously thinking of getting a similar paintjob on my helmet like that for some time now.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 10-31-2008 20:24
Yep, thats a speedglas. I use these hoods and they are, excuse the pun, the cats meow. LOL

Parent - - By sickytwisted (*) Date 10-31-2008 22:29
That is one scary looking helmet.  I love it.
Parent - By Michael Gregory (*) Date 11-02-2008 01:32
I use a Jackson Boss. I love the wide angle lens.
Parent - - By up-ten (***) Date 11-02-2008 01:46
I'm a little confused as to why you have the Miller Killer  on your helmet when you service Millers?  I mean, it is a cool decal and all but...
Parent - By sbcmweb (****) Date 11-02-2008 01:55
I like the way it throws the guys that just take everything, as well as themselves  WAAAY too seriously. :-) I almost put one on my Blue machine. :-)

All in fun really. After seeing how worked up some individuals get around here over the most petty of things, I like to throw a little fun in the mix!!!!!!

I would never show up with it on a big job if I was a pipe guy or something like that. Too many problems, as you have already mentioned in the past.

Hope you & yours are doing well Bob. The best you can do is all you can do.

Take care. S.W.
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