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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Anyone in here ever work for Bechtel?
- - By Kix (****) Date 11-10-2008 18:55
I put in for a field welding engineer on one of their new coal fires they got going up.  It's only supposed to last 6 to 12 months, but the money is hard to pass up.  Do they give you benefits on top of your hourly wage by chance?  Are they a good company to work for?  I figure after the 12 months is up or whatever, I could go back to working out of the hall for awhile if I had to.
Parent - By Sberry (***) Date 11-10-2008 19:00
I work for them on a nuke (pipe welder), they got their own way of doing things for sure but if you like to follow rules they are steady.
Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 11-10-2008 19:42
I believe one of our top members is working on there only current new nuke plant
Parent - By RonG (****) Date 11-10-2008 22:13
I have worked for Bechtel on 2 Coal fired locations with multiple units in Arz over 20 years ago and it was a good company to work for back then.

Couldn't say about today tho.

I was union but had close friends in Eng. & Purchasing.

I know once you are in its pretty secure and with good benefits but as any work place it has its POLITICS and POLITIANS. But any thing worth having has its price or consequences now doesn't it?. 
Parent - - By PipeIt (**) Date 11-11-2008 14:59
New Nuke ground up? What part of the country is this in Hogan?
Parent - By hogan (****) Date 11-11-2008 16:03
try looking here
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 11-11-2008 03:52
I knew several mechanical & electrical engineeres who worked for them years ago, one I know for sure still does, has 25+ years with them. Cant be all that bad.
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 11-11-2008 12:56
I've worked direct for them and also subcontracted scads of times.  In my experience, your benefits are included.
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 11-11-2008 13:21
Thanks guys!!  Well, I hope it all works out for the best.  I'm scared with the economy the way it is, that when this job is up in 12 months, I'll have trouble getting work.  Hopefully work will still be booming out of the hall in a year.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 11-11-2008 16:58
I am currently a project LIII for Bechtel on one of their Nuke projects. They do have their own way, but they also have a lot of work going and incoming.

Parent - - By Sberry (***) Date 11-11-2008 17:09
I worked for them in the early 80's, at that time they had 112 jobs in 54 countries over 50 million and those were some baby ones, they had several in the multi billion range.
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 11-11-2008 17:59
They have that many and more going now.
Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 11-11-2008 17:12
Gerald: re "They do have their own way."   I could not agree with you more!  In this case, it is the Bechtel way or the Highway, but as you say, they always have tons of work,
Parent - By spgtti (**) Date 11-11-2008 21:27
  Most of the people I know who take field engineer or mechanical superintendant jobs are able to negotiate their package to a point. I know guys who have taken company benefits or negotiated 40 hr. paid into the hall. Its your gig and since you'll no longer be working under a collective bargaining agreement you better take them for all their willing to give.
  From what I've seen going on in management here lately, anyone with a little common sense and a BASIC knowledge of their craft will quickly become an asset with these big name power outfits. Good luck navigating the political minefield and enjoy.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Anyone in here ever work for Bechtel?

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