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- - By swsweld (****) Date 01-23-2009 02:55

These knuckleheads do not value the craftsmen. We are a dime a dozen to these guys.
They think anyone can pick up a wrench, hammer, torch, etc. and build bridges, hospitals, prisons (will need them for the terrorists at Gitmo when it closes) schools.

Hold on... here come the liberals.
Parent - By Jssec (**) Date 01-23-2009 03:12
And they talk about Racism that's as racist as you can get Robert always was a fool and they are all back in DC.
Parent - - By OBrien (***) Date 01-23-2009 05:46 Edited 01-23-2009 14:37
Its only racist when it dosen't make things harder for white people.  It's only okay to give to the people who make a carrear out of living on wellfare.  

You are entitled to your opinion....
Jokes are fine, but that one in this thread is out of I snipped it....and I can see how somebody could be offended by it.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 01-23-2009 07:24

Parent - By swsweld (****) Date 01-23-2009 13:44
Henry, My apologies to any that may be offended by this link. Didn't want to offend but rather inform others of the governments possible direction they are going in.

This is relevant to a lot of people that participate in this forum and I absolutely am not race baiting.

I respect and appreciate ALL races.
I do not practice racism and do not respect those that do.
If discrimination was wrong in the 60's to African-Americans (and it was), it should be wrong for our government to mandate it in 2009.

My post did not mention Pres. Obama, African-Americans, Hispanics, Asians or any other race except the race that will be excluded from the work the government is going to provide with our own tax money, borrowed money and freshly printed money.
Pres. Obama may veto this if it ever gets to him. I hope he does.

I have no problem with giving opportunities to minorities with this stimulus package. All should benefit from it. It should not exclude anyone if they are qualified. That is what America stands for=EQUAL OPPORTUNITY.
This divides us, not unite us as Pres. Obama promised while campaigning. I will be very surprised if it gets passed through.

If it does get passed, I certainly hope all workers will be legal citizens, drug tested and qualified to do the work.
With the economy hurting and unemployment rising this is a big problem for those that will be excluded. Contrary to popular opinion, white male construction workers are people too :)

What this says to me is that because you are a white male we (government) will punish you.

PS: Please keep this civil. I do not want to target any race or group that might benefit from this if passed. They are not the problem. No minority group was implied in my original post, only the people brainstorming this idea and the mentality that goes with it.

Thank You
Parent - By Jssec (**) Date 01-23-2009 14:25
We all have been on the job with the worker that is there because he is a friend of the company or project owner. We all know that worker could care less about his job and is there for cash. Robert's plan is much the same you have a worker that does not know what he is doing, does not care what he is doing, watching the clock or on the cell phone while others do his work for him. This worker often feels left out of the loop and with others covering for him is a drag on the complete project. If he wants a job in the work place let them go through the process to learn a trade like everyone else and work their way up. They don't want to invest the time to become skilled and productive to society just waiting for someone to give them a seat at the top. Why should skilled, qualified workers who worked their way up and have been working for years performing their duties as required by the contractors lose their job to an unskilled worker because their skin is a different color? If Robert wants to start a process where unskilled people can chose a trade, learn a trade, perform the trade as required and let them work their way in to society like I have and most workers on this site that's fine with me. But Robert wants 20% for long term unemployed and 2% for training shouldn't that be the other way around. If a person is "Long Term Unemployed" there is probably a reason for that other than a job not being available. All of us here know what it takes to get up at 4:00 AM, go get in an ice cold truck, drive an hour or so, get out in the cold, rain, snow, ice, 100 degree temperature to lay in the mud to burn a few rod with the hot balls of molten steel landing all over us. Not much fun but we love it because it allows us to support our life styles and families without asking anyone for anything Its called Freedom. And you think that Racist Henry?
Parent - By hogan (****) Date 01-26-2009 22:49
How is this racism?
Parent - By 522029 (***) Date 01-23-2009 12:39
Excluding white workers is the least worrisome aspect of their plan.

Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 01-23-2009 12:48
I posted that yesterday and then retracted it...I wasn't too sure if it would stir up things here in the forum, so I deleted it...It made me pretty angry to hear him spout that stuff off like it was an intelligent thing to hire unskilled labor to rebuild the infra-structure to get us out of the economic crunch we are in.

If you weren't convinced that this is a true representation of thias guy and the way he thinks due to the quailty of that video and the edited remarks that were this from his own blog....
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 01-23-2009 14:05
Damn it John.  I was writing one of my Liberal rebutals when you pulled it off.  As soon as I tried to post it, the systems told me that the "parent thread couldn't be found".  But here we go:

First I would like to comment on the quality or lack there of, of the video.  Reich's portion of the video looked like it was made by the people that brought us the Godzilla movies.  I looked for an actual transcript or the original video of the hearing to verify what was said.  I couldn't find anything.  I like to find original documentation and not use any of the "non-traditional" "news" sources.  We all know how easy the internet is to modify the truth.  And you will always find someone to fall for it.

Second I think that his comments, if they were his, were not racist.  I think that, based on what I have seen in my own experience, is that the great majority of construction work is done by white guys.  Although the hispanic population is taking a part of that, for the most part it is true.  What the new administration is wanting to do is "spread the wealth" of new jobs to those that don't have a job.  I completely understand and agree with the fear of have unskilled workers building the new bridges and roads.  But to be honest, people can and will be retrained to fulfill this demand.  Uncle Sam won't be going to the unemployment office and loading people up for the jobsite.  Then telling them "ok people have at it".  Grab a dozer, you get up in that crane, and you get that welding machine over there and lets get these bridge done. 

The administration is responsible to creating as well as maintaining the job market.  If someone has a job, they don't need another one.  So why not retrain and reemploy those that don't or haven't had a job for awhile.  At least that would get them off of the system. 
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 01-23-2009 14:15
I agree, that video was dubbed.  Not saying that these geeks in office wouldn't try to pull something of that nature, but that vid was dubbed.
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-24-2009 02:48
The Video must have been the real deal. Its was plastered all over the Dallas news and on all the political talk shows (Friday night)
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 01-23-2009 14:20
Henry, Byron,
The alarming part of that to me was that this guy is proposing that we NOT use the highly skilled workers to build bridges and infra-structure, and then he goes and singles out the white male construction worker in doing so. Does anyone really want an unskilled welder putting together a bridge that people will be traveling over(regardless of the color of this unskilled individual)? BTW, That was nothing but racism, and sexism coming straight from his mouth. Reich singled out the whites, and the males.

I looked for the unedited video also, and was hoping to find it so I could get a better feel of what all was being said, and only found 4 videos which were all duplicates. One problem with giving a job to someone who doesn't want one is going to be interesting to say the least. I bet many(don't go saying that I said all) of the long term unemployed are unemployed by choice. Now before you go saying that I've mis-interpretted this guy or put words in his mouth, go back to Reich's blog and read his comments, you will see pretty quick about that guy.
Parent - By Jssec (**) Date 01-23-2009 14:49
I agree, if Robert gets his way our infra-structure will be just like those third world countries we see on the tube each week. I have followed Robert for sometime and he is a straight up Socialist and wants Socialism for all Americans. I got it at 20% for unemployed, 2% for training and No skilled white.
Parent - - By kipman (***) Date 01-23-2009 15:00
While I can somewhat appreciate Mr. Reich's idea of wanting to help those that need help, I for one do not want to take the risk of using infrastructure built by unskilled labor. 

A good portion of the problem of providing training to unskilled labor such that they become skilled lies with the practice of accepting only the lowest bid.  In order to win a contract all contractors, large or small, must come in with a low price.  There is never enough money therefore to place large numbers of unskilled labor on the job, unless they are doing tasks that require little skill.  One of the good things about very large infrastructure projects, however, is that they do require a lot of unskilled labor.

There is a potential solution to the dilemma of creating a more skilled workforce and a government project is the perfect place for it.  The invitations to tender a bid for an infrastructure project (and of course the eventual contracts) could require that a certain number of apprentices must be employed for each skilled trade being pushed.  This could be tied in to industry studies that indicate what trades are likely to have a shortage of skilled workers in the future.  If it is in the invitation to tender, then all contractors seeking to win the bid are playing on a level field.  Then during execution, it would be easy enough to verify that the contractors are indeed employing the apprentices.  This of course would increase the cost of these projects.

