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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / $47 to $75 million for Inauguration???
- - By uphill (***) Date 01-19-2009 13:31 Edited 01-19-2009 13:37
Anybody follow the estimated price of change? This is small potatoes compared to the overall election Billion eh?  

Just curious?

Parent - - By 522029 (***) Date 01-19-2009 22:45
The last figure I heard on TV was 150 million dollars for this inauguration.  The liberals/ Democrats blasted Pres. Bush for his second inauguration costing around 41 million.  Liberal math? No. Just the usual double standard.

Parent - - By NEQA (**) Date 01-20-2009 00:34
I know you people are all right wingers - but you guys really have to read more and listen more than to just Rush, Hannity and Fox News - it's a big world out there. The cost of President Obama's inauguration is going to be about $45M - NOT $150M or $160M.

Parent - By uphill (***) Date 01-20-2009 01:13
Dont know if I even know the meaning of Right winger according to Webster. I do believe that the obamanation of the media and politicions if very obvious. If the new man on the hill is so concerned with us little working class why not make a small informal day out of it and do some donating on his own. The web is a fantastic source of free info unfortunatly some choose to read just what they want into the truth. I never got keep in school after high school and have worked for 30 plus years with my hands and sometimes my mind in some pretty crappy jobs to stay ahead of the vultures. Dammed if I will fall prey to some money grubbing politicions now. Blah Blah Blah President Bush wasnt your favorite but what makes you think obama is so great before he has a chance to fail or succeed?

I didnt see you try and defend the cost of the 8 year election. The score card is still out there if you really want the truth check it out. Like you say its a big world out there and at least here in the USA we can Still speak our minds and think for ourselves.

  The numbers do. Imagine the loss of productive activity during the events. ???$$$

Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 01-20-2009 02:05
from an editorial? i guess thats the whole truth.
Parent - - By uphill (***) Date 01-20-2009 03:18
Pick one there are hundreds like this one online.

Hope they are all wrong about the end total costs involved. But how would we ever know?

One positive note the US Border guards that got locked up for shooting the ilegal alien drug smuggler finally got a presidential pardon for duing their job.
Hoo Raa
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 01-20-2009 04:40
they didn't get a pardon, they got their sentances commuted. a big difference, they still have a record, and there may be strings attached!
Parent - By uphill (***) Date 01-20-2009 11:22
Thanks for letting me know. Thats what I get for passing on second hand info, I will check info out better. Sure sucks the way those two and their families have been treated.
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 01-20-2009 16:26
Another liberal myth.
Those who disagree only expose themselves to one side of the political dialogue. If only you would hear our side of the argument you would see the reason of it.
Yeah. Thats the problem. As if the liberal side of the argument is somehow concealed from our constant ad nauseum view. That darn Fox.
Nevermind ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, and CNN.
Hell, even the Weather Channel, the Learning Channel, Discovery Channel, and National Geographic, have joined in the left leaning chorus. We just don't get exposed to it enough.
Radio I grant is dominated by conservatives. But the libs just can't stand it so they are proposing legislation that would force free and independent stations to make sure that opposing opinions (the liberal)are heard.
Er, uh, the legislation does not apply to television.
Magine that.
All this while the University of Colorado considering the placement of a conservative chair is faced with the prospect of its liberal student body throwing themsleves from their dorm windows in agony over the prospect. Imagine a conservative chair. Its Armageddon I tell you!!!!
I believe some of them were seen covering their ears screaming nananananananananananananana as they plumeted to the earth.
Parent - By Jssec (**) Date 01-20-2009 18:07
A-MEN I will build you a taller box so you can speak to all.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / $47 to $75 million for Inauguration???

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