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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / cwi tests
- - By dickb Date 02-21-2009 20:32
been reading other posts about taking the cwi exam - yes it is hard - you need to study about 6 months - you can get all the books you need from AWS - will cost about 2000.00 - if a member will be about half and it's really worth it - if you are a vet you can get all this paid for including the test -  it's called "vets upward bound" - it's a nation wide organization - i am going for the CAWI - you only need 60% to pass instead of 72% - it just might give you an edge and then later go for the big one - rich
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 02-21-2009 21:25

Welcome to the forum.

Please give some thought to taking the extra time you will need to pass the CWI exam outright with a high score. 

There has been much discussion about the relevence of a CAWI credential on this forum and I think you would benefit from a search of discussion threads related to CAWI's.

In my opinion, the only real benefit of the CAWI credential may be for somebody who is already working for an inspection outfit--has passed the CWI exam with a high enough score, but does not yet have the required experience (measured in years) for the CWI crededential.  As soon as the experience requirement is met they apply for the CWI credential and it is awarded because they have now met both the examination and experience requirements.

The fact of the matter is that nobody will be impressed with a credential that states you only scored between 60-72%.

So let this be an encouagement for you to set your sights on Excellence!
Parent - By Superflux (****) Date 02-22-2009 03:37
Other than years experience/education, I can think of no reason to persue a CAWI. Why not just study till your brain bleeds and check the CAWI option in case you get a lower score. You might surprise yourself and the ego boost will carry on to even greater accomplishments.
Why would anyone want to let the world know they only see themslves as a "D" student!
I was a "D" student in school, but I'll never tell any one! 
Parent - By Ke1thk (**) Date 02-23-2009 11:50
You want to win.  I'd never admit to receiving a C, let alone a D in an area of study. 

A four-year collage degree covers many areas of study, just like the different areas in the CWI Exam.  Some classes (areas) you just can't grasp, and you settle for a C.  Other areas you ace.  The overall GPA should be greater than a B.  Would you put on your resume a 1.47 GPA (D)?

The goal is to win.

I think if you study the material, take the week long class, have the required experience, and work on your weaknesses, you'll pass.  Don't set yourself up to lose.

Good luck,

Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / cwi tests

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