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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Worst jobs
- - By ross (***) Date 01-09-2009 18:10
Wall Street Journal did an article about a website ( that lists the "best and worst jobs."

Welder is 8th from the bottom. (Mathematician is #1 best.)  Go to the site and give 'em a clue, guys.

AWS Marketing
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 01-09-2009 20:45
And there's the reason why there is such a demand for welders and why it will only get worse.  The battle for the Image of welding contiues.  Man up boys and post a comment on there.
Parent - By TozziWelding (**) Date 01-10-2009 01:22
I call bull$hit, whatever keeps the competion out, LOL thats what the oldtimer said at coffee this morning. Anyway I have 3-4 good kids/guys that I want to train, because they want to learn the trade. That IMHO is the key, money hungry ba$tards can eat it. My guys honestly want to be in this trade, so we train them. I am just rambeling rightnow as a continuation of coffee, but the guys I have "went to school" to be weldors. We are in the process of re-training them, but they are accepting the real world. Anyway long story short welding ain't that bad I been in it since I was 15 and am training the next generation as the previous generation(so sad I have learnrd so much in my few years) retires and tained me. I am only 27 but the 19 year old kids make me feel 50, and the "old guys" of 50-55 feel like my buddys. I don't know these days, the "old guys" are my boys an the "new guys"  are clueless. There is no way I was this bad when I was 18, I think about it every day , no way. I guess they don't make em' as smart as theu use to.
Parent - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 01-10-2009 03:06
I will be curious to see if my comment gets posted.
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 01-10-2009 03:34
Ross, the Wall St. Journal explaned why the list reads like it does. If a candy a*s can't do it, it is not a good job.

Possibly being out doors, lifting, crouching and putting up with some sparks & fumes, who would want a job like that?
Parent - - By ross (***) Date 01-10-2009 10:58
Here's what I wrote to the reporter:

Dear Ms. Needleman:

I enjoyed your article "Doing the Math to Find Good Jobs" in which you
report about the new job ranking site that uses statistics and a
mathematical algorithm to calculate that the best three jobs are
statistician, actuary, and mathematician.

I am sure that the people who developed this formula were happy that their
own career choices were validated. Thank you for showing the other side of
the story with your interviews with two people whose jobs, though they dwell
at the bottom of the list, seem to be providing great satisfaction.

I am sure that many workers, like the dairy farmers, seamen, and welders who
are ranked among the bottom, would agree that the scoring criteria used by
the website favors a total (and unhealthy) lack of physical activity and

"Welder" appears as number eight on the "10 Worst Jobs" list. America's
welders are passionate about the fulfillment they receive as major players
in our progress toward energy independence and rebuilding of our aging
infrastructure. Their work is artistic and satisfying. The modern welding
environment, aided by computer-assisted equipment, automation, and high-tech
air filtration, has nothing in common with the outdated image of this

The list also underestimates the income and job outlook for welders. An
article in your own paper, "Where Have All the Welders Gone?"
(, refers to Labor
Department statistics that show a 10% decline in the number of welders from
2000 to 2005, which has led to the forecast of a 200,000-welder shortage in
the U.S. by next year. As an employer told the WSJ, "We need welders like a
starving person needs food."

Demographics are driving this shortage. The average age of a welder in the
U.S. is now in the mid-fifties, and they are retiring faster than new
workers are entering the welding profession.

This critical shortage is occurring just as the country prepares to pump
billions of dollars into infrastructure projects that will require tens of
thousands of skilled welders.

There is an interesting story to be told about specific career categories,
like welding, that will be the first beneficiaries of the upcoming economic
stimulus program.

A recent CBS Evening News story portrayed a stockbroker who changed his
career to welding and is thriving in the nuclear power plant industry
which is providing welders with six-figure incomes.

Again, I enjoyed your article and I appreciate the balance you provided, but
a list that places welding near the bottom of a career ranking is doing a
disservice to anyone who wants the real story about opportunities in
welding.  Please let me know if you would like to speak to welders who can
tell you how rewarding this career is.

