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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Intolerance
- - By CWI555 (*****) Date 01-19-2009 14:57
It's my observation that intolerance is fast becoming the standard for liberals. For years and years, conservatives were beat about the head with PC, can't say this, can't do that, etc etc etc. Some of the thrashing was deserved. However; it's gone far far beyond pc now. Now's it's any dissenting opinion that the liberal left disagrees with. I count myself conservative, but don't claim either party, as I believe that are both rift with corruption, to the point of no redemption.

If nothing is wrong, then everything has to be right? Liberals fail to see that they cannot pick and choose and still be within their professed bounds of wanting everything "fair".
They need to get over this idea of fair. There is not a damn thing fair that I am aware of. Is it fair that a father goes to work to support their children, while the mother stays at home? (or vs versa) to either parent or child. Or if they both go to work, is it fair to the child that they are deprived of that time? Is it fair that my child can't pray in school even though it's the childs religion? Or for that matter that I cannot openly pray at work? Or is it fair that one race or another gets a percentage advantage of a bid simply for reasons of race or gender? (the very thing the PC/liberal crowd rail against btw).

Seems like an awful lot of "if it doesn't affect me it doesn't matter, but if it does affect me, someones going to pay" is going around.

Half our constitutional rights are all but gone and the other half dieing piece meal. The government siezes someones property through eminent domain well it doesn't affect me.
People are arrested for simple posession of a firearm in liberal cities, but thats just them city folks. A farmer is kicked off his farm because he can't make a payment.. well it doesn't affect the city folk now does it? Someone is arrested for a hate crime due to calling someone a name, well that racist b@### how dare he or she say whats on their mind however ignorant they may be.

Is there not a common thread prevailing in all this???

PC will be the death of this nation if people don't get over it, as well as their desire to impose their sense of "fairness" on others.
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 01-19-2009 18:14
In line with that, IMO, I worry when candidates or elected officials start using phrases along the lines 'bringing us all together", or 'eliminating our differences', etc. This is just code speak for intolerance of opposing opinion. Dissention is healthy. Dissention is critical. Dissention forged this nation. Dissention is what made this country great, and many others as well.
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 01-19-2009 18:17
What about when after 9/11 the Dixie Chicks amongst others were called "unAmerican" for talking against the war?  Or John Kerry being unAmerican for talking against the Vietnam war?  That is dissention that was fairly unpopular in most circles.
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 01-19-2009 19:19
Didn't have a problem with Kerry. Didn't have a problem with the DC's expressing themselves. Had a bit of problem with them pandering to their predominantly young liberal european audience.
Kerry took a stand. The DC's were shlupping what they consider as fashionable (entertainers always have to be fashionable) progressive America bashing to what they also consider a friendly America bashing audience. Never thought they didn't have a right to do so. Just thought it was cowardly. "We know you think our governement sux. We think our government sux too. See, we're the good kind of Americans." Essentially.
As the saying goes, I'll defend their right to say it, though I expect them to defend my right to argue that it may have been handled better.
But your point is well taken. There are certainly elements on the conservative side that wish to silence opposition. I think the biggest difference is everybody recognizes the elements on the conservative side, but don't see it on the liberal side. And this makes the liberal side more dangerous.
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 01-19-2009 19:54
My middle name is DANGER.  LOL
Parent - - By OBrien (***) Date 01-19-2009 21:18
Without compitition and oppisiton there is no success, no reward.  Everyone wants to win but not compeate.  Compitition equals survival in my opinion.
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 01-20-2009 01:34
where's Spellcheck when you need him :)
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 01-20-2009 01:48
Nice one.  I despise the little prick but he did keep me on my toes. :-)
Parent - - By OBrien (***) Date 01-20-2009 03:21
I couldn't pass a 1st grade spelling test but i can weld.  BTW is spell check still around?  If he is I can keep him busy.  or should I say bisey?
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 01-20-2009 04:16
I think he was booted a month or so ago.
Parent - - By SpellCheck (*) Date 01-20-2009 16:28
I wasn't booted. Just misunderstood.
Parent - By BryonLewis (****) Date 01-20-2009 16:32
High SpellCheck.  Longe tyme know sea.
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 01-20-2009 14:04
I didn't have a problem with either expressing their opinions. The odd thing about both of them and in particular the dixie chicks, the same people that lambasted them for speaking out against it, were later some of the louder voices in concurrence. While I don't like either of them, I do respect the fact that they spoke up and stood firm with their views however disagreeable to me, rather than rolling with the wind of public favor as the majority of the now "anti-war" group did.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Intolerance

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