As regards the absurd notion of making any sort of jobs creation initiative exclusive of white males (I honestly thought we were past all that - does Mr. Reich really believe there are no unskilled needy white males out there?), maybe he should have lead by example when he was Secretary of Labor.  If he truly believes that it is safe for the US public to use bridges, etc built by unskilled labor, perhaps he believes that we would be safe if an unskilled non-white male takes over as Secretary of Labor (personally I would prefer the second option here).  If so, why didn't he step aside for just such an individual when he served as Secretary of Labor?

EDIT: I did not watch the video that was posted, but I did go read the blog.  Mankenberg
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 01-23-2009 15:23
I agree that there are many jobs on construction sites that unskilled labor could do...there will always be a need for grunt work, not everybody can be the brain surgeon, somebody has to be the one who hands over the scapel when the surgeon asks for it, or keep the fluids out of his way while he works...ect.

Reich may be getting his wish quicker than he thinks, according to the AWS statistics, the average age of America's welders is 54. So within the next 10 years the skilled welders will be retiring cutting the welding workforce by over 70%
Parent - - By tazmannusa (**) Date 01-23-2009 15:11
This dude being a professor here in California needs to get his head out of his arse and take a drive to all the construction sites, Factories, manufacturing plants ect. Then try to say the white workers dominate the fields and are the only skilled ones.
I am all for getting the people that need help , training and such to get them working and off the welfare system but to single out one race or another and say they are not going to be qualified for the help is just wrong!
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 01-23-2009 15:51
never gonna get passed the race issue in this country because it's always being brought up. People don't look at people as people, they see the skin etc, etc. Pres. Obama to me is another guy, puts his pants on, eats his food etc. This comes from both sides as to the "bringing it up" all the time problem.
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 01-23-2009 16:49
No white construction workers!!! Wow if this was the case in antiquity Noah never would have gotten the ARK contract (being albino and all)
Cream rises to the top and its not always white.

Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 01-23-2009 17:42
3 days into it and the vision of hope is already startin to look like a Hitchcock movie. The honeymoon may not be over yet but the bride is certainly leaning over the rail of the cruise ship sceamin insults at the groom.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-24-2009 00:32 Edited 01-24-2009 00:34
Being racist is part of every single one of us. Beleive it or not. Any one of you can prove it at your local elementery school. My dad was an Elementary School Principal for over 30 years. Back in the 80's Racism became an issue in the school district I was in (Houston,Tx) So... The school board conducted an experiment. They went to 10 elementary schools. All of the schools had a very  wide range of races enrolled. They turned ALL of the kids onto the playground at one time.Guess what happened. The kids divided themselves, on their very own, by Race. This was in Galena Park School district if anyone cares to check it out. Remember, These were little Kids. with no Adults involved.  Racism is part of the way this world is. No matter how you try and hide it or cover it, it will always raise its head and show itself
Parent - - By johnnyh (***) Date 01-24-2009 00:46

I don't believe that experiment would be an example of racism.  Maybe I am misunderstanding the definition of the word. 

1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-24-2009 01:03
What those kids did is called segregation ( not sure if I spelled that right) And that is a form of Racism
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 01-29-2009 03:56 Edited 01-29-2009 03:59
That very same so called experiment happened many times in my hometown - New York City before the Eighties, and guess what??? We ALL STUCK TOGETHER!!! You know why??? Because at that age in elementary school - WE WERE ALL COLOR BLIND when it came to the color of our skin or the shape of our eyes, or the way our hair grew... Why??? Because we were yet to be influenced by our own relatives - that's why!!! In other words, we were still innocent yet, that didn't last too long afterwards - sadly to say. ;(

