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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / SA 200 problem
- - By John Suarez Date 01-22-2009 18:28
hey ya`ll, first thanks for all the informatiom that is posted on this forum. was having a problem starting my arc on downhil side of 16" pipe ( on cap mostly ). started to do some reading on some of the problems , and found I had four main brushes stuck sounds like good enough excuse, but really made a big difference. using 3\16 hippy rods to cap at 75 in 3rd gear on a `65 red face. which is what I was getting used to, then could barely restart on the side thought maybe bad rods or bad operator ( of course ) but freeing up those brushes made me feel much better back to where I`m comfortable anyway thanks for all the info
Parent - By slagline 3 (**) Date 01-23-2009 15:05
That seems to be a dead give-away to brush problems. My Black Face set for 3 months, fired it up on pipe with some 3/16 8010 and about at the three o'clock position seem
like i couldn't stack the iron. Check the main brushes...broke them loose...welding again with my confidence back lol.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / SA 200 problem

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