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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / miller versus linclon
- - By mastermetal (*) Date 03-14-2009 15:22
I need advice. I know there is alot of tradition in the pipe world and I can respect that buuuuttttt if I rigged out with a Miller pipe pro would I be black balled the minute I showed up on the j1ob. Also this may sound like a dumb ? all you pipe guys run the big frame lincolns, 200,300,400. Whats the diff between a 300 amp classic and 300 amp Ranger 305. Isn't 300 amps 300 amps.  
Parent - - By OBrien (***) Date 03-14-2009 15:27
The duty cycle of the water cooled is higher than the air cooled I believe.  As for the miller thing that really shouldn't matter but it does sometimes so it depends on where you work and who is giving the test.  But why go buy a new pipe pro when you can get an older lincoln for less money and be confident in its abilities?
Parent - - By mastermetal (*) Date 03-14-2009 15:55
Ar'nt the newer machinces more versital. The pipe pro can mig, tig, fluxcor at the flip of a switch. Thanks
Parent - By OBrien (***) Date 03-15-2009 00:46
Yes the newer ones do.  I guess I should of asked you a question before I gave you an answer.  Sorry about that.  Anyways what is your intended purpose with this machine?  With this information you can get a more specific answer.
Parent - By millerman (**) Date 03-14-2009 16:03
before i would go with pipe pro look at the pro 300 they have had less problems with it and it has a 3 cyl cat motor
and a lot more versital
Parent - - By J Hall (***) Date 03-14-2009 16:13
The differnce between a 300 amp classic and a 300 amp 305...
Classic has a DC generator and is 1800 rpm
305 alternator running through a Chopper board, and 3600 rpm.

Two easy differences. The 305 does have a nice arc, I used to own one. Listening to a 3600 rpm engine gets old fast.
Parent - - By Jssec (**) Date 03-14-2009 17:48
Nothing like the quite when you hit the off switch its a quite I can't explain and usually I am the only one left as all the hourly guys left long ago. "Quite" yea.
Parent - By mastermetal (*) Date 03-14-2009 19:58
Thanks guys that helps
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 03-15-2009 00:52
If I get over 5' away from my truck I can't hear my machine run   Lincoln Vantage 500 Compact  Perkins Turbo Deisel
Parent - - By okwelder82 (***) Date 03-15-2009 02:10
you sure do love those Vantages dont you Cactus
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 03-15-2009 02:22 Edited 03-15-2009 02:27
Best there is.  In My Opinion. If you cant do it with a Vantage, You should consider going home
Parent - - By okwelder82 (***) Date 03-15-2009 02:32
I know its a matter of opinion but I dont care for the way the Vantages run Downhill. I run a 300D and I just dont think the Vantage can stack the same.
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 03-15-2009 02:42
I guess its what your used too
Parent - - By leterburn (**) Date 03-15-2009 02:46
I think it's a matter of the arm & the machine as you've mentioned..  I have a buddy who has the 300D and complains it doesn't stack - he normally runs behind me if we're capping so he's constantly looking at my welds - think he has approx 600 hrs.  w/ the vantages in my experience, you gotta crank the heat up a bit, arc force high, and hold close arc - they run super - I've got a 300 Vantage w/ Deutz w/ 1000 hrs plus. (pipelining - )  Lucky
Parent - By okwelder82 (***) Date 03-15-2009 02:49
i will say this before i bought my 300D I had a 68 redface and my 300 sure doesnt stack like it did
Parent - - By shorthood2006 (****) Date 03-15-2009 01:17
if you go with a pipe pro and decide to go used, there is a guy in tulsa selling 30 used machines with 300 hours for 9500.
Parent - - By roundydownie (**) Date 03-15-2009 03:56
go with a 200 gas   nothing stacks near as good plus no stupid circuit board crap..only two on my crew have 200's and we are the only ones who havent broke not bashing machines or what people want but its crazy to spend that much money on a new one and my fifty year old machine will still last longer and weld pipe way better..
Parent - - By Paladin (***) Date 03-15-2009 15:23
After welding for years with a 1971 SA 200, I was surprised at how well the Pipe Pro 304 welds pipe. It made running stringers, hot pass, and caps easier for me. My old Lincoln is a good welding machine. Others that have welded with it said they liked the way it welded. But the Pipe Pro made welding pipe a little easier, FOR ME. It really will lay that stringer in. And my caps look better that those with my old reliable SA 200.

I am not crazy about the high speed it runs at when you use the AC power or weld at high amps. It is noisy, no doubt. But I can run 3/16 6010 at about 175 amps  before it revs up to high speed. So it is not like it is screaming all the time.

I was also surprised at how well the Pipe Pro welds aluminum  with a  spool gun. Its does just as good a job as my MillerMatic 350P with the pulse on.

I have the optional external power hook up. That's plenty handy at my shop or jobsite that has 220v. Just plug in and weld all day without starting the engine. You're not going to get any quieter than that!