Parent - - By Jssec (**) Date 01-29-2009 14:25
Cactusthewelder - Because we are taught they are different from others at an early age. Remember The United Negro College Fun? Also have African American Ball, Miss Black USA, Miss Black America, Miss Black (Every State), African American Street Festival. All government, police, fire and federal agencies made to recruit African Americans even if it took lowering the standards. NASCAR shaken down buy for some cash by Jesse once he got his cash no longer any problems. Oprah, Cosby and all the others that got rich were not made rich by African Americans they don't watch Oprah is white women that watch Oprah.]
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 01-29-2009 15:34
It is the same for ALL minorities.  History has shown that minorities are oppressed, women included.  They all have special associations and programs, both private and publicly funded, to aid them in one way or another.  All minority races have their own organizations, stores, churches etc.  As we know, but perhaps don't want to admit, minorities are treated differently.  That is why there exists many "parallel societies" in America. 

The Chinese started their own banks in California to meet the needs of their population in the 1800s.  We have restaurants, stores and organized crime syndicates of every ethnic group to meet the needs of the respective groups.  The larger the group the harder it is to assimilate into American society.  If the population is large enough you don't need to assimilate.  That is why Chinatowns are still thriving.  Minorities are treated differently so they tend to stick to their own devices to survive.

I have experienced plenty forms of racism and ostracization by many different groups.  I am white.  I grew up on a predomitaly white street in a predmomitatly black neighborhood.  I had the only basketball goal in my neighborhood, and yes it might sound racist and stereotypical, but there were always blacks at my house.  And my basketball skills were some of the best on the block. :-)  My wife is hispanic.  She didn't learn English until she was in 1st grade.  When people hear that they think that she is from Mexico.  She is from Kansas.  Her mother's family is from Texas.  They didn't cross the border, the border crossed them.  So I have had troubles on both sides.  Many in her family don't like whites because of the troubles that they have had with them.  And some in my family don't like Mexicans because of the troubles they have with them.  A woman in a restaurant in the Barrio in Victoria, Texas wouldn't speak english to me.  As soon as I spoke to her in Spanish then she spoke english.  I still haven't figures out that one yet.

Minorities are criticized for not assimilating.  Eventhough those that "want" them to assimilate don't REALLY want them to assimlate.  A Laotian that I worked with was asked why the hell do "you people all live in the same neighborhood".  He told him "where are we supposed to live, you treat us like sh*t so why would I want to live in your neighborhood".
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 01-29-2009 16:55
Didnt know you lived in Vicoris Bryon I'm not to far from ya only about 2 hours in Jourdanton right next to Pleasanton
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 01-29-2009 17:23
No, I live in Kansas City.  The wife has family in Victoria.  We try to go down there every couple of years when we can.  She has a cousin that lives in Houston.  Another that lives usually in Huntsville, LOL.  And tons of more distant family in Donna and Raymondsville. 
I have a sister in Austin.
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 01-29-2009 18:55
oh sorry my bad just guessed by the reply
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-29-2009 21:38
To me... That is racist  Why dont they have a "Good Ole White Boy College Fund"  or a " Miss White Usa" or a "Mr. White Boy Las Vegas" ? I'll tell you why, because Obama, Rev. Jesse and Rev. Al Shapton would be screamin its unfair and racist THATS WHY.
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 01-29-2009 22:26
All of the programs, pageants, sports teams, colleges, Unions etc. were all created by whites for whites originally.  Baseball had been around for 100 years before a black was allowed to play with the whites.  That is why the Negro Leagues were created.  If blacks and others were more equally accepted into "mainstream" organizations then there would be no need for the UNCF, Miss Black USA or black whatever else.  As I stated in one of my previous posts "there are parallel societies" in America.  These parallelisms were created so those whom have been excluded from mainstream things can participate in something of their own.

