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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Whats the spin?
- - By michael kniolek (***) Date 03-11-2009 22:55
i wonder what the lefties spin is on why we shouldent go after the drug pushing killers from mexico.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 03-11-2009 23:00
I think we should catch the Drug Pushin Killers here in the US. If we do that and just shoot them onsite, I think it would change the minds of the ones in Mexico about coming here.
Parent - - By michael kniolek (***) Date 03-11-2009 23:09 Edited 03-11-2009 23:12
I say get em all ......
But shooting them or any1 else is not the way.
What was that movie where the military man goes bonkers and keeps saying "the center never holds"
Im sure there are a few people here who might know almost first hand on this issue, tell us , educate us on this.
Parent - - By RioCampo (***) Date 03-12-2009 01:22
Come to my part of the country. When the wetbacks come traipsing across your pasture, you damn well better be armed to the teeth if you approach them.
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 03-12-2009 04:06
They come thru here before they get there Rob which reminds me when ya gonna send me the package
Parent - By RioCampo (***) Date 03-12-2009 11:56
Oh Crapola. I completely forgot.
Sorry I'll get it out to ya.
Parent - By uphill (***) Date 03-11-2009 23:27
I think its the same reason that "Illegal" does not matter, more votes and cheap labor.
Parent - - By FixaLinc (****) Date 03-12-2009 01:29
The same that think we shouldn't go after them or shoot them are the ones with the habit and $$$$ using their product supporting them that's why.  Once a month or more those gangs come around collecting and when they do the burn out or shoot those that owe them.   What's the difference putting open season on the gangs and pushers just like coyotes they are predators get rid of them. 
Parent - - By michael kniolek (***) Date 03-12-2009 01:54
Its clear we do our fair share of  amature political analysis , but this transcends Parties.
The feds should have one common goal and that's to defend us from threats at home and abroad.
From some of the reports ive seen and read I get the impression that there are drug suppliers running around with machine guns, and I can picture that happening.
So Lets begin to Write our reps and get involved.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
Phone: 202-225-4965

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
Phone: 202-224-3542

President Barack Obama
To Email President Obama (please notice NO E-MAIL AVAILABLE)
Phone: 202-456-1111

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano
Mail: Department of Homeland Security
Washington, DC 20528
Phone: 202-282-8495

this if from a forum i did not see any thing of this nature but if any of you write to them please let us know if this is real.
"Did you notice that to now contact your congress men or house rep it cost you? Since so many were emailing NO to the bail out they begun charging to voice it. Guess we have to pay for their bailout somehow. The phone lines are all automatically set to go to ALL LINES are busy call back later meaning DROP DEAD"
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 03-12-2009 04:05
Havent you been watching the news they are running around with machine guns kiling people I' with Cactus and Rob kill em lets go huntingi got  terrorist permit stuck to my windshield NO BAG LIMIT
Parent - - By uphill (***) Date 03-12-2009 09:16
Would you have to feed them to the pigs like when you shoot Carp? In Minnesota your supposed to remove "Carp" from the water and dispose of them. I suppose we already have enough "Flies"
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 03-12-2009 10:43
why not gets rid of the evidence
Parent - By FixaLinc (****) Date 03-12-2009 20:22
Only if it would kill the pigs lol. We don't need them getting bigger!  We got some mountain lions on NW end of Texas could send down there to eat them :) 
Parent - By Kix (****) Date 03-12-2009 13:21 Edited 03-12-2009 13:24
Sounds like a good place to try out a Barret BMG .50 cal with a suppressor.  Put a custom barrel on it so ballistics won't match to anyone and you're all good, not that they'd even find the rounds after they split a few noggins.  They wouldn't hear or see the shot, just feel it for a couple thousandths of a second. ;-)  Cops wouldn't care about a few dead drug dealers layin dead out in the desert.  They'd just right it off as a drug deal gone bad or a dealer just trimmin some fat.
Parent - By FixaLinc (****) Date 03-12-2009 20:20
That's the problem the feds haven't done diddle squat yet to help the problem with drug gangs or illegal immigrants.  It's been costing Texas a lot extra to take local DPS and other police the state of Texas is paying for into other ends of the state that have been sent down to the southern part of Texas on special patrols to bust runs of drugs and illegals and you know they are only catching some of them.  Then that leaves less officers along other end of the state while they are gone south and many more get by down the other highways.  Dont' know what New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada or California are doing to stop it probably nothing?  I know California isn't they just welcome them on over sounds like. 
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 03-12-2009 12:53
Gee, If you want to know what the lefties think, why not go to the self proclaimed lefty  currently on the AWS forum - Byron Lewis?
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 03-12-2009 15:00
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 03-12-2009 15:40 Edited 03-12-2009 15:43
"instead of so much trade with china and india" hmmm Where have you been? It's allready been done, it's called NAFTA.
"So what are you going to do when confronted by drug lords henchmen".
Consider this; These south american countries have a problem. The law abiding citizens are unarmed. By definition a criminal is one who breaks the law, so the law prohibiting the ability to own and utilize a firearm in defense of self only restricts the ones who actually need it to begin with. So when these maize growers find themselves confronted by illegal types, they either depend on their law enforcement/government to protect them, or they roll over and play dead in fear. They choose the later version because there is no law enforcement agency or government in the world with the ability to protect each and every farmer that country has. Talk and BullSH** about how dangerous a firearm is, and how they need to be controlled are hollow words to the dead. The dead; if they could speak, would likely wish they could have died of natural causes rather than have their head cut off by some drug dealing scumbag for not giving up their daughter or their property.
Therefore, the real issue is the ability of the people to police themselves. As you stated "Remember history or it will repeat itself". Well it already is. The media spins it, but I've been on the streets of Mexico, England, Peru, Phillipine Islands and many other countries with tight gun laws, and the street crime is the equal or worse than it is here.

