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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Seamer root closure
- - By Daniel McDowell (*) Date 02-11-2009 18:03 Edited 02-11-2009 18:32
Looking for solutions to control root closure when welding semiautomatic Seamer  mig process on 4-6 mm plate, Stainless and mild steel. WELDING UP TO 6ยด butt joints.
Or equiptment suggestions.

Thanks: Daniel McDowell
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 02-11-2009 19:44
Hello Daniel, have you checked out any of Panjuris's equipment? I believe they have some fairly complete lines of the type of equipment you are referring to. There are many others as well, I am just more familiar with this manufacturer. I would think that a google search might also yield some pretty extensive results. Best regards, Allan
Parent - By Daniel McDowell (*) Date 02-12-2009 18:56
Thanks Allen,
That was also my first suggestion to my boss, But you know how it goes They allways want solutions for Problems For 0$.
What I will have to do is find a way to stop root closure on My 35 Yr old Seamer.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Seamer root closure

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