If all you are going to do is weld on pipelines or rigs, there are several good choices. But so far the Pipe Pro has been a good choice for me. It is very versatile.
Parent - - By roundydownie (**) Date 03-15-2009 15:33
the pipe pro is a good machine and i would own one over a vantage
Parent - - By okwelder82 (***) Date 03-15-2009 17:02
I have to agree that I would own a Pipe Pro over a Vantage to.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 03-15-2009 21:53
I would buy a Vantage over a Pipe pro I have 22k of ac power and burn a 1/4 rod at the same time
Parent - - By OBrien (***) Date 03-15-2009 22:24
Sounds like you have all the power you need.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 03-15-2009 22:26
I can power my house and weld all at the same time
Parent - - By OBrien (***) Date 03-15-2009 22:32
Do you notice any difference when someone runs tools off the outlets while your welding?  I know with the bobcats and trailblazers I can tell you if someone uses a grinder while I'm welding.
Parent - By TozziWelding (**) Date 03-15-2009 22:59
Cant tell on a Trailblazer, on a Bobcat it is like getting kicked in the balls.
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 03-16-2009 00:09
No difference, Power is seperate from the welder
Parent - By okwelder82 (***) Date 03-15-2009 23:15
My Bobcat can power my house to.
Parent - - By leterburn (**) Date 03-16-2009 00:01
I can power my shop (3 phase 240) and weld at the same time!  300 Vantage - Deutz :-)
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 03-16-2009 00:05
The 300 Vantage has 13k of power. Mine has 22k
Parent - - By okwelder82 (***) Date 03-16-2009 00:19
I bought my machine based on how it welds not weather I can run a town and strike an arc. That seems to be everyones argument that has a Vantage Welder
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 03-16-2009 00:43
Oh yeah   Mine welds great too !
Parent - - By NMWELDING (**) Date 03-16-2009 01:36
I know of a pipeline welder who has welded with a SA-200 for 35 years and he picked up the stinger of a Vantage 400 and he said in his expert opinion it lays a bead on pipe every bit as good as the ole 200.
Parent - - By roundydownie (**) Date 03-16-2009 05:10 Edited 03-16-2009 05:13
i can buy a nice 200 for the price of the cicuit boards that go out on those things..yeah they run pretty good but they are big and ugly in my opion and they will break down and cost a extra 10 i cant stand the digital read outs..the pipe pro welds great buddy has one and has put two circuit boards and fuel guage in it..that was four thousand bucks..but hey all i weld is pipe and i dont need ac power but i never used it when i built rigs but i know for alot of you guys its nice to have so i think one needs to try them all out and get the feel for the one he wants..a 300d and vantage and pipe pros all put nice beads in but to me they dont cap near as good runnin hyp or 70+
Parent - - By okwelder82 (***) Date 03-16-2009 10:34
I agree with what you say about the Vantage and the pipe pro but I have a 300D and Im on a 20in line that we are brother-in-lawin and I stand up on the guy across from me on every weld and my welds look better, hes running a SA 200.
Parent - - By roundydownie (**) Date 03-16-2009 13:54
all my buds have 300ds and they are slick to but they love runnin my machine but i have her tuned in pretty well
Parent - By okwelder82 (***) Date 03-16-2009 14:34
I had a 68 Redface and it was a stackin dude and my 300D doesnt compare to that but Its still a good welder in my opinion.
Parent - - By up-ten (***) Date 03-16-2009 14:33
Not really an argument as much as it is a fact. I'm running a Vantage 400, it welds great and typically most jobs I'm on they won't allow open flame heaters in your hooch. Well I just plug my 220V heater into my machine and all is well. Did my former 1970 SA 200 have that capability? No.  Did I wish it had more options/functions?  Yes.  And so what  "IF"  the board goes in 8 or 10 years, aren't repairs and maintenance factored into my daily business operations? And if the power does go down, it'll be good to keep my house going and maybe the neighbors too!
Parent - - By roundydownie (**) Date 03-16-2009 22:44
8 to 10 years? they stopped production on the vantage cause the boards were going out alot but they did fix that problem i heard..but like i said its all to his own..i have a fire place at my house and i dont like to work in a hooch either..burn enough rods and it will heat the hooch up..  take this as a joke! 
Parent - By okwelder82 (***) Date 03-17-2009 00:10
Thats the only argument they have for the Vantage is how much AC power it has. If I wanted auxilary power I would buy a generator, but I weld for a living so I bought a WELDER. My machine does one thing and it does it exceptionaly well, WELD.
Parent - - By okwelder82 (***) Date 03-15-2009 17:03
Who in Tulsa is selling the used Pipe Pros
Parent - - By shorthood2006 (****) Date 03-15-2009 17:50
i will get the number out of my pickup and post it..
Parent - By Stringer (***) Date 03-17-2009 01:02
I can't say for the Miller, but you can go to Lincoln in Cleveland, Ohio and in their advanced welding area they have all the fuel machines outside. You can start them up and run all the stingers to one weld booth and knock yourself out. I found the 200D would run a downhill root on 12" a tad nicer and easier than the Vantage 400, but it was pretty close.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / miller versus linclon

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