Give every adult Mexican a pistol and the problem will resolve itselve. Thugs are only thugs when they have a weaker victim to prey on.
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 03-12-2009 16:05
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 03-12-2009 17:29
Those places off limits after dark, typically so happen to be places where gun control in the states is stricter.
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 03-12-2009 18:04
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 03-12-2009 20:36
You make my point for me. The law only applies to those willing to comply with it. Banning firearms or anything else for that matter is totally useless. When all firearms are banned, only the cops and the criminals will have them, and the cops will be outgunned like an Afgani stepping into the middle of a special forces firebase with a stick and the best wishes of bin laden.
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 03-12-2009 20:45
Parent - By bozaktwo1 (***) Date 03-12-2009 21:19
That's what was said, almost word for word by the


Shall I go on?
Parent - By michael kniolek (***) Date 03-12-2009 23:41
Sounds like a job for the NTL guard to me ?
Time to use it to protect the country for once, like it was created for.
If we can use it for the Kent State shootings, Fighting wildfires, Riot suppression, and some of the  more controversial times, why not now.
Our country is bleeding out of a wound  in our back yard and our Government  is going to let us bleed to death slowly..
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 03-12-2009 17:45
The problem with the whole lefty righty perspective is that many who are accused of being righties are actually middle of the roaders from a historical perspective. Its the political spectrum that has changed. To the left.
Cases in point:
1) The Democratic Party used to be strong on defense. Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy as examples. After the Vietnam war the Democratic Party shifted decidedly and comprehensively to the appeasement left and became soft on, and even anti defense. Since then the Democratic Party has been represented by Obama, Gore, Clinton, or Dukakis. Not exactly geopolitical or defense toughies. And with this national trauma shift to the left came an extremist social agenda in tow.

2) Environmentalism. I consider myself an environmentalist. I support nature preserves. I support the establishment of National Parks and Wildlife Refuges. I support alternative energy sources, and the research, that can move us from the dependance upon oil and hydrocarbons, and GHG emisions. I think we need to develope cooperative relationships between the utilization and protection of natural resources. But I won't advocate it at the expense of the security of this nation or the destruction of our economy. I will not support legislation or treaty's such as Kyoto that would reduce us to the status of a third world country . I do not believe in global Warming. I think Hybrid cars are a scam(they cost more and you still have to plug em into the wall that goes to those nasty old fossil plants the extreme environementalists don't like either-or nukes which they hate even more-AND they are not near as efficient as burning the gas right in your own tank as opposed to burning coal 100 miles away). And as such I am considered a righty because I disagree with the extreme lefts interpretation of environmentalism. Am I a righty on this issue?
Parent - - By michael kniolek (***) Date 03-12-2009 23:22
they get all the guns from us its a fact.
Seems like they have all the guns that we law abiding citizens should have?
i say search cars on the way out too
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 03-13-2009 00:28
searching cars and trucks might help but what about the mules crossing over at night under the radar
Parent - - By Metarinka (****) Date 03-13-2009 01:09
I just want to say I agree that American drug policy has failed. Both from Democrats and Republicans
the parallels between the modern war on drugs and the era of alcohol prohibition are stunning.