You can also hear first-hand what three young welders have to say about
their careers in a short video at

Ross Hancock
Director, Marketing Communications
American Welding Society
Parent - - By uphill (***) Date 01-10-2009 11:41
Mr Hancock,
Nice response. I have to believe the list of worst employers would read like the down jones top 100 companies? There is something to be said for job based rewards, whether satisfaction of financial.
Parent - - By CHGuilford (****) Date 01-10-2009 16:10
"down jones"  a good pun there!
Parent - - By vagabond (***) Date 01-13-2009 01:32
Yeah I hate my job. . . . it's definitely one of the worst ones in the country.  I work for a company that's rated in the top 100 employers by Fortune magazine and I make more in 6 months than most people I went to high school (and college before I dropped out) make in 12.  And I also get 6 months off a year, and the worst part is because of the traveling I have all those pesky write-offs so I don't pay very much in taxes either.  It's a terrible job,  I don't know why anyone would want to do it.  Oh I almost forgot you also always have to answer the phone because people are calling you and bothering you with MORE job offers all the time,  that in and of itself is a major distraction believe me. . . . .
Parent - By pypLynr (***) Date 01-13-2009 03:14
LOL  !!! I wrote that article off as a piece of garbage . It offended me and I felt that it offended our entire profession and each and every one of us as 'professional international metal fusion technicians' . I would go crazy if I had to sit in an office all day ,every day . We are the Rhembrandt's of the international construction industry . That article came close to being a loogy spit in our beers after a long day under the hood.  I don't know about yall , but  that would be grounds for a good ole' country a$$ whoopin' !   LOL  But that wouldn' be 'politically correct' , would it ?   For some reason , money and expensive suits and  a , so called , college education seems to 'know whats best' or 'worst' .
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 01-13-2009 03:32 Edited 01-13-2009 03:44
Its all relative to who was asked to take the survey.  Who reads the WSJ?  Suits read it!  If you ask 1000 whores whats the best job you would get a different answer.  If the In-Fisherman did the survey you would get yet another set of jobs.  All I have to say is F**k the WSJ.  Yes welding is hot, dirty work.  Many welders don't get paid shi*.  But if they venture out past their little weld booth in a crappy factory, they would be suprised to see what is out there.

Many of the welders that I have worked with are a bunch of lazy fu**s that would rather get unemployment than actually work for their overpriced paychecks, if $18/hr is overpriced.  But for these pricks, yeah it is.  Unemployment sucks!!! 

If the good people at the AWS would get done with my application and let me know when I can take my CWI exam, the faster I can get to Alaska and make all that money that Vagabond keeps bragging about.:-)  This $255/wk unemployment is killing me.  LOL

Thats enough, I'm going to bed.
Parent - - By vagabond (***) Date 01-13-2009 21:00
In the FWIW dept. I don't know if we have any openings right now but the company that is our major competitor up north just fired a guy who has been posing as a CWI for over a year!!!!  It just came out that he is only a CAWI and even that certification has expired.  I'm getting ready to head back to work on the 20th and I can only imagine the audits, procedure changes etc. this will mean for inspection in general.  On the flip side my company may get more work.  I have to wonder what the HR dept. not to mention the QA dept. are going to say when they are asked how this got by them????   I don't have enough experience yet to do QA but believe me if I ever do I'll be checking the qualifications of the inspectors I'm checking.  Hey Bryon if you want them to hurry up with that application just let them know your a friend of mine that should speed things up for ya!!!!   ROFLMAO. . . . One thing I've noticed they are pretty up to speed on is cashing your check or sending out renewal notices for memberships!!!!  And if you think welders are lazy just wait til you get around a bunch of us inspectors!!!
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 01-13-2009 21:19
That's nice.  I gave them your name and they referred me to the CWB in Canada. LOL. 

No really though, I noticed that they quickly cashed my check.  Its been two weeks now.  I emailed one lady that passed me off to another that would "get back to me soon".  I finally emailed the first lady this morning and just now got a response from a DIFFERENT lady and a thank you from the second lady that was supposed to be looking into it for me on behalf of the first lady. Breathe deeply.

Any ways, I think that the AWS are full of crackpots, if for no other reason than this:  They accepted me to take the seminar and test in Denver.  The exam time on Saturday was full so I will have to take the test on Sunday Feb 9.  That might be a good deal having an extra day to study.

And about the work ethic of inspectors.  I know for sure that they are a bunch of over-paid, lazy Internet surfers.  Why else would I want in this kind of profession!  :-)
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 01-13-2009 23:02
I resent that closing comment! I am NOT overpaid. In fact, I'm looking for a position right now that pays more and requires far less. Know of any? Please advise...
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 01-13-2009 23:32
I'm unemployed what do I know? LOL
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 01-13-2009 23:56
Me too. No project too small, no fee too large.

"will inspect for Beer"
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 01-19-2009 14:56
I bet they didn't factor the demand for each career into the calculation.  People that go to college to have a career in the top 3 I bet can't even get a job doing that because there's no demand and end up as a flight attendant or a waitress at some resteraunt.
Parent - By Bob Garner (***) Date 01-19-2009 16:17
Remember Studs Terkel's book, "Working"?  I love that book.

Bob G.
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 01-20-2009 03:58
Like the joke: What does an anthropologist say at work? answer: "Do You want fries with that?"
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Worst jobs

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