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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Cheap-cheap
- - By Josh Flynn (**) Date 02-11-2009 22:15
My uncle has a couple of tractors for his small grading business.  A couple of years ago before he took over I replaced the shanks that the teeth pin to on the track-hoe bucket.  The teeth and shanks are great quality but after market.  When I replaced these shanks for another family member, the owner before my uncle,  he paid for gas and rods for the welder and was happy to do so, I didn't charge for my time because its family.  After a couple of years of using the machine the teath wear and get loose falling off because my uncle didn't replace the teeth in time.  After the teeth fell off, he just kept on using the machine untill the shanks wore out.  Now the shanks need to be replaced before new teeth can be pined back on the machine.  Then my uncle calls me, he found a set of teeth that match up to different shanks, but wonts me to weld these teeth on to the old wore out shanks.  I told him teeth should be pined on because they are hardend and not made for welding.  He said don't worry about it just do it, I said what ever its your machine.  I clean every thing up and started welding every thing on.  After getting half way through the welding I ran out of 7018's.  Thought I had more then I did.  It was late in the afternoon, my uncle tells me he will pick a box up in the morning.  I told him to pick a 50lb box up so I will have some let over for my self to use.  He asked my how much a box cost,  I told him around 100 to 120 bucks.  He tells me no way he is paying for that,  and wonts to know if there is a smaller contaner.  I told him there was, but a small box wont leave any left over for me and I was not charging him any thing but would like to have some rods for the ones I used that belonged to me.  He said I don't have that kind of money so I will use the machine like it is.(half way done)Also he is not going to replace the rods or gas I used so far on this project.  I told him he was lucky I would just ask for rods and gas.   Most welders around here wont come out for less than 100 bucks for the first hour and then they have a two or four hour minimum at 65 or 70 an hour.  Before long some thing is going to break that needs welding,  then I am going to sit back and watch somebody burn a new hole in his a**.    Also why do people think rods and gas are free.  My welder burns the same gas my car does and I have to pay for that.  Sorry just needed to vent a little bit.
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 02-12-2009 00:04
sounds just like my uncle or should i say my dads brother thinks i'm still in high school needing gas in my truck lol he calls sometimes needing stuff done so i tell him 55 an hr 4 hr min. time starts when i leave the house. so he calls my brother and tells him he can rope for free and yes my brother goes lol my family thinks i'm not working so i can fix all their junk lol my father in law is the same way sucks for them cause when they weld it it falls off
Parent - - By Josh Flynn (**) Date 02-12-2009 00:17
People think Family=free and thats were they go wrong.  Family is a great thing but they are a pain in the a** most of the time.
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 02-12-2009 00:24
thye are way more picky than a paying customer especially if your parents are in volved and they always know how to do it better than you
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 02-12-2009 05:10
So Uncle wants YOU to fix it for free because HE didn't do timely maintainance... There are reasons why You like some family members more than others.
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 02-12-2009 00:18 Edited 02-12-2009 00:23
If you really want to teach him a lesson...cut off the teeth you did put on. Your already out those rods and time. Whats another 10 minutes and some Oxy-ace?

Sad part is (for your uncle), to wear out the Teeth and Shanks, with all that extra effort used in digging, he more than likely wasted far more than that in fuel.  I'll bet there were a few blown hydraulic lines also, plus undue strain on hinge pins etc. Just look at how much you could save if you never changed the oil in your car???
Parent - - By Josh Flynn (**) Date 02-12-2009 12:33
     He has been lucky with the hydraulic lines so far,  but he has forgoten what grease and grease fitings are.  The hing pins and bushings are gonig to wear out one day and that will be an expensive mess.  When the bucket is raised into the air you can push on the bucket and there is already alot of swaping around.  Just a matter of time.  I used to work for a guy that was mister tight a**, would not spead money on any thing.  When it comes to his machines, preventive mantience was number 1 on the list, he would spare no expence on those machines.  Those tractors are his lively hood and he understood that you have to take care of them.  He always told me Grease was cheaper than parts and thats the truth.
Also my uncle does not change the oil on the tractors,  so he saves money that way. 
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 02-12-2009 14:12
just stand back and watch wont be long and he'll need new motors or tractors
Parent - - By MDG Custom Weld (***) Date 02-12-2009 21:31
I did that, and it almost ended me in jail.  Here's how it went:

This underground utility contractor calls me to come out and get the pin out of his leveling arm on the back of the back hoe.  I show up with a new pin and a weld in bushing and go to work.  Done and ready to go in less that 2 hours.  As I'm wrapping things up he ask me to look at the hoe bucket.  It has a broken and missing section where the shanks attack in the range of 12x15" and 1" thick.  That afternoon I order some plate, drive and get new shanks and teeth, and then 60 miles back to the shop, cut and prep the plate.  I show back up at 6am on site the next morning and finish it out.  Now I took my time and really did this thing right and he is up and running before lunch.  Give him the $500 bill and he says "I'll send you the check".  No problem.  2 weeks goes by with me calling this guy every other day and getting some "checks in the mail" crap.  Then he did pay and the check bounced.  I drive by the job site and they have moved to another site.  2 months go by and I happen to see his stuff on another site near my shop.  I called him and left a message to the effect of " I know where your stuff is and I'll be out to repo my steel, shanks, teeth, and rod by the end of the day.  So after the days work, I head over there and start cutting.  Just about then the boys in blue show up with the owner.  They start telling me I can't do that and I tell them it's my material.  Well, I guess when your material is attached to something that some else owns your supposed to file a contractors lean.  Just as they were getting ready to cuff and stuff me I pulled the bounded check and supporting statement from the bank.  I showed it to the cops and they asked the owner if he still wanted to put charges against me.  They also informed him that check fraud if a felony.  He pulled $500 out of his wallet and we left it at that. 

I say all of this so you don't do something for the right reasons and have bad results.

Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 02-12-2009 23:17 Edited 02-12-2009 23:30
Darn good thing you "had your papers in order" comrade. Good lesson to heed for us hot heads who want to take care of things the old fashion way.
Got into an argument with a store clerk over $5 he shorted me on my change. After a few minutes of him  being a jerk and calling me a thief. I told him "you call me that one more time I'm draggin your a$$ out side and gonna "F" you up!!!" ... an hour later the cops told him to give me 5 bucks. Had I known, I'd just let him have the money, what a pain!
Parent - By RioCampo (***) Date 02-13-2009 01:12
It's not usually the money, it's the principle. Some chicken **** always thinks they can short the working man.
Parent - - By Josh Flynn (**) Date 02-12-2009 23:27
I would do some thing about it, but as bad as he treat those machines it wont be long till something happens.  When it does and when he calls I will tell him to call some one else.  When he finds out what they will charge he will change his attitude.  Then I will come and do it for CASH up front.
Parent - By Superflux (****) Date 02-12-2009 23:33
That's the spirit!
Sometimes you just have towalk away and say to yourself, the jokes gonna be on them
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Cheap-cheap

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