It has always and will always been known that drugs and drug addiction are harmful to individuals and society as a whole. BUT the use and addiction to drugs are a behavioral issue not a criminal one, of course with the obvious caveats of operating machinery etc while intoxicated.  By treating drug use as a criminal action we are doing a disservice to drug users who need medical treatment and we are doing a favor to organized gangs that can extract inflated prices for drugs, and resort to violent means to maintain their markets. Also by making narcotics illegal the price becomes artificially inflated which results to addicts resorting to crime to pay for substances that could otherwise be produced very cheaply, (not that that is the best case.)

The FBI was created specifically as a response to gang members and rum runners who were constantly crossing state lines and out gunning and out driving the police.  By and large this segment of organized crime (and the costs associated with fighting it) were eliminated by removing the prohibition of alcohol sales.  I wouldn't be surprised if similar results where made if other narcotics were decriminalized (but heavily restricted).

The war on drugs has been largely focused on marijuana although repeatedly  top health organizations have refuted the claim as a gateway drug and it's overall intoxication and lethality are below that of even legal drugs like alcohol.

And while I don't personally condone drug use (I don't even drink)...

Treating it as a criminal issues wastes thousands of police-hours per year who's time could be better spent pursuing legitimate criminal activity. as well as severely reducing our workforce by making felons out of otherwise productive members of society. America has the largest amount of incarcerated citizens per capita of anywhere in the world and it by and large hasn't helped stem either the availability or drug use rates among our citizens. It's time to take a step back and evaluate ways to remedy this situation. It's a sad state of affairs when the land of the free locks up more of it's citizens than Dictatorships and Communist countries.

The situation across the border is bad, if we ended the extremely profitable drug trade by legalizing and lowering the price floor on narcotics and increasing treatment options. there would be no funding for the organizations that are destroying Mexico.

I guarantee that it will be impossible to win the war on drugs by brute force alone.  IN china the penalty for opium use was death and hundreds of thousands of people still used it, it's just how human nature works unfortunately.
Parent - By BryonLewis (****) Date 03-13-2009 01:14
That was a truly splendid post.  :-)
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 03-13-2009 13:35
While I think much of what you said is logical and sound I think we should keep in mind that while America buries its criminals in prisons those totalitarian states of which you compare us buries their criminals in dirt. Sometimes they don't even bury them.

Also, even though comparing drugs to alcohol and prohibition is popular we need to keep in mind that while people are arguing for decriminalization of drugs they are at the same time supporting organizations such as MAD which seeks to criminalize much of the alcohol related activities (their ultimate agenda being much more extreme)including litigation against bartenders and people who throw parties where alcohol is available, (to essentialy backdoor criminalize). So essentially it is being argued to go one way with one issue using the other issue as a buttress while the other issue is itself going the opposite direction. So it isn't as simple as saying see how it works with alcohol this is where we should be with drugs, when those who oppose alcohol argue see what we're doing with drugs this is how it should be with alcohol.
Its like supporting abortion while at the same time prosecuting a drunk driver for two counts of manslaughtrer if he smacks into a pregnant woman.
Each issue taken in isolation has logic. But when the issues are combined when used as analogies the logic breaks down.
Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 03-13-2009 13:54
I think that they are not opposed to alcohol use, just high risk use.
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 03-13-2009 14:43
I would agree with that as far as the rank and file membership. But think the leadership and activists have a much more aggressive and extreme agenda.
Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 03-13-2009 15:08
Then would the comparison be valid if applied to the will of the majority, as stated?
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 03-13-2009 15:50
Not really sure what you mean.
But, the will of the majority in a democracy is intended to be moderating influence on extremism. And works fairly well. At least until recently. The problem with Democracies is that with mass media democracies can easily slip into mob mentality. Of which our founding fathers, though not exposed to mass media of course, were very well aware in their wisdom. Thats why Republic, thats why Senate, thats why lifetime appointment to the supreme court.
Political organizations are not generally democracies and are generally run by the most extreme and activist of its membership. In fact, the membership can often disagree with many of the decisions made by the leadership. But guess wins as far as where the money and political support goes.
Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 03-13-2009 17:06
What i mean is that you discredit his opinion based on what you think the leadership is thinking. Not based on the policies or majority opinion. An odd argument.
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 03-13-2009 17:51
Descrediting opinion characterizes it on a bit too much of a personal level. I was addressing the argument of which obviously and well stated the opinion is based. But when an opinion is lock step in line with the fundamental arguments expressed by the activist leadership (for example using the analogy of alcohol to argue for liberalization of drug laws) I'm not sure how you would seperate the two and counterarguing seems valid to me. At least until the person that argued by the analogy can express some seperation between themselves and everyone else using the same argument.
Besides, I'm not necessarily against some liberalization of drug laws on a case by case basis but then neither would I use the alcohol argument to buttress my point.
For example if I argued that Obama was an idiot because his eyes are too close together, and you noticed some bubba butt crack making the same argument, it would certianly be valid on your part to lump the two of us together in this context until I argued in a manner that distinguished me from bubba.
Parent - By uphill (***) Date 03-13-2009 21:08
Hey Bubba Butt crack here, I resemble them remarks. 

