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Parent - - By RonG (****) Date 02-06-2009 17:08
You bet you're entitled to your thoughts and your opinions on the subject of racism but this is no place for hate mongering.

You have effectively reduced us to a bunch of moronic street thugs. Please keep it to your self or go away. I hate to see this Forum reduce to your level.

That's not an order it's a request.  I have no authority but I have been on this Forum since it began and do not want to see it ragged out with this type of talk.
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 02-06-2009 17:33
Please point out exactly what is "hate mongering?
This is what im trying to point out , why is it when a white man stands up for himself or points out how there is a doubble STD we are labbled as racist?
I will tell you im tired of liberal people who refuse to see any1 elses side of anything and when we try to talk about it we are beaten up get run off and silenced.
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 02-06-2009 17:38
1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.
Parent - - By RonG (****) Date 02-06-2009 20:15

"when they say his people is that black people or all american people who are not white because I don't think obama would call any one white HIS PEOPLE  just my opinion I do hate him and I am a very very proud white boy"

Do you not see the word hate? I didn't add it I just cut and pasted it. I have no interest in trying to influence you opinion and you don't have the slightest chance in influencing mine. All I ask is that you take your rhetoric else where.

I and I really believe the majority of the people who frequent this board have no interest in your hatred ether.

We do enjoy in-depth and lively discussions but we are just not in your league. So once again I ask you to take it else where.
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 02-06-2009 20:29
hate does not = Racisim
Parent - By DONKEY PUNCH Date 02-06-2009 20:33
I never said I hate him because he is black and ill give u that hate is a strong word but I won't take it back u r taking what I said and using one word hate I do hate him but not cause he is black and the reason I wonder who he would call his people is because the people he has with him r saying no white skilled workers so I jus figure his people r black they said it not me . don't try to make me sound racist cause I'm not .
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 02-06-2009 20:34
dont read the post!!!!!!!
Thats why this country is messed up you think i should stop talking alltogether because i dont agree with u, you should take your eye elsewhere and read somthing you agree with if you cant handle a discussion with many opinions.
Im not hatefull i just think what most are calling racisim is NOT.
Parent - By DONKEY PUNCH Date 02-06-2009 17:43
its not racist what's been on here and sure dosent have a thing to do with being a street thug or whatever u said the point of all that has been said u just proved we say one thing about being proud to be white and I'm a racist thug but people of other races can say and do the say thing and u seem to not care u want to live on a one way street .and that is racist
Parent - By DONKEY PUNCH Date 02-06-2009 18:03
ron g I find it funny how talk about what I have said and say u don't want to bring this site DOWN to my level then say I'm a moronic street thug . to me sounds like u r racist or just plain ol dumb YOU R THE FIRST PERSON TO START name calling and putting me down when all I said was my opinion .theres not a thing wrong with me being proud 2 b white.AND I AM VERY
Parent - - By DONKEY PUNCH Date 02-06-2009 18:20 Edited 02-06-2009 20:28
ron g why do u think that minoritys should get special treatment ? all I would like is 4 everone to b treated equal but that will never happen if it is a huge thing to call a black man a n****r than it should b equally as big of deal to call me a c*****r bacause my skin is white I don't like being called a c*****r any more than they like being called a n****r .so y the double standard .

both words have now been edited.....
Parent - - By DONKEY PUNCH Date 02-06-2009 18:35
my next question would be I just wrote out the N word and it got blacked out but the word CRACKER WAS LEFT FOR THE WORLD TO see how is that not a double standard hell they will prob delete this whole post and for what reason prob don't want to step on any toes. I cannot belive WELL I TAKE THAT BACK I CAN
Parent - - By johnnyh (***) Date 02-06-2009 19:04
He did not call you a moronic street thug.  Have someone read it to you again.  Then do some research on the N word and you will see why it is censored.  Everything thing you have said in this thread is racist.  Maybe you shouldnt be proud to be white but instead you should be proud to be racist.  You actually earned that.  You had nothing to do with yourself being white.
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 02-06-2009 19:06
where was this man being a racist?
Parent - - By johnnyh (***) Date 02-06-2009 19:14
No problem.  Do you really believe that these statements aren't racist?

