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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / another Obama Supporter :)
- - By ctacker (****) Date 02-18-2009 20:17
Today, Obama wrote in an op-ed piece in the Washington Post that if Congress does not pass his "stimulus" package, and do so right away, "Our nation will slip deeper into a crisis that, at some point, we may not be able to reverse."  "Wow," I thought when I read this, "The stimulus bill must contain some really important stuff if it's critical to the survival of our country!  I better take a closer look.  Maybe the guy is really onto something."  So, I did some internet research and here is just some of the massive spending proposed in the bill:

-- $50 million for the National Endowment for the Arts

-- $380 million for the Women, Infants & Children welfare program

-- $300 million in grants to combat violence against women

-- $1.2 billion to provide "youth" with summer jobs

-- $2.4 billion for "neighborhood stabilization" activities

-- $650 million for digital TV coupons

-- $150 million for the Smithsonian

-- $34 million to renovate the Dept. of Commerce headquarters

-- $500 million for improvements to the National Institute of Health facility

-- $44 million for repairs to the Dept. of Agriculture's headquarters

-- $350 million for agriculture department computers

-- $88 million to move (that's right, move) the Public Health Service into a new building.

-- $1 billion for the Census Bureau

-- $89 billion for Medicaid

-- $30 billion for COBRA extensions

-- $36 billion for expanded unemployment

-- $20 billion for food stamps

-- $850 million for Amtrak

-- $87 million for a "polar ice breaking ship" (What about the ice caps melting because of global warming?)

-- $1.7 million for the National Park Service

-- $55 million for the Historic Preservation Fund

-- $7.6 million for the Rural Advancement Program

-- $150 million for "agricultural commodity purchases"

-- $150 million for producers of livestock, farm-raised fish and honey bees

-- $160 million for paid volunteers (what is a "paid volunteer"?) at the Corporation for National and Community Service

Are we really to believe Obama that we may not be able to reverse our country's slide if he and Congress are prevented from ramming all this pork down our throats?  And, by the way, what happened to Obama's pledge to end pork barrel spending?

Another interesting tidbit:  Obama said that one of the reasons Congress must pass the stimulus bill, and must pass it NOW, is to end our dependence on foreign oil.  What is astonishing is that he made this proclamation about energy independence less than 24 hours after his new interior secretary canceled the oil and gas leases on 77 parcels of federal land. 

We are only two weeks into this guy's term and already he and his party are out of control. 

Niles R. Sharif
Attorney at Law
9001 Grossmont Blvd.
La Mesa, CA 91941
Telephone: (619) 463-9111
Facsimile: (619) 568-3689 
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 02-18-2009 20:28
pork....pork....pork....pork....pork....pork....pork....pork....pork....pork....pork....WHAT DO WE GET OUT OF THIS BILL?
porked thats wat.
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 02-18-2009 20:53
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 02-19-2009 18:27
Is that the best defense of out of control spending that an Obama supporter can muster?
To change the definition of pork?
Is that like saying a BJ isn't????  well, you know.  :)

And yes it has been in politics forever, but what happend to "Change We Need"?
Or "No Pork on This Bill." or, "Im going to eliminate corruption from politics".

I know its early in the administration but we ain't seeing any of this yet. Or will that be the campaign slogan in 2012. "Change We Needed But I Didn't Get to Yet", or, "Change We Needed But Now I Really Mean It".
Parent - By Kix (****) Date 02-19-2009 19:29
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 02-20-2009 03:51
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 02-20-2009 14:41
You don't really believe thats the only alternative do you?
Nobody is arguing that some of the allocations aren't noble or needed. The argument is, that if they are indeed so, lets debate them in the light of day on their own merits. Not have them rammed down our throat all hidden in a 700+ page jungle of lies about saving our economy like some banana republic or totalitarian nightmare. And if these progressive programs are so noble and needed why is it necessary to go so far to hide them from us? Why is necessary to hurry them through in a campaign of panic mongering before anybody notices? If they are as important as many would argue then one would think their supporters would be proud to bring them to the light of day and that they would be confident that they would easily pass without having to attach them to a volume the size of a Tolstoy novel.

You wanna argue ice breakers and global warming at the same time lets do it. But lets not pretend that somehow this is the answer to rich greed in the finance industry.