But seriously all that smells is not chicken flavored.
Parent - - By sparkin (*) Date 03-13-2009 21:14
I too disagree that we should parallel the illegal drug problem in this country to the days of alcohol prohibition.
Marijuana aside, illegal drugs are illegal because they have shown to be harmful to the health of humans and animals. I think it's that simple. Prohibition was more of a morality war, not a health and societal well being issue as was the basis for the drug war in this country.
Although I don't use it, I can't logically classify Marijuana, in my own mind, as a dangerous drug as it does not have to be altered in any way to be consumed for the desired result. Alcohol, heroine, cocaine, methamphetamine, PCP, LSD and all the pharmaceutical drugs are man made with the intent of having psycho-altering effects and were not placed on this planet in the food chain with everything else to keep us alive and comfortable.
That being said, I think Marijuana should be looked at the same as tobacco. Tobacco itself is not near as harmful as the commercial grade stuff sold to us as cigarettes, chew and snuff. In it's pure form, it is quite harmless (in comparison).
The problem I have with looking at this issue as the 1930's era alcohol prohibition is tolerance. Do we want to get into a new era of tolerance where everything you want to do is just fine and dandy, regardless of the effects it has on you or the people around you?

We are a much more intelligent and advanced society than we were in the 30's however, we are starting to throw caution and most importantly, research, out the window in fear of being offensive or intolerant to someone.
How many millions of our citizens have been killed as a direct result of the abuse of alcohol since the abolition of prohibition? How many families ripped apart because of the abuse of alcohol? And in contrast, how many great BBQ's have you gone to or how many good memories do you have of nights out with our buddies as a direct result of alcohol?
The alcohol companies all advertise responsible drinking. It is the consumer that screws that part up. And when you overdose on alcohol, your motor skills and reasoning abilities are decreased. Seldom, alcohol poisoning occurs and the result is death.
The drugs that are on the street nowadays are far more potent and deadly that they were 10, 15 and 20 years ago. While some people do get drunk every time they drink and act stupid, the effects of alcohol cannot be logically compared to that of a methamphetamine or crack cocaine user.
The psychological effects of the hard street drugs are a danger to the user and society and I would find it hard to argue otherwise. The abilities and capabilities of a person under the influence of mind altering drugs are completely unpredictable. Is that what we want? Soccer moms beating the hell out of their kids because they saw horns growing out of their heads or burning the house down while everyone sleeps because the lamp told her to? How about a high school football team on PCP that can feel no pain, never get tired and actually believe that the other team must be killed to win the game? Seriously think about it on a mass scale. Who would stop these people? I have a cop buddy that shot a guy that was on PCP 17 times. The guy still ran a 1/4 mile until he ran out of blood and his muscles would no longer respond. What would our school systems do? Blow every kids head off that got out of line? They cant hold them down. Not all of them. And please dont think that government regulation would keep it out of the hands of kids. We see how well that works with alcohol and tobacco already.

When is enough enough anymore? Why is having an open mind to change or technology now being seen as blanket permission to do whatever you want?
It all comes down to personal responsibility, of course.