These things are not racist because they were created by and targeted to the people that were not allowed "to play with others".  Were black hospitals racist?  Were the Negro Leagues racist?  Were black colleges like Howard racist?  No they were responses to racism.  An attempt at bringing equality to those left out of mainstream American dreams.
Parent - By hogan (****) Date 01-29-2009 23:08
Those organizations were not raciest in inception. But as times change and the need for such things has diminished, they are now raciest. I'm not saying there is no racism. But the government has definitely put measure in place to discourage and penalize these mindsets. Just as unions came out of necessity but are now a totally different animal. If there is a continued need for things like the united negro college fund then there surely is a need for the united latino, Caucasian, and Asian, native American, Jewish college funds. The argument goes both ways.
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 01-30-2009 14:03
These parallel societies are one of the major reasons why the Roman Empire fell apart. Another factor was the immigration problem. Parallel societies hurt countries period.
Parent - By BryonLewis (****) Date 01-30-2009 14:39
Parallel societies are there because "mainstream" societies exclude certain people.  So those people create their own things to fill the needs that they have as a community that is not being provided to them.  Members of the majority are oblivious to these aspects of society, but they can damn sure criticize those for having these things in question.

As far as destroying the Roman Empire, I don't know where that came from.  The Roman Empire was just that, Empire.  They set the standard for what civilization is supposed to be.  They absorbed adjacent regions which in turn bought foreign groups into the fold.  People that have nothing will go to where they can get something.  Rural people HAVE to go into town to get provisions and to work.  Empire puts an unjust burden on other regions by exploiting things that their society needs or wants.  Those things are what fuels immigration.  Empire sets the proverbial bar high.  Which makes it seem that empire is the place to be.  It is, if you have access to ALL of the things that make empire great. 

Because some don't have access to certain things they create there own parallel and nearly equal things to fill the void.  And now they are the bad guys it seems for having their own things.  The mainstream bitc*es and moans about these things created by those that were, and in some cases still exculded by society.  My father-in-law has this problem.  Every MLK day he complains about it, as many others do.  His arguement is this, "Why don't they have Geronimo's Day".  Its not until a minority population assails to a certain level, either in numbers or affluance, when it becomes problematic for the majority. 
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 01-30-2009 17:02
It can be argued that the way in which some communities have dealt with racism is not in and of itself racism, but as soon as the government steps in as proactive and uses the force of law to segregate and dictate based upon nothing else but race (in express opposition to the consitutution)then it becomes racist by its own obvious definition, regardless of who the target or the beneficiary is.
Parent - By DONKEY PUNCH Date 02-05-2009 05:35
cactus I might have argued with u before over who had the best welder but u hit this one right on the head I COULD NOT AGREE WITH U MORE U R 100% absolutely right in my opinion that is .
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 01-23-2009 17:32
Bryon, Bryon, Bryon.....

You say:

"The administration is responsible to creating as well as maintaining the job market. "

Where do you get ideas like this?

Not from the U.S. constitution... Not from the bill of rights.. Not from any state constitution...

This notion has been pulled from thin air... repeated a million times on CNN et al.. and people swallow it up.

Bush was not responsible for the job market..... Nor will President Obama...  He is our President and he has alot of responsibilities... Maintaining the job market is not one of them.
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 01-23-2009 20:15
Parent - By kipman (***) Date 01-24-2009 15:56
Have a look at the current unemployment rates of the western European countries.  All are more socialist than the US and all have a higher unemployment rate.
Parent - By ctacker (****) Date 02-03-2009 17:57
"What the new administration is wanting to do is "spread the wealth" of new jobs to those that don't have a job. "
I guess its different when his own cabinet picks don't want to spread the wealth. they can't even pay their taxes now, what happens when they are asked to pay more?
Parent - By bozaktwo1 (***) Date 01-24-2009 02:18
There are so many things wrong with this guy's line of thought that I can't get my head around it all.  Is this guy saying, in effect, that with all the new work coming down from the NEW NEW DEAL that the same number of SKILLED, WHITE, MALE workers will simply demand pay raises and...then who does the work again?  Did I miss that part?  Okay, welcome to USA, Inc.  May I show you to your ce...cubicle?
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 01-24-2009 02:52
Could someone please post a link about this "story" from a legitimite news source.  CNN, MSNBC, Fox News.  I have looked all over the Internet and can't find anything except the "original" video on Youtube or stories written by non legit sources that reference this video.  It seems that certain things spread like wild fire on the Internet and everyone believes it as the gospel without trying to verify it from a credible source. 