--"until they kick me off I will say the way I c things I'm just glad I'm not the only person on this site that has a clue about things the obamas of this world fill prisons,and welfare lines then there r the ones robbing and shooting the rest r in the mother land full of aids so I really don't have much else to say if u can't handel the way I feel U KNOW THE REST"--


--"just my opinion I do hate him and I am a very very proud white boy"--

Please explain to me how those aren't racist statements.
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 02-06-2009 19:30
he never said that whites are better nor did he say blacks are inferior.
no racism there
Parent - - By johnnyh (***) Date 02-06-2009 20:02
When you hate someone because you are white and he is black that is racism.  When you say the "obamas of the world", that is racism when you are referring to black people.
Parent - By DONKEY PUNCH Date 02-06-2009 20:11
now u r putting words in my mouth I never said I hate him because I'm white and he's  black and as far as saying the obamas of the world that's stereotype not racist . and I do stereotype . when they stand for what he stands for . 
Parent - - By DONKEY PUNCH Date 02-06-2009 20:20
why did obamas man say no skilled white workers allowed . that is racist toward EVERY WHITE SKILLED WOKER IT CAN'T GET ANYMORE CLEAR THAN THAT . u call me racist but I have never said anything close to as racist as that u just can't accept the fact that a lot of black people want to pull the race card instead of taking the blame for something they did .
Parent - - By johnnyh (***) Date 02-06-2009 20:29
Just because alot of people pull the race card doesnt mean it is ok to pull it right back.  Two wrongs do not make a right.
Parent - By DONKEY PUNCH Date 02-06-2009 20:41
ill give u that just seems like to me u call me a racist way to fast I'm just calling um like I c them
Parent - By DONKEY PUNCH Date 02-06-2009 19:42
I was just stating facts look at prison population ,people on welfare ,most murders committed ,drug dealers ,and so on the majority is BLACK not all by no means but majority  by a long shot that is not racist or my opinion JUST facts so far everyone who has dissagreed with me has not had an argument  they just call me racist . I guess acording to you I should be ashamed to b white .but that will never happen either.
Parent - - By DONKEY PUNCH Date 02-06-2009 20:04
I am not racist . but I am sick of  this one way street crap . black people say there proud to b black and that's  no big deal I say it and I'm racist I'm also proud of my name ,does that make me racist towards people with a different name ? I don't know how having a different point of view makes me racist. in reality u r the actual racist .
Parent - - By RonG (****) Date 02-06-2009 20:32

So I am the raciest because I do not subscribe to your rhetoric. I guess you could be right about that. I don't care for you at all but I am not sure of your race so it's still up for debate.

My opinions are not based on what some one taught me. I been around for a long time and have learned to think for my self. I also have learned to look deeper than someone's skin.

I was fathered and raised by very hard core raciest. He went to his grave with a lot of hate in him that influenced the way he lived. The more he drank the more he hated. You do not impress me in the least Donky Punch give it up. I will give you hi marks for you name selection though
Parent - By DONKEY PUNCH Date 02-06-2009 20:49
ron g what retoric r u talking about . I just state my opinion and facts no retoric .and I hope u aren't implying I was raised racist u seem to b really good at assuming things
Parent - By DONKEY PUNCH Date 02-06-2009 21:12
I'm not asking u to agree with me but if u r going to argue with me do it don't just say I'm racist  tell me what I have said isn't  true but we both know it is true . there is no question about that .if they had said no black skilled workers I would be saying that is not right .and I bet u there would b another riot . but they didn't they said no White workers but I guess ur ok with that .
Parent - - By patg (**) Date 02-06-2009 20:35
about your'e do some research on the (N) word
i am assuming you live fairly close to me
you might remember when brazoria,TX. tried to outlaw, and fine anyone using the (N) word.
and the old black men abolished it saying "all of our young black men would be given tickets or in jail"
thats straight out of the facts news paper
and the law was never passed
Parent - By johnnyh (***) Date 02-06-2009 20:43
I do remember that.  This is also the same mayor that wanted to make prayer mandatory in school.  He just liked to have his face on TV.
Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 02-06-2009 19:29
From your link

"Cracker" has been used among African Americans like Malcolm X[5] and Black Panther Party during the Civil rights movement and is considered an anti-white ethnic slur among African Americans.

I must apologize for using the term on the previous page. It should be censored just like the other word. Otherwise the moderator is being raciest.
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 02-06-2009 19:38
I once watched a movie and was amazed when a white man said Ni**er it was bleeped, but when a black man said it a few scense latter it wasn't. explaine that.
Parent - By Superflux (****) Date 02-06-2009 20:57
The Off-topic Bar and Grill
A place to relax and chat about non-welding related activities and subjects.

Just thought I would re-post the intent of this forum....RELAX....

Parent - By DONKEY PUNCH Date 02-07-2009 06:31
thanks 4 xing out the c word and I do mean that not trying to b a smart a## . now I feel a little better
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 02-09-2009 19:20
Hi Shane,
I think these guys have run this rabbit around and around...I'm sorry your thread went South but I see no need in allowing the thread to continue on at the present pace. Apparently racism is alive and well on all sides and doesn't seem to want to slow down for any reason.

To all.....
Guys let's see if we can find another topic besides racism to talk about. This back and forth bickering isn't getting us any closer to solving anything.
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