Lets say the government legalizes everything. It would be everything once it starts as the lawyers will have a carnival justifying that they are all the same by definition.
There will be a public service add run during dinner 3 times a week that tells you how dangerous drugs are. They will encourage you to tell your kids to use them responsibly and you probably will.
Now that decision is ultimately left up to the child or teenager. The child or teenager who will do anything to be accepted by their peers. How many great decisions did we all make as children and teenagers? How about in our 20's or 30's or 40's? How many times have you thought, if I could just do this all over again with the mind and experience I have now things would have gone a little different, a little better? Will the parents be punished for the child's actions when they are high? They are now. Think about it on a larger scale. Are we going to jail mom and dad when the kid injures or kills someone or themselves? We do now when it is deemed to be a failure to safeguard the child.
We will once again have jails full of people we are mad at instead of people we are afraid of, like we do now with the drug dealers.

Do we need to let our youth in this country figure everything out on their own? Do we need to give them drugs to escape this terrible reality that is their teen years?
Lets say little Johnny only smokes weed from the time he is in junior high until he graduates high school, assuming he makes it that far. No hard drugs, just weed. Remember, just because it's now legal does not mean it is any less effective.
What kind of ambition is Johnny going to have? What kind of employment record will he have? I seriously doubt that he will make it to his summer job on time or stay focused while he is there if he can stop watching the shopping channel and eating Funions and go get a job.
While Marijuana is all natural, have you ever been around someone that has always smoked it? If so, you will see that there is a chemical in weed called "F&*k it".
Everyone I have ever known that is a regular pot smoker has the exact same "F&*k it" attitude toward life. Is that who will be putting the tires on the wife's car or driving the ambulance for your son when he gets run over by the PCP user running from the purple alligator?
When your house catches fire from little Suzy's meth lab, will the firemen be able to stop laughing at something they saw on the cartoon network an hour ago and come put the fire out?
The answer is obviously no. It would be a total breakdown of our society within a few years, if that long. Then we would have martial law to get whats left back in order if there is anything left of our military. Drug use there is phenominal now as it is.
If you want to see the closest glimpse I think we have to a totally tolerant society, watch the movie Idiocracy. Yes, it is a Hollywood movie but it depicts what legalized drug use and corporate control would probably look like if it were allowed to run wild.
If you honestly sit down and think about the effects large scale drug usage will have on our country there is no way you can support it.
Marijuana is still, in my opinion, the same level of a drug as alcohol and should be treated as such. It is no more a gateway drug to cocaine than cigarettes are to smoking pot. Responsible useage can occure and abuse can occure just as easily.
It is the honor and responsibility of parents to raise a child to be an adult. When we lose that, we lose society.
Is this really an issue on drugs or an issue on morality again as with prohibition? Is it simply the government safeguarding its future citizenry?
Lets say we legalize it all. Lets say that raping people is the next high. Are we going to legalize that too? It too could be argued that it makes the user feel good. There has to be a line drawn somewhere doesn't there? There has to be a point where common sense has a voice again in this country.
I hope this is interpreted as dialogue as that is how it was written. I'm not trying to pick fights here or be right, just exploring the issue.

One last thought on the gun control issue. The vast majority of law enforcement and military in this country are conservative gun owning republicans and will refuse to disarm their countrymen. It is a wonderful scare tactic for both sides of the political area however but it will never happen. It would be a blood bath and the government knows it.
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 03-13-2009 21:34 Edited 03-13-2009 21:37
Parent - - By michael kniolek (***) Date 03-13-2009 21:37
What does the mainstream media do when they have nothing good to report about O?
Parent - - By michael kniolek (***) Date 03-13-2009 21:44
I have it!!!!!