I will continue to search and if I find a legit reference I will post it back here.  But don't hold your breath.  This is the same kind of crap that was excreted during the campaign that people latched onto with out any justification or verification of authenticity.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 01-24-2009 12:47
Now this was an interesting post coming from you Bryon. A "legitimate" news source? And you list CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News.

During the entire election process where was that comment??? The ultra-liberal left such as Rosy O'Donnell makes comments on the view that 911 was an inside government plot, and that burning jet fuel or the impact of large aircraft could not possibly have caused the towers to fall. Where was the fact checking "mainstream media" such as CNN or MSNBC on that one? Not to mention the media lambasting of Sarah Palin and her family while giving a pass to Obama, Biden and their families?

On the other end of that spectrum, where was the fact checking on Iraq by the media when it first kicked off? (Both times) No major news organization that I recall ever checked the "facts". Meanwhile osama stands back and laughs, and the Iranians continue to move towards nukes with a self professed intent of wiping Israel off the map.

Let us not forget the medias propensity to quote from the blogosphere without a single shred of evidence if that quote was in line with that particular organizations political orientation.

Have we all forgotten Dan Rather's fall from grace?

A plumber ask a question the mainstream media felt he should not have, and the next day his entire history is filleted and broadcasted to everyone in the country? Just for asking one question?

Where is the independent verification of global warming? Or the coverage of the thousands of dissenting opinions in the scientific community? (Who BTW now live in fear of their livelihood if they "dare" question the mainstream popular opinion)

"This is the same kind of crap that was excreted during the campaign that people latched onto with out any justification or verification of authenticity."
Yep it happened frequently, perpetrated by what you call the "legitimate" news sources you quoted. (all of them)

I wished everyone would have checked their facts, and not just the ones that were convenient to their particular political views.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 01-29-2009 03:26 Edited 01-29-2009 03:48
I agree with checking the All of the FACTS, and not just the convenient ones first before making a judgment...For example the intelligence which was lacking to some degree or another when ALL of the FACTS were NOT checked and as a result, made a whole bunch of well meaning folks look very foolish not just to the rest of the world, but to some of our own Very patriotic citizens who rarely disagreed previously with the administration of the previous eight years. Who knows, similar boondoggles may occur in this "New" administration!!! History will definitely support that possibility. :) :) ;)

This relatively speaking - 'NEW" administration hasn't been in office one month, and already I'm forced to wear my waders so to speak because the manure about President Obama (he is our current commander in chief) is starting to pile up so high!

I respectfully have to disagree with those who question the validity of our current President's citizenship and therefore, his legitimacy as a qualified candidate for the job.
That link attached to one of the post in this thread is in itself questionable in it's own legitimacy with respect to where, what, and how they were able to secure their so called "facts" yet, the Secret Service & the FBI, whom we all know are pretty good at attaining "factual data" would not make as much of an effort to expose these so - called "fa cts" to the public prior to President Obama's election and during his election campaign (I intentionally left the gap between the letters within the spelling of the word "FACTS!")

BTW, the "Snopes" article says that the parent which in this case was his mother had to reside in the US for 10 years, (even though she was born in a then US Territory which would automatically qualify her as a natural born citizen from birth - am I missing something here???) she had to reside in this case Hawaii, for at least five years after the age of 16???

Hmmm, so if I'm interpreting this statement correctly then, everybody that's under eleven years old that was born in ANY of the States or territories which make up these United States of America is NOT a natural born citizen until, they reside in the US - including it's territories for at least FIVE YEARS only after they have reached the age of 16 ???
I ask this because, that's how I interpret that statement. Please help me on this because, I'm thoroughly confused now as to when I qualified as being a natural born citizen. ;)

I'm also sadly disappointed with some of the inferences being displayed here, and  by some of the newly selected staff members of this new administration lately although I do respect one's freedom of speech, and the long held tradition that to disagree is acceptable... However, to spew hate, bias, and racism into a discussion with regards to a policy matter by anyone, and especially when it's innocently initiated by someone who is already a so-called veteran of political etiquette is IMHO, TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE!!!

To further it's meaning by adding fuel to an already hot burning fire is just ridiculous but then again, "El-Footus-inouth" disease does not know how to discriminate, and no one is immune to it's symptoms or prognosis...

