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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Spool Guns?
- - By Tamper (**) Date 12-18-2008 02:21
Well I was talking to a couple of guys around here about setting up my own truck for around my home town for a while (ohio). And something I wasnt taking into consideration was all the dump trucks running around here for the coal mines. Could a SA-200 or a similar dc only machine be able to run a spool gun for aluminum? And what would I need, besides the machine and spool gun, to run it? Thanks,
Parent - By tazmannusa (**) Date 12-18-2008 03:26
I run a lincoln spool gun off my sa 250 classic II in cv mode, works fine. allso ran cobra push pull. I have heard the sa 200's dont cv as good but cant vouch for that have not tryed one.
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 12-18-2008 03:53
Most spool guns will need 115 VAC to run the controll box. There are some older ones that will work with DC input power.

Some time back [4/12/08] a guy who posts as sierraville was selling a unit like this on this forum, I don't know if it is still available. It was an Airco, military surplus.
Parent - - By tazmannusa (**) Date 12-18-2008 14:06
One work around I can think of for the sa 200. The amp load is small on the 115 VAC control boxes for spool guns. If it has a 12 volt DC charging and battery why not hook up 12 V to 115 VAC converter?  Then you could run the newer ones
Parent - By Tamper (**) Date 12-18-2008 22:43
Ok thanks guys. I have never thought of that tazmannusa. Thanks for the info guys
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Spool Guns?

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