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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Three Terms for Barack Obama?
- - By Root Pass (***) Date 01-15-2009 21:37
This guy isn't even swarn in yet!
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 01-15-2009 21:54
Ah well, given the closet totalitarian tendencies of liberals anyway, I wouldn't be surprised if Serrano didn't wanna do away with the constitution altogether much less just the 22nd Ammendment. Those conservatives just keep getting in the way of good old fashioned progressivism.
However, wait til the honeymoon is over and see what Serrano thinks LMAO!!!!!
By the way, anybody notice that we already have a Cabinet level scandal. And he hasn't even been sworn in yet. Wasn't that like item 7 or 8 on my list of predictions?
Of course, with a guy that cheats on his taxes being in charge of the Treasury Dept. we can now probably get a hint of how the Prez Elect plans on balancing the budget. LMAO!!!!
A chicken in every pot by golly. And a Hummer in every garage. That'll get ya 3 terms.
Parent - - By Metarinka (****) Date 01-15-2009 22:54
the term limit is there for a reason and it would be a mistake for it to be removed.  Besides the whole issue of power it's also an issue of comfortability with each new term new adminstrations get fresh faces and ideas on problems, if a single party stayed in office to long there's a tendency for people to become lazy in their posts or not strive to implement change.
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 01-15-2009 23:55
How about this term limits for Congress too!!!  Strom Thurman, that old prick was 100 or so when he finally died.  Ted Kennedy, too.  With ALL the same people running the show, nothing will progress.  Byrd, from WV, and "former" Klan member.  These wankers sit on their fat arses in DC getting paid by both tax money and kick backs from special interest groups.  If you want change its got to be in the White House as well as the Capital. 

After 20, 30, 40 or more years in office, do you really think that they have any recollection of what it was like to be the Average Joe.  Hell no they don't, Kennedy never was the Average.  Wealthy family and living in his brothers' shadows.  Come on enough is enough.

But guess why there will never be term limits for those pricks.  Because THEY would have to write the Amendment that would make them out of jobs.  It needs to happen, but unfortunatly won't.
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 01-16-2009 04:54
It is not too often that I agree with Your point of view, but this time You are on the mark. :-)
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 01-16-2009 15:45
It seems a though we have considerable common ground.
Parent - By BryonLewis (****) Date 01-16-2009 16:01
Yeah, too bad we are not in Congress.  These wankers get in there with their "different" ideologies and as soon as they get comforable they forget all about why their are there.  They get engorged with power and they no longer are like us.  Even though, as everyone knows, I am a staunch supported of Obama, I will be the first one to start critisizing him if and when the time comes.  I help put him in office so I will take it as my responsibility to take the blame (or credit) if things go wrong.

I am already having a few minor problems with the inauguration.  First, I don't like the choice of "preacher" that is doing the invocation.  And I don't like the fact that the openly gay Episcopal Bishop is going to be doing something there also.  But that is just superficial things on my part.  I'm Catholic so of course I would rather see Archibishop Donald Wurhl, the Archbishop of D.C. to do the ceremony.  But what are you gonna do?!
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 01-16-2009 02:53
you haven't heard how he is gonna fix the economy? he's gonna use his "afro american engineering" skills
Parent - - By James0228 (*) Date 01-16-2009 03:09
sad thing is 9 out of 10 of the afro americans that voted for him, voted and will not give him a second thought. I called a local black radio station here in Dallas and asked them if obama was a republican would you still vote for him. They opened the question for callers response. i listened to the station for 1 hr and every last person that called said yes. Most of them said they just wanted to have a black president. I was in the United States Marine Corps "oorah" for six years and i feel sorry for my brothers in arms now.
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 01-16-2009 13:48
Term limits for congress is the direction I think as well.  To eliminate it is going the wrong way. Strom Thurman, Claud Pepper. Good lord.
Parent - - By Dodge84 Date 01-18-2009 21:20
I served 4 yrs in the army....and I've been saying that since I found out osama bin bama won.

Couldn't agree more. Brothers in arms are gonna get shafted and sadly, nothing we can really do about it.
Parent - By road_dog Date 01-19-2009 04:32
I have a 20 year old son in the Army. He is heading to Iraq next fall. He joined because his grandmother and mother kept harping on the "retirement". When I was in, I could retire in 20 years. He has to stay in for 30, with no pay raises for the next 4 years..
  When I was in the Navy, Clinton's hatred of a strong military was gutting the military. I watched many of a good man who loved the Navy be told he could not enlist because of the number overall in his job and paygrade...I was glad my time was over.  I just hope I am wrong about Obama.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Three Terms for Barack Obama?

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