I was going through my memory banks, and the free hand method described was called "the Dunbar glove' or "the Dunbar method". It was developed by a welder named Dunbar, years ago. Whomever he was, he was employed by either Dupont, or Dow in their sensitive research areas; I believe it was Dupont. My welding instructor in 1974 emphasized that technique, back then it was TIG, to avoid contamination (so he believed). Your glove index finger, with extra insulation, rested along the joint and slid while manipulating the torch with your other fingers, while your other hand fed the filler. This non contact method, due to it's manipulation progression was termed "walking the cup". Full joint contact with the torch is true walking the cup, and steadier! Not bragging, but I can still do both and get that "sideways hour glass" appearance!