And PS: Everybody knows what pork is. But its obvious that once pork is recognized for what it is then there is no denying that our new Presidents first major piece of legislation exposes his breaking a major campaign promise. And this, Obama supporters, in a delerium of hope about honesty, and stamping out corruption, and balancing the budget, and saving the downtrodden, and ending war, and cleansing the lepers or what not, just cannot admit.
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 02-20-2009 15:23
I just read about how the auditors and the auditors of those auditors, along with the lawyers and all who will oversee how the money is distributed will get the first chunk of monies out of this package...sounds like a very lucritive time to be a lawyer in DC (link to the NYT article)
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 02-20-2009 19:23
the feds cant bring out into the light , they dont know wats in it.
To me its all a scam of sorts, the "PREZ and his posse" has most likley hidden many things in the bill that will tighten the Govs grip on us and in all probability tighten its control.
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 02-20-2009 14:48
So you dont think the democrats are bailing out rich people right now?
It was them who drove this bank crissis and there is proof that reps wanted to investigate the whole system, but dems screamed witch hunt.
Agin i say do no more for these failing industries and let the small companies grow and fill the void.
This bill is keeping stupid rich people in power.
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 02-20-2009 03:53

Shortly after class, an economics student approaches his economics
professor and says, "I don't understand this stimulus bill. Can you explain it to me?"

The professor replied, "I don't have any time to explain it at my office,

but if you come over to my house on Saturday and help me with my weekend

project, I'll be glad to explain it to you." The student agreed.

At the agreed-upon time, the student showed up at the professor's house.

The professor stated that the weekend project involved his backyard pool.

They both went out back to the pool, and the professor handed the  student

a bucket. Demonstrating with his own bucket, the professor said,"First,

go over to the deep end, and fill your bucket with as much water as

you can." The student did as he was instructed.

The professor then continued, "Follow me over to the shallow end,
and then dump all the water from your bucket into it." The student
was naturally confused, but did as he was told.

The professor then explained they were going to do this many more times,

and began walking back to the deep end of the pool.

The confused student asked, "Excuse me, but why are we doing this?"

The professor matter-of-factly stated that he was trying to make
the shallow end much deeper.

The student didn't think the economics professor was serious, but figured

that he would find out the real story soon enough.

However, after the 6th trip between the shallow end and the deep end,the

student began to become worried that his economics professor had
gone mad. The student finally replied, "All we're doing is wasting
valuable time and effort on unproductive pursuits. Even worse, when

this process is all over, everything will be at the same level it
was before, so all you'll really have accomplished is the
destruction of what could have been truly productive action!"

The professor put down his bucket and replied with a smile,
"Congratulations. You now understand the stimulus bill."
Parent - - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 02-18-2009 21:19
I haven't followed up on what you posted and may later. But I did look at what you posted and I didn't see anything in there to help stimulate anything in my area except for the people that propably dont want to work.

Who is Niler R Sharif ?
Parent - By ctacker (****) Date 02-18-2009 22:55
I haven't checked out everything either, but I have seen a few Items that are real.
I still say if you want a welfare check, you should have to pass a drug test. I mean I have to pass one to pay into the welfare system, shouldn't  those that take payments be subject to the same rules?
Parent - - By OBrien (***) Date 02-18-2009 23:07
-- $1.2 billion to provide "youth" with summer jobs
Thats one of the best things on that list.  Kids need to have summer jobs so they can learn to earn their own money and more kids working means there will be more adults needed for management/supervisor positons.

-- $36 billion for expanded unemployment

That looks like $36 billion that could of been spent on building a bridge, hospital, or something else in someone's name that would create jobs. (especially for us)

Just my opinion
Parent - By patg (**) Date 02-19-2009 00:46
wouldnt that money be better spent if it was to keep mom and dad employed
now imagine the same 2 figures 37.2 billion to keep mom and dad employed
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 02-19-2009 05:11
"Our nation will slip deeper into a crisis that, at some point, we may not be able to reverse."

  We may have already made that slip, at this point I am not so sure this or any other stimulis package the House & Senate offer will change that. I am not totally opposed to a stimulis package, but it needs to be well thought out if it is going to work.
Parent - - By uphill (***) Date 02-19-2009 14:13
Thanks for getting my day started. I can imagine somebody sees some value in this spending but I dont think that its much like shooting a shotgun up into the air. Aim or not, just shoot and hope you hit something.  Doesnt matter when you dont have a clue about peoples needs or how to help them. I thought like a lot of people who voted for 0 ( i did not even though my union told me to )The bill would be devoted to the return of our economy. I could write about the obvious waste of money we Dont have on things that have Nothing to do with our survival but it is too easy to argue about.

Plan ahead and vote all of them out of office or impeach where needed. Drop the congress retirement to normal levels and put on term limmits. I think its like the kids being in charge of the candy store.

