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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / pipeline test????????????
- - By Joe Davidson (**) Date 03-07-2009 05:09
I took a test for a pipeline this last fall and was just curious what you guys think about this.  I took a 12" butt in a 6G, 5p+ root 70+ hot, fill,cap. Then they had me do a 6" horizontal weld same rods. Then (2) 1 1/2" 5G with 3/32 5pa all the way out. cut out a lot of straps DOn't remember exactly how many but seemed like a lot more than I had on other tests. Did all that in a 7 hour day easy. The next day I show up to do the branch. It was a normal 12" on 12", got it laid out and cut the "fish mouth", I went to cut the hole in the header and the inspector say I want you to leave a 1/4" lip on the inside. I did as I was told and it actually made it easier, only had to worry about keeping a consistent gap not the two points lining up. I put my spacers in tack off and go to stick it in position and the inspector says, I want that branch out to the side not looking down, I said ok and that's how I mounted it. He then tells me I want you to roll the root all the in to the far edge of the hole on the parent pipe. I did this, he oked it and I moved on. Then on the cap he says I want you to run the 70+ cap uphill. I kind of looked at him with a dumbfounded look and said uphill????  He said is that a problem? I said I have never tried running a downhill rod uphill on pipeline so I don't know what it will look like. He was a good old guy and said ok you can run it down but next time you test for me I want it uphill. I finished it and then he took a torch and cut almost 50% of it back out. I know the torch will show you slag. Was just wondering if any of you guys out there have ever taken or given anything like this. It is common for them to add extra welds and the way they do the branch? Only been in pipeline for a year or so and this was a first for me. Just wondering what you guys think. Would like to know what Kahunna thinks.
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 03-07-2009 16:02
Code says "A full size hole SHALL be cut in the run" The 1/4" lip prevents a full penetration weld.
While welding with a xx10 rod UH is fine and as is a all position rod the welding procedure would need to be qualified with this travel direction.
If you passed it, great, but without knowing all the particulars, it seems to me to be a strange way to test a welder.The 12 on 12 multiple qualifies the welder on all pipe thickenss and diameter, so I don't understand the 1-1/2. But again the company may have required this.
These papers could raise a red flag with a DOT/OPS audit. It seems strange.
Parent - By up-ten (***) Date 03-07-2009 23:37
I figure a guy is within his rights to ask for the weld procedure especially if it hasn't been shown. I don't believe the weld inspector would have been offended if asked and when they begin asking you to do the "out of ordinary" my red flag goes up.
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 03-08-2009 01:19
I administered a 12 on 12 where the pipeline owner required a vertical up test passes with 5/32 E7010 because the welder I was testing was going to be the "Special repair" welder.  He was chosen for this variation in testing becaues of how fast and how good he was on the smaller pipe tests.

He was a really good welder, and he had to weld up with the pipe 18 inches from the ground with the ends blinded off.  This simulated "Bellhole" conditions in the trench.  As I remember his name was Simeon Duraty, and he really was the best pipeline welder I had ever met up to that point.
Parent - - By Kevin Bolding (*) Date 03-08-2009 02:52
where is there any pipeline work at
Parent - - By Joe Davidson (**) Date 03-08-2009 03:50 Edited 03-08-2009 03:53
Wish I knew!!!!!!!!! This was a test I took in the fall and then the contractor who I took the test for: was only good for bouncing checks and getting mad when I charged him drive time. Because he told me no per diem, he would pay for hotel and food, then I ended up staying at his house 2 hours from the jobsite. 4 hours of drive a day for free. NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got fired the 3rd week when he still refused to pay for a hotel (only 20 miles from job) so I charged him drive time. Funny how he had to have me because the first three welders failed the test and if I could pass he would get the job. Got him the job and worked long enough to get the first 20 welds passed x-ray (they were only x-raying 20 welds out of 4 miles of pipe) then fired, as far as the goes I never got the last paycheck or bounced check fees. Wonderful world isn't it. Sorry I am really drunk and not in a good mood.
Parent - By up-ten (***) Date 03-08-2009 06:18
CRAP!!!  This guy will have to answer for his actions one day and it won't be by " The Judge" of this world!  Bad break Joe Davidson, I found myself in a similar situation once and I still feel the sting of that moment.
Parent - - By reddoggoose (**) Date 03-10-2009 17:38
For being drunk, your typing is pretty good. lol
Parent - - By Joe Davidson (**) Date 03-10-2009 19:48
I kept having to stop and erase then try again. Took me almost an hour to get it typed out.
Parent - By F-Superduty (*) Date 03-10-2009 21:35
been there haha
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / pipeline test????????????

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