Open ASME B31.3, read the index page....that will guide you to chapter III, which is about materials.
Read the chapter and prepare your specimens accordingly.
Test the pieces and look at the acceptance criteria table......then decide if your test failed or passed.
Some of what you seek may be in your client specification. We normally do 3 CVN's at 3 different locations on our PQR's, usually at 300, 600 and 900 positions; weld metal, HAZ and unaffected base metal so total of 9 CVN's per coupon (we do PQR's on job materials; pipe rather than plate, which is most common for ASME IX). Your client may require more or less. Important to remember thickness of qualifications for impacts B31.3 allows 1/2 weld metal thickness to thickness +6mm, which is different than ASME IX (normally 2T for max thickness). In all cases, governing code (B31.3) will supercede all and any ASME IX variables so don't rely strictly on ASME IX. Also, temperature of CVN should be specified in your client specification.