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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / gas mileage tax?
- - By scrappywelds (***) Date 02-24-2009 00:18
has anyone else heard of this proposed gas mileage tax? From what a coworker told me when you get your vechile registered they and at will get the mileage, then when you re-register the next year they will get the mileage again  and a chip that they install will tell them how many gallons of gas was consumed compared to the mileage and they are going to tax the better mpg vehiciles? What is that all about? I hope it was a BS story they told me.
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 02-24-2009 01:24
Never heard of it. And even if they do, Just go find any teenager that likes computers and have them fix your chip.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 02-24-2009 18:17
Yes I have heard about it all week. The transportation Sec as Bryon said proposed it and the idea of a "chip" in your registration, a gps chip. Big uproar about how the government would then have the capability to track your every move. Also someone said something about how the government can't manage something else and they intend to be able to manage this properly? It was proposed to charge .0025 cents per mile, I figured at what I can write off for school and business with what the government allows for business mileage it would'nt bother me, probably make out better.

I think NC is gonna do a study on it and a few other states are looking into it the last I heard(read), but on capitol hill I think they have pushed it back into the closet last I heard.

Heres a good link that explains it and then many of us post our thoughts......
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 02-24-2009 18:55
Won't this just make your groceries cost more? You'll have to pay extra to drive to/from the grocery store and the delivery truck will charge the store more to deliver them to cover his costs, and then the store has no choice but to pass the extra charges on to the customer on each item purchased. Poor ole customer gets it from both ends and becomes poorer with each meal.
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 02-25-2009 00:18
"Poor ole customer gets it from both ends and becomes poorer with each meal."

This is how they gain control, along with taking away our ammo and other freedoms. Think about it. Make someone helpless and totaly dependant, and you have full control as the provider.

Parent - - By Metarinka (****) Date 02-24-2009 20:21
If this is a replacement for the current gas tax (which varies state by state, in Michigan it's 9 cents per gallon last time I checked).  I don't see what the big deal is however it seems like an increasingly complex system where the current tax worked fine and already "punishes" less fuel efficient vehicles because they need to use more fuel.

or is this an incentive to increase fuel efficiency by disproportionately taxing "gas guzzlers" for every mile they travel?

At any rate  0.0025 cents per mile x the 14,000 miles the average car travels a year equals 35 dollars, or 3$/ month. Hardly bank busting. A vehicle that averages 25 MPG and drives 14,000 miles/ year pays $50.4 right now in michigan with the flat $0.09/gallon tax so this would actually be a tax decrease?
at the current gas tax of $0.09/gal in Michigan a vehicle would need to achieve better than 35 MPG to pay 0.0025 cents per mile.  My Vehicles get above 40 MPG highway so I would actually pay more

I'm highly against GPS systems, because A because of the ease of scaming the system and B because of the privacy concerns. In the private sector you can already by GPS vehicle tracking devices to spy on spouses, kids or as an anti-theft device. There have been cases of the warrant based GPS tracking by the federal government IIRC including the discrete tracking of suspects vehicles by GPS device.
Parent - - By TozziWelding (**) Date 02-25-2009 00:40
Welcome to my hell in MA our commie Gov. is damn near doublig the tolls(thank god I don't use em') wants to add 19 cents a gallon gas tax(I buy my fuel in NH if I can), and add a mileage tax. NH is looking better and better, welcome the returne of Taxachussetts.
Parent - By OBrien (***) Date 02-25-2009 00:55
I hear you Im from maine and worked for a while down in hopkintion and every time I went through NH i bought fuel and smokes.  Its killer down there $7 per pack is getting a little foolish.
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 02-25-2009 01:03 Edited 02-25-2009 01:05
Parent - - By TozziWelding (**) Date 02-26-2009 01:03
It is never one or the other in MA, the 5% sales tax was tempory 30 years ago, the tolls on the Tobin bridge, as well as the Pike were to be shut down 15 years ago. We get NOTHING for the taxes 128, 93, 95, and 90 are all pot hole laden, the billion dollar hole in the ground leaks, and the bridges are falling apart.
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 02-26-2009 17:28
amen to that...
i look at some of the bearings (former inspector) and see a bridge about to fail , beams corroded right through and the roads are awfull!!!!!!
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 02-25-2009 04:50
Good points but one guy where that link was said in Ohio they were gonna try it/do it and add it to the current fuel tax. Another fella made the same point as you about the $35 per year not so bad but then he said that once they have it in place what will keep them from making it .01, or .10 or .25 whenever they start crying we have no money again and once it's there we're screwed. I'm pretty sure I read the fed shut it down or someone for Obama said he would'nt go for it but the individual states seem to be toying with the idea.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 02-25-2009 16:30
I havent heard a word about it here in the United States of Texas
Parent - By bozaktwo1 (***) Date 02-27-2009 18:02
Neither have I. :) 

As a Massachusetts (read: TAXachusetts) native, I can easily say I will never be going back there.  Thank you all for reinforcing my decision!
Parent - - By bruce69 (*) Date 02-26-2009 21:39
I would bet the day is coming when every car has a GPS and you are taxed by the mile.  Some municipalities have tested it. I think I heard the other day San Francisco is testing it right now, you might Google it and check.  Just another way of keeping track of us.  I think the chances of this system being abused in many ways is huge but I think the day is coming unfortunately.
Parent - - By Bob Garner (***) Date 02-27-2009 23:30
Wait a minute, San Francisco is all hills, so you will have to travel further to go the same horizontal distance as you would in flat terrain.  Will they compensate for that?  GPS is not all that accurate for up and down compared to back and forth.

Bob G.
Parent - - By OBrien (***) Date 02-27-2009 23:36
That and they don't work at all in tunnels.  What about being on a tow truck do they count that?  Hell half the roads I go on at home are not even on my gps.
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 02-28-2009 05:35
The idea of using GPS to measure mileage is pointless. Modern cars need the spedometer/odometer input to the computer for fuel mixture, timing & transmission control, so You can't bypass it. All they have to do is read the frigging odometer.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / gas mileage tax?

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