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Up Topic Welding Industry / Processes / SMAW VS E71xx ISW
- - By awong Date 01-14-2009 20:02
Is there any difference between shielded metal arc welding versus E7IXX inter shield wire.  Can we use this for both fillet and full penetration welsds.

Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 01-14-2009 20:47
Hello Ariv, there is a difference between the two processes. For one, SMAW is considered a manual welding process and FCAW self-shielded is considered a semi-automatic process. You can certainly interchange these processes provided you qualify the procedures for their use seperately from one another. The two are typically run on opposite polarities, yet not always. In general, SMAW is generally performed with DC reverse polarity or possibly AC and in lesser cases, straight polarity. FCAW self-shielded is performed using DC straight polarity. When you are considering advantages of one over the other you could argue that FCAW self-shielded is more efficient based upon the lack of rod changes and stub-loss, yet this isn't always a determining factor for comparing or selecting a particular process based on speed. If you are dealing with impact testing concerning your welds, there could be a number of limitations caused by this requirement when considering the FCAW self-shielded process. You should also consider equipment requirements: FCAW self-shielded typically requires a wire feed unit, either a suitcase unit or a standard shop unit. It might also require a different power source depending upon whether your welding requires qualification with a CV or CC power source. If you are planning on using a CC power source you will need to have a voltage sensing feeder and will likely also require special testing and qualification of welding procedures. If you are using a "standard" wire feed set-up (CV power source and matching feeder) you might still require special testing and job specific wires to meet impact testing if the work requires that. The SMAW welding simply reqires a CC power source and a set of welding cables and the appropriate electrode. There are other considerations that you could look at and others will likely respond also, but you should probably post this question under a different topic section on the forum. Try either the "shop talk" section or the "technical" section. Welcome to the forum and best regards, Allan
Parent - By awong Date 01-14-2009 22:23
Thanks Allen.  I will try to post this on other section.

Best Regards,
Parent - By awong Date 01-14-2009 22:38
By the way Allen,
The steel contractor asked me a question if the SMAW (noted in the specification) can be substituted with the FCAW for field welding application.  He said he can save cost and reduce the time if he utilize the FCAW.  I am not familiar with the welding process itself, so I posted this to get some feedback.  Thank you for your detailed explanation between the two method of weldings.

Best Regards,
- By integrated Date 04-24-2013 07:34
In my knowledge, Shielded metal arc weldingis a manual arc welding process that uses a consumable electrode coated in flux to lay the weld and Gas metal arc weldingis a welding process in which an electric arc forms between a consumable wire electrode and the workpiece metal. Thank you.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Processes / SMAW VS E71xx ISW

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