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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Eqivalent of material
- - By khodabandeh (**) Date 11-10-2008 13:37
Please tell me equivalent of below materials in ASTM & DIN Standards:
Parent - By bert lee (**) Date 11-10-2008 14:54

"comparison" could be the rigth term than "equivalent"
the material supplier maybe the best person to ask.

bert lee

Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 11-10-2008 17:02
Parent - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 11-10-2008 19:48
Are you sure the numbers you're talking about are DIN and not British Standard? I've always seen that BS relates to a British material.
Giovanni S. Crisi
Sao Paulo - Brazil
Parent - - By Ehsan (*) Date 12-14-2011 08:34
Hi Dear Mr. Omid Reza Khodabandeh!!!
ASTM 615 Grade 520 & DIN-488 are equivalent to these codes.
Parent - - By Shane Feder (****) Date 12-14-2011 12:14
The post was asking for DIN (European) or ASTM (American) equivalents to the listed BS materials.

Did you try looking yourself on the internet ?
Type in BS XXXX equivalent into "google" and then follow the leads.
I love helping people out but it is obvious that you haven't looked yourself - just easier to post a question and let us answer it.???
Parent - - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 12-14-2011 15:21
Thanks for pointing that out.
However, you know better than me that DIN are German and not European standards. In Europe there were also French (Afnor), Swedish (SIS), Italian (UNI) and other standards. All of them have been discontinued and replaced by ISO standards.
Giovanni S. Crisi
Parent - By nantong (**) Date 12-23-2011 14:00
Wrong, they have not been discontinued and they have not been replaced by ISO standards. In the EU certain standards had to be aligned through legislation, eg European Directives, in order of harmonisation of product. that is everyone knows how to make something, from a safety aspect, that will meet the expectations of every country within the EU.
As such, for example the European Directive 97/23 for pressure equipment was adopted into English law as Statutory Instrument SI 1999 2001. Every country still maintains its own standards. In the UK these harmonised standards can be identified as BS EN, in Germany DIN EN. If they are not harmonised then they will not have the EN appended to them.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Eqivalent of material

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