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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / in case you were wondering...
- - By hogan (****) Date 02-17-2009 20:57
Here is an interesting article on how to survive a nuclear attack.
Parent - By michael kniolek (***) Date 02-17-2009 23:49
i was told to do this...............
Bendover , tuck your head between your legs and kiss your sweet A$$ goodbye.
Parent - By Metarinka (****) Date 02-18-2009 02:17
I was told with the modern hydrogen bombs that if you died instantly you were lucky, the shockwave will flatten all homes within about 5 miles, and the radiation exposure will kill everything within 30 miles in less than 2 days (3000 rem), depending on the wind lethal doses of radiation will travel 80-90 miles and cause  serious biological affects and long term affects for over 100 miles depending on wind and water tables.

Roll over and die is usually the way to survive a nuclear attack
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 02-18-2009 02:20
Parent - - By OBrien (***) Date 02-18-2009 02:31
Yeah buy the guy reading it and everyone working on the job would be dead.  Huh, maybe the best time to fail lol.
Parent - By Metarinka (****) Date 02-18-2009 07:27
at least you could say you never failed an x-ray test in your "life time"

on a more somber note, here's what it looks like to be caught in a nuclear bomb blast
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 02-18-2009 17:52
Hopefully it's only a half mile from my house take out me and the whole family so nobody has to suffer.
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 02-18-2009 18:07
Yeah, I thought the same thing, but I don't think there are any targets up here in Wisconsin.  Appleton is the closest city to me and Miller Electric is the only thin that's worth anything there. Not to big a deal.  Back where I used to live I had a high priority target (Conoco Phillips Wood River refinery) not to far away.
Parent - - By kipman (***) Date 02-18-2009 21:37
Green Bay?  Marinette Marine?
Parent - By Kix (****) Date 02-19-2009 13:18
That's more then 30 miles so I should only get a bit warm and see a bright flash.;-)
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 02-19-2009 00:42
quote from that page:
Begin reinforcing your shelter from the inside. Do this by stacking dirt around the walls or anything else you can find. If you are in a trench then create a roof, only if the materials are nearby; you don't want to expose yourself when it isn't necessary. Canvas from a parachute or tent will help stop fallout debris from piling on to you, though it will not stop the Gamma rays. It is impossible, at a very fundamental physical level, to completely shield from all radiation. It can only be reduced to a tolerable level. Use the following to help you determine the amount of material you'll need to reduce radiation penetration by one half:[7]

Steel: 21 cm (0.7 feet)
Rock: 70-100 cm (2-3 ft)
Concrete: 66 cm (2.2 ft)
Earth/Wood: 2.6 m (8.8 ft)
Soil: 1 m (3.3 ft)
Ice: 2 m (6.6 ft)
Snow: 6 m (20-22 ft)
/end quote

Don't really know the source of the information, but it appears to be in error. .7 feet of steel for a half value layer??? 8.4" of steel..
while each source of radiation has it's own specific HVL I can't think of one that would require that amount steel. I'd have no problem standing on the otherside of a 8.4" thick steel wall with 200 ci of Ir192 in contact with the opposite side. In contact it would be in excess of 11K Rem/hr. However; there is a reason IR192 cannot shoot a weld 8.4" T no matter how strong it is. If your standing somewhere that receives a gamma burst that requires that much material, your probably screwed anyway.

I think the idea of surviving a global nuclear war is as insane as the idea that such a war could be won. The earth may or may not still be here, but I don't know that even if you did survive it, that it would be worth doing so.

The only scenerio's that could be survived would be limited theatre, or EMP, but in all cases, the biggest threats would be the EMP and or fallout.
Parent - By bozaktwo1 (***) Date 02-19-2009 18:04
If you want a good visual of what it MIGHT look like, play Fallout 3 (XBOX360 and PC). Very creepy fun. :)
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / in case you were wondering...

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