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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / 911 GZ Evidence
- - By izzysykopth Date 03-15-2009 16:03
Anyone willing to do a peer review of a video I posted on YouTube? Also A professional filmaker has contacted me and would like to make a short film regarding the same topic. I am a 20yr Journeyman Ironworker and urge ALL my brothers to contribute their insight and career experience, as this issue is bigger than any of us or our egos. The video can be found on YouTube titled "Down the Barrel of the Smoking Gun"
Parent - By Stringer (***) Date 03-15-2009 17:26
There's a lot of ways to skin a cat and there's a lot of ways to use a torch. Conspiracy theorist BS IMO.
Parent - By raptor34 (**) Date 03-16-2009 00:50
If you were to cut three sides of the column it will start to lean and you can cut it from the back side.
Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 03-16-2009 04:15
Sooo, slag on the outside of one side of a box column means those planes didn't fly into the towers and it was a controlled demolition that brought them down???
Yea, we are being lied to. You want feedback. You got it. The you tube video is low quality, has no substance, only added text by you parroting a so called expert without him talking, no evidence the columns in the warehouse are from WTC. How about all of the other terrorists attacks, 93 WTC, USS Cole, US Embassy in Beruit etc. Self inflicted????? or terrorist attacks?????Radical extremist Islam is the enemy. Look there.
You are a little late for the conspiracy bandwagon. So keep your day job. 
Take a look at these.

You are at ground zero. You can only cut from one side. You cut a large section out from the side you are on and then cut the remaining sides with your torch inside the column producing slag on the outside.
That wasn't so hard. For every "expert" saying it was controlled demo, there are ten that say it wasn't.

In your closing you say you did this for the victims, families, etc.
I feel you do them a disservice by blaming US instead of the real enemy.

Maybe my response is a bit harsh but we need to deal with the real enemy. We don't even use the term "war on terror or enemy combatant" anymore.
Parent - By michael kniolek (***) Date 03-16-2009 21:53
This is a war, its more than a war for territory and wealth.
This war whether we see it our not is a crusade by Islam.
The only power that could truly destroy this movement is God Himself .
The nations can fight them all they want , but they cannot occupy and control their beliefs.
When they are rounded up and killed by troops of a nation, they are happy because they THINK its alas will and they will be rewarded in heaven
They will keep coming more radical than ever.
the only conspiracy going on is the bowing down to people who wants us to die.
Parent - By uphill (***) Date 03-17-2009 09:42
You got tin foil inside your hood for the thought police?? Sorry I always wonder someones motavation when I hear a bad  reason to look away from the truth. At least you could have used some "Lookers" in the fantasy film.  OOGA Bugga
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 03-17-2009 13:42
     That crap in the video was done after the collapse you cilly little goose by a the extraction crew.  You are young, so I will give ya that for what you posted, but you really have no idea what you are talking about.  I apologize for the bluntness, but I speak the truth.  Demo is demo even after a building collapse and one would cut a beam like that to make it fall where he wants it to to get it out if the way just like a tree.  When cutting thick steel with to small of a tip on the torch or by someone that doesn't know what they are doing, you get a sit ton of slag on the topside of the cut.  20yrs old, you still have a lot to learn about working with the steel my friend.  If thermite was used, there would be white sit all over that beam. 
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 03-17-2009 18:00
20 yrs old, or 20 yrs as ironworker? I agree with you though, about having alot to learn!
Parent - By OBrien (***) Date 03-17-2009 19:51
He said he is a 20 YEAR OLD JOURNYMAN.  Being 20 myself I would say I can pass journymen pipe test and what not but not fully refer to myself as a journyman.  So lots of learning left for him.
Parent - By Kix (****) Date 03-17-2009 20:26
Yeah, I guess he did say a 20yr journeyman.  Still, if he thinks the trade towers were brought down with thermite and you can't have what you have on that beam after a cut, he may as well be a 20yr old journeyman. lol
Parent - By hojopens3 (**) Date 03-18-2009 00:44
when did he start to work, 12 ?, iwork with a guy that is 32 says he has 20 years exp. same guy said i need water & explosion proof welding leads. must be a yankee
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 03-17-2009 18:14
The soundtrack sucks.  Creed is the worst band since Nickleback and the Bee Gees. 

I do enjoy conspiracy theories thought but this one is pretty conclusive.  I have one too:  On the morning of 9-11-01 I was at work and we listened to all of the happenings on the radio then at break we took a very long extended one, and watched TV.  But what I remember about that day that I never heard addressed again was the Pennsylvania plane.  The local station broke away for the local news and simulcast NBC radio or some other big outfit.  The news guy talked about all the other planes that crashed and said that they believe that another one was inbound to DC and the Air Force sent F 16s out from Andrews AFB to intercept.  Then they got to talking about the WTC for a while then came back and said that another plane had crashed in BFE Pennsylvania.  Then even later they talked about the "heroes" on board that got into it with the hijackers and then they crashed the plane into the ground.

I always thought and still do that it was shot down.  Its much harder to cover up the WTC and Pentagon attacks than a crash in the middle of nowhere.  I would think that it wouldn't be out of the question for the gov't to do something like that.  A few hundred "sacrifices" for a few thousand others in DC or NY or wherever.  It makes sense at least to me.
Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 03-17-2009 18:31
What info do you have leading you to believe that it was shot down? I would not expect you to believe something just because.
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 03-17-2009 20:37
Read my post again.  The guy on the radio that morning said that F16s from Andrews were intersepting "an inbound plane".  Then they went on to talk about the carnage in NYC and DC to come back later saying that the plane had crashed in Pennsylvania.  I never heard anything else about the F16s.  It wouldn't take them long to intercept from Andrews.  But they went straight into the story about the passengers calling on their cell phones and fighting with the hijackers. 

I could give a sh*t either way but it was one of the more memorable events, to me, of that day.  If the Pentagon and WTC were hit with thousands inside, would it not be out of the question for the gov't to do something like that to protect numerous others.

Or maybe it just crashed.  I don't know.  I just put the interception, the crash and then never hearing about the F16s again, together and got a different scenario than the original story.
Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 03-17-2009 21:32
No I will not read your post again. I read it once and understood it. The reason I ask is you typically seem to have an educated opinion. But in this opinion I only see that you have taken a short remark from a radio broadcast and put a lot of creditability into it.
I have no doubt that planes were dispatched. I have no doubt that a plane crashed in PA. From what I remember the plane was thought to be heading toward the white house. As stated there was a good deal of black box information, cell phone records, and corroboration from the people on the other end of the phones. All of this information has been compiled and it is believed that the passengers caused the plane to crash. It's not that difficult to intercept an airplane that has crashed. Intercept does not mean shoot down.
From my point of view it looks like you have taken one piece of information, between news casts, and came to your own conclusion with very little, if any, evidence.
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 03-17-2009 22:05
I know that's why its a Theory.  I'm not a wack job that will make a full length motion picture about it, but it was just a thought.  But my mistrust of "The Man" makes me think that all the "evidence" can be fabricated.  Hell you never know forty more years this thing might catch on and Oliver Stone will make a movie about it starring Kevin Costner and Joe Pesce.  I can see it know!  Screen play by BryonLewis.  That will be my 15 minutes.
Parent - By hogan (****) Date 03-17-2009 22:25
If only you had the "lewis" film. ( Zapruder )
Parent - By Kix (****) Date 03-17-2009 20:32
Well, I saw what the plane did before crashing from what the black box supposingly said and it did some crazy as manuevers, then ended up in a dive and crashing.  People saw the plane crash and no one said anything about it getting shot down.
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