Please allow me to clarify my position regarding the statement that led me to call it what it is - a racist comment...
I was offended by the inference regarding white people because I am according to my birth certificate listed in the category of race as being "Caucasian" or as most of have come to understand as meaning that I'm white.

Even though my father was born and raised in Cuba (Served with distinction in the US Army& was part of the Cuban Naval Attache in D.C. before Castro), and my Grand father was born in the Canary Islands (Ex CIA operative who also served with distinction as did my Uncles who were Admirals both in the
Cuban Navy and refused to shell the city of Santiago when Fidel ordered them to do so!) which BTW is off the coast of the continent of Africa, his father was born in Spain which the last time I checked was a part of Europe!

Now my Mother's side gets a little bit "shady" (Pardon the pun ;)) only because there is a gap that leaves one to question the purity of their own blood lineage since her Great Grandmother's father was a descendant of the Taino "Indians" who were the (Correct term) NATIVE, indigenous inhabitants of the Island of Hispanola (I wish I had the symbol that goes over the letter "n") which is now shared by two countries known as The Dominican Republic & Haiti.

So if after reading my attempt to clarify my position in this discussion, and my own opinion, some of you may be stil confused as to where I really stand in this discussion, allow me to go one step further... I was OFFENDED by the original comment directed towards white people as well as offended by the tone coming from some of the folks who reacted so negatively to minorities in GENERAL - CAPECHE??? As far as race goes - in my own personal opinion, we should just stop categorizing ourselves as one or another because after all, WE ARE ALL PART OF THE HUMAN RACE!!! :) :) ;)

Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 01-29-2009 04:37
For all of those who practice racism in one form or another, I ask you this...

If you were dying, and you wanted to stay alive long enough to for instance see your daughter get married, or play with your still yet to be born grandchild, or even someone else's child yet to be born - like your own, or your brother, or sisters child - in other words, you weren't ready to "Check out " yet... Would you refuse an organ or tissue transplant from any one of the races knowing that it came from someone whom you may despise so much??? Think about it!!! I know that for me, it wasn't even an issue - PERIOD!!! Kind of makes you wonder don't it???

Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 01-29-2009 15:35
If I'm understanding your position, then the following statement would be raciest: Barack Obama is the first African-American president.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 01-30-2009 08:40
Well, I would have to say that if he chooses to be associated as an African American then, my answer would be no... However, if President Obama takes issue with the fact that his father was not an American, and only his mother was, and the racial category is being forced upon him without his agreement, then I would say yes! I don't mean to be argumentative here but, as someone who was listed as a "Caucasian" on his birth certificate, I had to put up with being forced to choose the choice of listing myself as a "Hispanic" individual in many a job application... So now I just refuse to check any box, and if the employer takes issue with that, then I do not need to work for them - PERIOD!!!
I take issue with the way the use of the phrase was used in such a derogatory manner and also as a result, the negative reaction towards other races. ;)

I hope this clarifies my position here. ;)

Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 01-30-2009 15:06
Thanks for responding. I as well am not trying to be augmentative, just trying to get your perspective. This, as we all know, can be a difficult issue to understand. I think that I'm getting what your saying. But I think you have added to my frustration. Maybe that is a bad word to use. Understanding but confusion. He is an African American if he chooses to claim that description, but if not then it is racism. That leaves us crackers to have to ask if it is OK to use this description, which in itself can be considered racism. Either way someone will be offended. The simple answer would be not to us the term at all. But this is not feasible, sometimes it is necessary.
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 01-30-2009 15:20
I'm still wondering why the huge emphasis on that, shouldn't we simply refer to him at the 44th President of the US rather than trying to label him with anything regarding a particular race? Isn't that what the minorities have been so upset about all these years...I'm speaking of the "labels".
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 01-30-2009 15:27
John, I think that to be the FIRST in something is seen as different that being the 100th.  The first black baseball player in the Major Leagues, Jackie Robinson.  That is a special instance when its OK.  But when used to reference Joe Blow the rookie on the Yankees or whatever, it is different. IMO.
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