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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Some look to welding for secure employment
- - By JMCInc (**) Date 01-25-2009 04:14
Trades are getting more attention these days. I've encouraged every young person I've met to look to the trades. It's a good living.
Parent - - By JMCInc (**) Date 01-25-2009 04:37
Of couse, you actually have to work to get ahead. Forgot to add that part.
Parent - - By pypLynr (***) Date 01-25-2009 04:48
Isn't that funny ... a few weeks ago welders were on the ' worst jobs' list and now everybody is wantin' to be one !   LOL Well, if they're just gonna clutter the job market ... they can just look else where for a steppin' stone .        JMHO ... if they really want to be in the trade  and learn a career ... we welcome you with open arms . 
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 01-25-2009 11:23
Parent - By chris2698 (****) Date 01-25-2009 11:18
no kiddin,
Parent - By Metarinka (****) Date 01-25-2009 19:52
enrollment is up at just about all 2 and 4 year schools. I sitll encourage people my age and younger to look at the trades. This recession is really affecting those in the soft sciences and liberal arts world in terms of employment.

That being said, I'm still in my job search things have seemed to dry up a bit for welding engineers
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Some look to welding for secure employment

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