I was trying to give information related to his original question that contained " I thought that was mandatory! " and thus was in the context of "code requirements".
The statement "While backing is a nonessential variable, it does have to be described by the WPS" led me to believe you were indicating the type (composition) of the backing had to be described on the WPS. And I do agree that that is useful information for the welder. It is not something that must be addressed on the WPS except for GTAW and PAW.
Didn't really intend to switch anything but now the post will have some of each types of information.
If someone were to just use an ASME Correct WPS they could use galvanized steel as a backing for SS. A very bad idea, but still "code compliant". A good reason for drawings, welding standards, and other associated engineering documents. Or how about the old standby blocks of carbon! Works great but what does it do for that 1st pass carbon content.
Have a nice day
Iuka Ms