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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Welding fumes liability trial, Thomas v. Lincoln Electric Co
- - By Root Pass (***) Date 01-22-2009 21:07
Thomas alleges that welding rod manufacturers knew that welding fumes were toxic and failed to adequately warn of the risk of neurological disorders.  As a result of his exposure, Thomas alleges he has suffered severe physical and emotional injuries...

"Emotional injuries"? JRW159 did you give him one of these? 
Parent - - By tighand430 (***) Date 01-22-2009 22:21
I really don't know if this is legal because they DO warn you. That pesky lil msds sheet that's usually there at the top when you open a new can of rod has all sorts of warnings about what it can do to a person.
Parent - - By tazmannusa (**) Date 01-23-2009 01:08
Years back they did not warn you and there was no MSDS sheet in the box. When Praxair bought out the local company I was dealing with,  then I started getting MSDS sheets on everything I bought, that was probably 15 years ago. before that nada.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 01-24-2009 01:26
Ummm, it's smoke coming from a rod with stuff being BURNED off of it onto whatever type of material you are WELDING to which also has STUFF on it causing more SMOKE. Now, who in there right mind is going to freely inhale this SMOKE(usually indicating something bad, like FIRE or SMOKING) and think that it would in some way NOT be harmful?? If your company did not have adequate ventilation perhaps they should be getting sued, not Lincoln. I picked up my first cig at around 17 and the thought going through my mind was not how it was gonna make me live longer or have NO ill affects on me, I still think of what an idiot I was for picking up that first smoke, been on and off them for years, suppose I can blame the cig companies for being an idiot. I'm gonna start eating chocolate and candy three times a day with no other types of food and continue to do so for years, I suppose with this logic I can sue the candy companies because I get huge, teeth rot out and I have diabetes or some other types of problems. First time I welded galvanized and saw that crap rolling off, I went and got a fan and had it blowing before I started to weld again. I did'nt know the science behind it, the health risks I just knew I probably did not want to be breathing it in.

The idiot in reference is the idiot cumminsguy, not suggesting or grouping all smokers in the idiot category. cumminsguy being the only idiot with regard to smoking tobacco products, unless other parties also feel the same way.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-24-2009 02:41
According to Larry the Cable Guy thats like sueing Hustler Magazine for giving you Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Parent - - By fbrieden (***) Date 01-24-2009 17:23
That response is FUNNY!!!! Maybe I should sue because I have to wear glasses!
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 01-26-2009 13:05
Thank the "Good Lord" you stopped before you went blind!

Best regards - Al
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-24-2009 17:36
I hate to admit it but, it seems as though I fall into the smoking idiot catergory
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 01-24-2009 15:36
Sorry, I don't care rather there were any MSDS sheets or not, in HS in the early 70's, in college in mid 70's, at my first welding jobs thereafter, teachers and older welders always warned me about the fume plume, where my head should be, advised me to wear at least a cheap mask, and have doors open and even a fan running somewhere to keep the air moving. 

The problem with this case will be its' location. San Fran.  Anything stupid will go the wrong way.  And heaven forbid it goes to the 9th Circus Court.  California doesn't even let you breathe the outdoor air or drink the water without a public warning that it causes cancer in lab rats (that were picked because they had cancer cells prominant in their cells in the first place).

Better get off this soap box now.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By Johnyutah (**) Date 01-24-2009 17:37
First thing they told me "keep your head out of the smoke" I for one get sick of all this crybaby lawsuit bull**** what will be next.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-24-2009 17:39
If any welder really wants to know what you are breathing in every day, there is an easy way to find out. At the end of the day of welding, run a Q-tip around inside your nose. ( I'm sure most of you have done this)  That will answer all questions
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 01-24-2009 19:32
yeah or blow your nose, spent hours in the shop grinding/welding with fans going and still amazed. Almost makes me want to wear a respirator, but I usually just fire up a cigarette.......
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-24-2009 20:37
me too !
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 01-25-2009 00:52
You know guys, come to think of it, I think I must be experiencing brain damage from all of this work in the fumes too.  I must be crazy.  After 35 years I'm still doing the same thing and still not making a dime doing it.  And about the time I "think" I might be able to make a little for retirement or vacation, along comes the government to take more from me to give to some other lazy freeloader that doesn't want to work so gets free government support and sues an honest business to get even more.