This is what we do we take  we take the constitution copy It word for word and take that document place it in a file in Washington. Take every other document in Washington and throw them in a trash bin , problem solved.
Plus we get to watch these fools wallow around in the garbage looking for pork.
Parent - - By michael kniolek (***) Date 03-13-2009 21:49
The intention of the usa once was do what u want,but do no harm to fellow citizens, and it worked for some time.
Parent - By Stringer (***) Date 03-14-2009 01:45
All this reading makes my head hurt.
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 03-15-2009 03:20 Edited 03-15-2009 03:23
Do we need guns? Not only yes, but hell yes. It's the copper and lead line that keeps this country from totalitarianism. 
I don't agree with gay marriage, or even the use of the word gay. It is an assumption of happiness as the word originally meant to be happy. The word is homosexual. I am still trying to figure out how the word homosexual became a bad word. It is the correct word. Heterosexual, homosexual, and asexual, these are the correct words.
Without getting into religious arguments, the homosexual community points to many recent studies to say it's ok and natural. I place that more as a matter of timing than fact. I looked up a few studies after reading this post, and find most of these studies are limited in scope, questionable assumptions, and in general, of the same caliber as global warming studies. Maybe there is, maybe there isn't some basis somewhere, but the assumption that society understands the matter is simply ludicrous. If it was Adam as steve as you put it, the human race would have died out a long long time ago or had developed totally different in so far as adaptation is concerned. Whatever the case, as with global warming and whatever other hypothesis that is currently in vogue, the truth will never be discovered as dissenting opinions are silenced with extreme prejudice. My personal opinion is that it should not be allowed. This society was not built on the principles of adam and steve.
As for abortions, a life is a life is a life. Society interfering with the design of nature 'again'. Regardless of a person's religious convictions, nature has it designed a certain way, the idea that 100 years of social experimentation supersedes a few millennium of natures formula in wisdom is just as ludicrous as many of the other in vogue social tenets. From what I can see, it's more about a break down of the moral fabric of this country. The sense of personal responsibility has given way to the convenience of instant satisfaction in making the "problem go away".  Those reading this post would not be doing so if their parents had summarily snuffed them out at the literal dawn of their life for the convenience of the moment. As stated "what about the baby/embryo's life?"
The basic struggle for domination of the perceived surroundings is a basic innate trait of the human race and it's people. In my opinion; people should listen more to their own hearts, minds, and inner voice of feral instruction rather than listening to talking bobble heads on a television screen.
As long as that desire to dominate our surroundings exist, self defense and the weapons of will be required. Smoking weed in the big picture is of little consequence to the matters at hand. The shear amount of money being spent on it is totally out of proportion to the threat it represents. That money should be going towards crack, meth, and other stronger more destructive drugs. I don't think the government really gives a Sh** if someone burns a joint, I think it has more to do with the tax revenue they perceive as being "missed out on".
My personal opinions for what they are worth.  
Parent - By uphill (***) Date 03-14-2009 02:54
Wow you can type, good points. I think that between the drugs and booze its a wash as far as personal damage and manslaughter goes. Blow a point 17 after killing a couple on there way to buy groceries and they call you a drunken driver& take you license away (if you got it back from the last time) for a while because your a victom of an abusive father.Then drive off the road reaching for your cell phone and kill a couple of folks waiting for a bus and they call you distracted and attempt to outlaw cell phone use.  Somewhere in all the headlines the thought of personal choice gets lost. We are a product of choices not chances. Say you are pissed at the guy down the road and decide to get even for all of the lawn mowing while your watching judge Judy. You get your terrably simple little 22 out and pop the pooch. Who wins?  The dog as now he doesnt have to put up with either one of you.  You go to the county workhouse for crualty to animals and your neibor gets to buy the 22 you used at the auction your wife has to have to pay the lawers.
  Me I would have drained the oil out of his cars and bypassed the oil sender. OOPs no motor.  I did some xparamenting in my younger days with some of that controlled substance. I have kept myself mostly employed and out of jail for over 30 years since with almost no regretts. No there wernt no meth back then at least in rural america where I lived and the pot was mostly ditch weed. Guess I was lucky. Quality might have been my undoing.

On the weak attempt to scare people into giving up on our NEED to own and use a gun: The legal system as it is cant actually do much to repeat offenders or minors. Not because the hard working law enforcement pros dont want to but because the piece of shinola thugs have more rights than the victoms. It has been brought up that other countries have less population in prison. Nope but they do grow good veggies on those burial fields dont they.  This is America that was conceved by the founding fathers to be what the constitution layed out. If you are ticked off at what it says move or go back to wherever you came from. I was talking loud about "IA" at a family disfunction when my nephew spouted off that your great grandparents were from Ireland and Norway. Yep they came through legal channels, learned english, and took the pledge to uphold the constitution. Part of which is the right to bear arms. A major part. Taking guns has never done anything but put the crap infested powers that be in more control with less fear from reprisals. No-one can show anywhere or anytime it has made a lasting posative change in anything.

"if it moves tax it"  Great one liner.

UFFDA good thing we no step in.
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