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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Got my Wendy's Shield
- - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 02-21-2009 02:51
All I have to say is thanks to you guys that speak so highly of his shields and thanks to David and Clair for the elk skins. Got it sanded out last night and put a #10 in it(that's what I had) and was out today welding on some pipe. WOW!! No stinkin' glare from the sun, comfortable, not bulky and in the way told my wife it's the best darn hood/shield I've ever owned! I usually run a #11 or #12 and in the sun the #10 is the tops, could see where I was with the shield down.

Thanks again for the tips on Wendy's! Worth every penny and time it took to get it!
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 02-21-2009 20:22
what did you give for it it's been along time since i had a pancake it was given to me and i wore it til it fell apart and you're right best hood i ever had
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 02-21-2009 20:50
In total it was $72.90 or real close to that. I bought the Clairs comfort skins though, the elk skins that attach to the wood. So it would have been $11 cheaper without the elk skins, but glad I bought them just added to the comfort. Feels so good got me to thinking about one with an auto lens....some other time though
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 02-21-2009 21:04
thats not to bad i gave 40.00 for the last pipeliner i bought i bought 2 that time they were getting hard to find and the price went thru the roof still have 1 brand new still in the box
Parent - - By 63 Max (***) Date 02-21-2009 23:42
The company I work for is telling us we will have to stop using the pancakes because they are not OSHA approved, I argued with them and told them they were but after looking at it again it is ANSI approved not OHSA. Has this happen to anyone else yet.
Parent - By michaelb (**) Date 02-22-2009 00:40
order on from sarges they are osha approved sticker to say so on them  8003964065 ardmore ok
Parent - - By tighand430 (***) Date 02-22-2009 02:50
The only ones I know of that are ansi approved are the one piece pancakes. Can't remember who makes them tho.
Parent - By 63 Max (***) Date 02-22-2009 04:30
I have a Wendy's hood and it only has a ANSI sticker on it. I went to the website to see if it had anything about OHSA and I couldn't find anything. If you guys know where I could find something that proves Wendy's hood is OHSA approved I would sure like the info. I plan on calling Wendy's Monday to see if they can get me the info.
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 02-22-2009 04:56
dont know who makes them but you can get tjem from rams welding supply in calif.
Parent - By FixaLinc (****) Date 02-22-2009 19:58
Sarges says OSHA approved on their site.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 02-22-2009 22:16
I personaly have never heard this. If it is ANSI approved it should pass any requirements for OSHA welding eye protection requirements. The exceptions to this might be the need for hard hat protection, or company safety policy. However you stated that the issue was based off of an OSHA requirement. In a polite way, I would request the supporting documentation to this claim.

Now, let me elaborate a little on the use of pancake hoods. I know they are great, but most of the time I see them used they are a bigger eye protection hazzard than other styles.

WAIT!!!!! Before all you pipeliners crucify me...:-) Here is the reason, and I am sure there are at least a few times, and mostly everytime, everyone using these hoods have done this.

A pancake will not allow the use of safety glasses underneath the face peice. This is not a problem, but when you are done welding, eveybody I have ever seen will prop that pancake on top of their head while the helper preps the joint. The safety glasses that are required at this point are almost always on the dash of the truck (for those that keep their hood inside the cab) or in the tray of the toolbax used to store the hood. Now some will turn their head/back to the work, but 9 times out of 10, the welder is exposed to the shrapnel of a large wire wheel and grinding wheel. Even scarier, sometimes the welder is the helper, and to watch them run that equipment with no safety glasses and the pancake propped up is scary.

These are great hoods, just remember the extra step to protect yourself. Keep an old scratched pair that can be set anywhere. You do not even need to see perfectly out of them, just cover the eyeballs. My Daddy taught me long ago that I have 4 important balls. LOL

Parent - - By rockin d (**) Date 02-23-2009 00:02 Edited 02-23-2009 00:07
you can sand down the sides & make safety glasses fit
Attachment: hood2.jpg (257k)
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 02-24-2009 14:18
Very nice, I have not seen this done before. :-)
Parent - - By patg (**) Date 02-23-2009 00:41
everybody i work with that uses one, myself included has a auto darkening lense in it so you never have to lift it up to grind or buff
i find it safer than my fibremetal pipeliner hood because i hardly ever wear safety glasses under my hood
a pancake w/ auto darkening lense doubbles as a face shield
just my 2 cents
Parent - By weldervaughn (**) Date 02-23-2009 01:55 makes some glasses that will fit under a pancake
Parent - By okwelder82 (***) Date 02-23-2009 02:01
Tom Waters out of Louisiana makes glasses that fit under a pancake hood.
Parent - - By bbwinc (**) Date 02-23-2009 04:26
Pat I was thinking of getting an auto lens 2x4 size, what brand is good? Thanks!!
Parent - - By patg (**) Date 02-23-2009 22:19
the one i have is a ArcOne singles they come in shades 10 and 12 the color isnt that great but decent and there solar powered and water proof
the shade ten is 92.00 and the shade 12 is 130.00 @ airgas you could probably shop around and find them cheaper
thats just what they are here localy
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 02-24-2009 05:14
   How many sensors does that Arc One have? I have an old one, #10 with 2 sensors, it came in a Hobart "Weld It" hood from the farm store, about $75 for the whole thing on sale, 9-10 years ago. It still works.
Parent - By patg (**) Date 02-24-2009 12:53
it has 2 sensors as well
prolly the same lense
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 02-24-2009 14:19
  I agree. I have just not seen many that use the auto lenses in combination with that pancakes. IMHO that is thre route to go.

Parent - By Johnyutah (**) Date 02-24-2009 15:29
I use an auto view in my Sarge,s pancake but you do need to file away the wood around the sensor or at certain angles it won't activate. I went for awhile with a glass lens but the putting glasses back on ever time I had to do anything else got old fast.
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 02-23-2009 03:11
just be glad i dont work under you guess i'm getting old but dark safety glasses make my lens to dark these days and i run a 10 so i just dont wear them i have used some of the indoor outdoor glasses and they are nice under the hoo but not so good for sunlight i try to remember to put them on but usually in a hurry
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 02-23-2009 17:53
I agree there Shad. I've caught myself flipin down my old hood with a #12 and had my tinted shades on....Yikes!!

All my hoods have been cheap nod your head things. So I've grown used to having several pairs of safety glasses handy, usually staged in strategic locations....hopefully not under anyones feet. I could see how you could easily cut corners but having been to the eye ball dock 9 times for metal and rust rings in my eyes(with safety glasses on) I don't really want to tempt fate without them. Arc flash don't have nothing on the piece of grinding metal in your eye....not to mention staring into the bright light watching the eye doc coming at ya with the micro drill, don't close your eye, don't close your eye.....oh...dont move your eye!!
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 02-23-2009 18:26
i've been there a few times myself that pain killer eye drop he gives out is awesome
Parent - - By scrappywelds (***) Date 02-24-2009 00:11
arc one singles are made in a shade 11 or I should say they was made 2 years ago when I ordered mine. It is allright but not good for alot of the tube welding I do. Still one day I'm going to get a pancake to see what all the fuss is about. Till then pipeliner all the way.
Parent - By patg (**) Date 02-24-2009 02:34 Edited 02-24-2009 02:36
wrong answer buddy they are made in shade 9 through 12
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Got my Wendy's Shield

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