Depends upon what you want to find out about your eyes or the eyes of an employee or perspective inspector.
Personally, I know my eyes change throughout the day. I am right eye dominant part of the day. Because of a slight astigmatism in my right eye, and depending on how much welding I do during the day, my left eye becomes more dominant. Only time I really notice it is when I am shooting or doing other activities that may focus upon which eye you are using. Eye dominance does not really matter for normal eye test or job performance.
I have had everything else checked at several different times of day and it does not seem to matter. Color perseption, glacoma (?), visual acuity, retinal exam, and about any other eye test there is. My opthamologist likes to keep track of many different test levels because of the type of work I do, that way if something changes they know it instantly.
I recommend the same for hearing tests and lung capacity (can't remember proper medical name for the blow in the tube test). If your doctor knows your normal levels they can catch things before the changes become a problem you can't stop or fix.
I am over 50, been welding for, well a long time, and have had these eye tests since I was about 25.
Hope that answers your question. Have a Great Day, Brent