Reload and shoot again ya missed some pork.
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 02-19-2009 15:36
What should have been done is nothing, Capitalism would have righted this.
All the government is doing is keeping the rich wealthy, and in power.
In a real capitalistic world the stupid greedy CEOs and union bosses, who ran the places they work into the ground would have failed. The Companies they work for would be closed down; they would be out of work and never get such a job again where they have the chance to screw up so bad.
Smaller well run companies would begin to fill the voids and things would start to get better.
Now the mentality is I can fail because MOMMY DEMOCRATE will make sure that I maintain my status quo at someone else's expense.
So now we have kept the losers who caused all this in charge and now they feel they have power.
Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 02-19-2009 15:48
$1 billion for the Census Bureau

This is after he absorbed the census bureau into the white house?
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 02-19-2009 17:37
Funny how little information about this bill is out for us to read? What is the deal with the health care in the bill?
We all need to come to terms with what is really happening.
This bill was shoved down our throats with the battle cry of It's an emergency!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yet our leaders can't take 3 days to read this bill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is very sad; the world would not end if they took the time to research what was signed.
I think every1 who signed this bill without reading it should be kicked out of office for incompetence. We need to have people who know what they are doing, not people just going along with what's being done.
This country is being stolen out from under us.
And if you can't see this you are the people who sleep wile your house is robbed.
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 02-19-2009 18:01
What I thought was really disturbing was that when the Senators didn't get the complete thing in writing as of 10pm the night before they had to vote on it. It was 780 pages long yet no one had seen this package in it's entirity as of 10pm the night before the vote. One Senator called it embarrassing to be asked to vote on something when you don't even get a chance to read it over to see what it is that you are voting on.
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 02-19-2009 18:02
thats down right scary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 02-19-2009 19:07 Edited 02-19-2009 19:39
I would have to agree with Mikeqc1. It is high time our government had a more "Darwinistic" approach with regards to bail outs! Survival of the Fittest!
OR...What is good for one, should be good for all. Any fledgling business should be able to get a grant after squandering away their money on sub-standard, unsellable products and greedy salaries.
Just whining cuz I would like to get a slice of that PIE!
Parent - - By up-ten (***) Date 02-19-2009 19:51
Has anyone added all this up?
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 02-19-2009 19:59
Parent - - By michael kniolek (***) Date 02-19-2009 22:23
If the bill has passed, Why is it not posted for us to read right now, Im demanding a copy!!!!!!!!!!
We should all be concerned over this.
is this not the 2nd trillion that they spent, they could not even wait untill the first trillion actually hit ecomomy?
If they waited a year at least , they could have observed how the cash worked\or didnt work, and at the same time watch and see who is using the monies to build the economy and who is stealing if for personal gain.
This is the worst case of pork spending!!!!!
We are suposed to be free and that means free to fail or succeed.
At this point any company going under should be allowed to do so, my reason for thinking this is..... at some point Board members will actualy demand that the CEOs of the company perform , and the board members will actualy watch and do some reasearch so they KNOW that they are not being SCR**ED by the Conartists that they employ.
Because if the FEDS stay out of it the board members will know that there will be no excecutive welfare program for them.
Something really really Rotten
Parent - - By ryan gaspard (**) Date 02-20-2009 01:30
is that what you might call rotten pork meat.
Parent - By michael kniolek (***) Date 02-20-2009 01:52
were all gonna get worms
Parent - - By uphill (***) Date 02-20-2009 21:49
I doubt if anyone has the correct figures or is willing to share that info, after all we are the ones paying for it. Why should we know. I believe its a big game to throw so many numbers at us that we just give up and shut up. The only way we will ever know the actual cost and damages caused by this bail out(money into certain pockets) is to wait for about 5 years untill the powers that be are ALL voted out of office and they hire ALL new government workers. If we can still spoke inglish
Parent - By michael kniolek (***) Date 02-21-2009 13:49
The only people that will be employed in 5 years will be the people who work for the Feds.
Why dont we hear 15 billion $ to companys who bring manufacturing jobs back to the us.
Why dont we hear 15 billion $ to small company growth program.
Why dont we hear 15 billion  $ for payroll supplement of growing business (not to be confused with CEO welfare program for the continued support of stupid rich people who think they entitled to earn 120 mill whiile they run and destroy companies)
I thought that small business was the backbone of our economy wasnt that a campaign cry on both sides?
they want to dump stupid monies into the economy so why not start at the bottom ......
I think the feds should take crazy cash and suplement thesteel industry, the toolmaking industry, textiles,shoes,food.(only if they employ americans, not this give us money and invest in a foreign factory)
in otherwords take this money rebuild what greedy ceos have destroyed over the years
just my .0000002 (obamma bucks)
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / another Obama Supporter :)

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