Have a Great Day, Brent
Parent - - By chris2698 (****) Date 01-25-2009 11:04
at work they provide us with 3m paper filter mask well I went to the welding store and got me a 3M size medium resperator and 2097 round thin filters (not the huge canister type) which are suppose to filter out the fumes and grinding dust and trust me it does I don't smell any of the trash. The company I work for doesn't provide this resperator or filter so I have had to buy them myself but sure is nice going home with my nose not stuffy and not blowing chunks of black trash out of it. People at work first said oh no you can't weld with that crap on well I'll tell you what I have been doing so for oh about 3 weeks and it is the best dam investment I ever made. This ressperator fits under my shield like a glove. I have noticed now that me and one other guy who use the same resperator has started a trend up because others around me are starting to wear them as well both respirator and paper mask. I don't what it is people are like it's not the cool in thing to wear a mask. I'm to the point I wear it all the time at work wheather I'm welding or not because it is a very dusty enviorment. I want to live a healthy life.

Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 01-25-2009 11:15
I know what you mean, I was a mechanic in a truck shop and we did a bunch of maintenance, clutch jobs, bull work I called it. My knees took a pounding crawling under these things all day long. I bought a pair of knee pads and proudly put them on one morning. Boy did I catch stuff those first couple days from the other mechs. At lunch I was'nt complaining about my knees hurting anymore. It was'nt long the jokes about the boss' desk stopped and other guys were showing up with knee pads. Thats when I started telling them there was only room under that desk for one person!!
Parent - By chris2698 (****) Date 01-26-2009 00:42
I know what you mean I worked at a papermill once and guys were making fun so the kinda things you said they said to you but like a few days later they all were buying knee pads. I don't know people can all act all big and bad but deep down there just a bunch a sissys.
At work they use cheap propane gas and oxygen to heat the metal up before we weld on it and I could not believe how much this filter filters I can't smell the propane at all with these filters. I made the mistake of buying some 2091 filters by mistake and wore them oneday at work and yes they filterd the grinding dust but I could smell the fumes and the propane from the torch and that day I realized how much those 2097 filters worked. I'm welding carbon steel but a new project has kicked off for welding aluminum and I will be for sure be wearing this resperator when welding over there and am sure I will be catching **** from those guys but you won't see me hacking at all from that dust.

Parent - - By Metarinka (****) Date 01-25-2009 20:07
I agree 100% I worked as an artist asistant doing fabrication and welding and I used to prep grind or Finish grind ALL the metal that went through our shop, something like 10+ hours a week using an angle grinder. My boss understood and boughtme a respirator as well as having a grinding room that had a giant fan (connected to the outdoors) and a downdraft table.

I don't play around with my lungs because you only get 1 pair of them. sometimes the dangers are overhyped, sometimes people never know until it's too late. But I hate getting headaches from metal dust or fumes, becuase I know that doesn't mean anything good
Parent - By okiewelder2 (**) Date 01-26-2009 23:18
who cares about the fumes i get burnt sometimes no one told me i would get burnt. why didnt they tell me i would get burnt. it doesnt say that on the can. it doesnt say that on my carhartts. who knew why was this a secret
Parent - - By Christian Baumberger (*) Date 01-27-2009 05:05
I started in 1997 and MSDS's were preached to all get out then.
I find it hard to believe that 15yrs go, no one had heard of them.
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 01-27-2009 14:26 Edited 01-27-2009 14:29

For myself,  yes, I had heard of them, even back much before then.  It is a matter of getting people to understand, care, and apply.  Even today in my little shop, I try to get them on all products and especially harmful ones, but try to get the employees to read them and refer to them.  The main ones who look at them only want to see how they can sue you because they were exposed to something.

When warnings first came out about asbestos most of the welders I knew said 'Oh, brother, here we go again.  Been using it to protect parts for 20 yrs and it hasn't hurt me. cough, cough, cough. Just can't get rid of this cough from a cold I had last year. cough, cough.'

The chemicals in rapid tap, DDT, parts cleaners, and how many others.

And it is very difficult to get the young interested in safety glasses, ear plugs, respirators, steel toed boots, protective gloves, etc.  They are, afterall, invincible.  As was stated by a previous poster, protect it, you only have one set of eyes, ears, lungs, hands.  When they are gone, so is the ability to fully enjoy life including playing with your children and grandchildren. 

But even as recently as 15 yrs ago, many, especially in smaller shops, paid little heed to MSDS.  I'm sure that since some of the posters here are from other countries they may have heard very little about them at that point in time.  Unless they are with truly responsible companies working with international contracts and management with good educations.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Welding fumes liability trial, Thomas v. Lincoln Electric Co

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