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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Tornado Season officially here
- - By 65 Pipeliner (**) Date 03-07-2009 23:32
It's official, Tornado Season has started in Kansas as of an hour ago. We had one about 4 miles southwest of Hutchinson that came to the edge of town and then went back up. Now it's just some funnels and rotation about 40 miles north of Wichita. Seems like these start earlier every year. Maybe it's that dreaded global warming...........or, mother nature going through her cycles like she has for how many centuries now?

Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 03-09-2009 14:08
Shoot man, we just had another blizard up here in wisconsin last night.  I was driving through 3' deep snow drifts on the backroads just to get home.  If you had a car last night and were out of the house, you wern't getting home. lol  The trick is to keep your momentum going and not float off into the ditch. lol  We have an Ice storm moving in tomorrow becuase of this heat way that's moving in. ;-)  8 hours south of us, it was sunny and 70+ deg yesterday.  Got to love this global warming.
Parent - - By TimGary (****) Date 03-09-2009 15:39
Here in East Tennessee, I climbed to the top of Viking Mountain yesterday (technically I drove 97% of the way and walked up the rest), elevation about 5000', and the temp was a balmy 60 degrees with plenty of sunshine, a gentle breeze and breath taking scenery...
Just thought you might want to know what you're missing, seeing as you're a Yankee and all...


Parent - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 03-09-2009 16:02
Yup. Left the doors open last night. The latest herd of Mosquitoes is getting trained up and ready to do battle with the bats and bug zapper in the yard.

I live near the highest elevation in our state. 806 Feet at Woodall Mountain.  No ski resort up there though.
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 03-09-2009 17:53
    I was born and raised in Alabama and I got sweet tea runnin through my veins, so I'm no Yank. ;-)  You can't get sweet tea up here in the north except for 2 places.  Texas Road House and Famous Daves BBQ are the ony places and your lucky if they even make it right. lol  I sure don't miss that humidity down there in the summer though, you all can have that.  Summer time up here is like no other!!!  I can't wait!!!  I sure do wish we had some mountains around here though.
Parent - - By TimGary (****) Date 03-09-2009 18:07
I hear ya Kix. Please forgive me for teasing you a bit...
PM me a UPS address and I'll ship you some TN mountain dew.
That'll be guaranteed to warm your insides!

Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 03-09-2009 18:33
Huh, that's funny, I don't remeber seeing any commercials for that when I was down there.  Wonder why.  ;-) lol  I could of really used some of that up here mixed with a lil coke when I was outside last night snowblowin.
Parent - - By johnnyh (***) Date 03-09-2009 20:03
I am visiting a refinery in Illinois this week.  It is alot better this time than the time I came up here last month.  Six inches of snow disrespected my jacket.  It was 80 when I left Houston this morning.  Tornadoes would cause me to move.  At least we can anticipate hurricanes down on the coast. 
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 03-09-2009 20:30
Are you in Conoco Phillips, Wood River Refinery  right now? 
Parent - - By johnnyh (***) Date 03-09-2009 20:37
I sure am. 
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 03-10-2009 12:52
Are you a fitter or what cha doing out there?  I used to work in there a lot.  I was on the S ZORB project which is that new low sulfur absorption unit and the Hyrdrogen unit right next to it over by Gate 2.  I got stuck in that place for 2 years. lol  They are supposed to be building another hydrogen unit right across the street from the first one that's going to be 2 times as big.  What project are you working on now?  I know they have a sit ton going on right now.
Parent - - By johnnyh (***) Date 03-10-2009 13:31
I am doing a RBI (risk based inspection) project on the SMR unit.  I am gathering mechanical data and getting a process overview of the unit.  Next week I am doing the same thing at the Flint Hills Joliet Refinery.  Hopefully it stays warm while I tour the midwest.
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 03-10-2009 13:50
Is it the SMR in the Hydrogen generation unit?  If so, watch out for those welds I did because you might slip on em. ;-) lol
Parent - - By johnnyh (***) Date 03-11-2009 14:08
Between slippin' on the welds you made and trippin' on the welds that the CAWI's inspected there are hazards everywhere.  Seriously though, I am staying in St Louis for this trip and I walked to the Arch and the welds at the base of that thing are nasty.....buckshot and undercut abound.  I was suprised but it is still a magnificient structure.
Parent - By Kix (****) Date 03-11-2009 14:55
     Yeah, that stainless stick electode wasn't as developed as it is today, huh?  Did you notice how some panels are rusting and others aren't and that some welds are rusting and others aren't. lol  I used to live right across the river in Collinsville, Il so I spent a lot of time over in the STL for it's night life and such.  If you stayed in Collinsville, it's a lot cheaper and you can hop on 255 right there by all the hotels, then be to the refinery in 12 minutes. ;-)  But if you like the big city life then I'd say your good where you're at.  One of the best steak places around is found is the STL on Linberg. It is called Kris's steak house.  It's a bit pricey, but man the steaks are great. If you're there on the weekend you should go check out Grafton, Il on the great river road.  A really nice drive and lots of Bald Eagles flying around the bluffs if you like that kind of stuff.  Lots of bikers, biker bars and biker chics down there and some good eating as well.  Are you gona be around for paddies day?  It goes off down in Dogtown which is only a few minutes from the arch.  All the finer establishments are right across the river in Sauget Illnois.  They have a bar that's open till 6am there with some really decent bands playing all the time.  If you're a country man, then Wild Country in Collinsville is the place to go.  Cheap beer, line dancin and they air live on the CMT channel on thursday nights. lol  Let me know what you're into and I'll hook ya up.  I'm sure you could get plenty of help around the refinery, but who knows where they'll have ya endin up. lol
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Tornado Season officially here

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